Ranker Who Lives Twice - Chapter 506: Scenario Quest (6)

Chapter 506: Scenario Quest (6)

Was it so unexpected? Valdebich stiffened. What

Pay him back by living. Work with me. Help me kill Vieira Dune and break the Tower.

Valdebichs eyes widened not just in confusion but also shock. Are you saying that despite knowingthat Vieira Dune has swallowed Mother Earth?

Of course. I already clashed with her a few times. Yeon-woo scoffed and described how hed led the Walpurgisnacht to ruin and fought the war with the Titans and Giants in Tartarus. He also explained how the Titans and Giants took over Olympus and he succeeded to the Throne of Death.

Valdebichs expression was full of disbelief when he heard Bayluk and Vieira Dune had worked together to control the Elohim and tried to manifest Olympus in the lower world. I did hear you resurrected Arthia and defeated Walpurgisnacht, Elohim, and others, butI didnt know all that happened. He murmured contemplatively. But the Throne of Death? I know Jeong-woo attempted exuviation through the legacy of the dragons, but you chose a completely different methodyou cant even be called human anymore. Wait. Then Valdebich looked at Yeon-woo with a flabbergasted expression. I guess its not that strange that you tried to fight the otherworld gods.

Valdebich was slowly gaining hints of exuviation and transcendence as he uncovered the secrets of the giant race, and it was shocking for him to encounter a mortal who could go toe to toe with transcendents. Mortals and transcendence werent even on the same level, and only after successfully going through exuviation and gaining transcendence could a mortal stand a chance. However, Yeon-woo was doing things out of order.

In fact, the reason Valdebich had run to rescue Yeon-woo was that hed thought an unlucky player had somehow wandered into this place and drawn the attention of the otherworld gods. The otherworld gods usually ate the players right away, or else, they played with the players until they were bored and killed them. Now that he heard what Yeon-woo had been through, it was clear that his rescue had been unnecessary. He didnt know if Yeon-woo could deal with dozens of otherworld gods on his own, but he probably would have been able to stay safe.

Are you talking about this guy? Yeon-woo grinned at Valdebich and spread his right hand open. Emptiness opened over his palm, and Valdebich could see the things trapped within it.

Kroooo! An otherworld god Valdebich was familiar with was screaming in pain, tightly bound with black chains. The beings aura spread out of the emptiness, shaking the cabin. Valdebichs mouth dropped open, and Yeon-woo chuckled. Although Valdebich tried to put up an imposing attitude, he still had some of his naivety left.

I see that it was pointless to rescue you. To think the Breath of a Blind City would be trapped in a place like that Valdebich shook his head. Was there anyone else in the Tower who could capture an otherworld god alive? He didnt think so. Even the Summer Queen, who had lived for thousands of years, probably never imagined it.

When Yeon-woo covered his hand, closing the emptiness, Valdebich looked back at him. If you can properly use what you havekilling Mother Earth might be doable.


But you know you need to get past Allforone first.

Of course. I plan on pulling Allforone down from his position.


I need to become as strong as possible, and Im focusing on strengthening not just my familiars, but also Arthia.

Is that why you want me to become your sword?

Yes. Theres going to be even more trouble waiting for us after defeating Allforone. Valdebich thought of the beings on the higher floors that Allforone was blocking. While it was known that they were split into two main groups, gods and demons, and further divided into many more societies, there were no other details about them. However, one thing was for sure: once the heavenly world opened, the hierarchy would never be the same.

Valdebich knew this because hed been retrieving the legacy of the giant race. Perhaps it was a blessing for the beings of the lower world that the gods and demons had been trapped in the heavenly world.

Thatss quite an ambitious plan. Valdebich realized that to Yeon-woo, Allforone was only an obstacle blocking his destination. However, to some players and races, Allforone was a wall that blocked their fate. In fact, the otherworld gods invaded the hidden stage without getting further because of Allforone. Is that what you mean by breaking the Tower?

I have to take whatevers at the top and break the Tower for my vengeance to end. In the end, Yeon-woos final revenge was the destruction of the Tower. So, Ill say it again. He narrowed his eyes. Return to Arthia, Valdebich. As someone whos inherited the power of the giant race, youll be of great help for my ambitious plans.

I feel more at ease since you want me because Im useful instead of pitiful. Hahaha! Valdebich laughed. The sadness on his face had disappeared, and there was a slight smile on his lips.

Yeon-woo realized Valdebich had already made his decision. He didnt mention that he was searching for his brothers soul by chasing darkness. Dominating the Tower was a clear goal, but he wasnt as sure when it came to his brothers soul. Anything regarding the Black King felt like homework that he had to finish himself.

Thats the best thing Ive heard in a while. I want to follow you immediately, but He smiled bitterly. I cant. Im already a servant of the Crawling Chaos.

* * *

Servant? Something flashed in Yeon-woos mind as soon as he heard the word. The Crawling Chaos had definitely looked like Valdebich when he first met the being. What happened?

I suppose its time to tell you my story. Valdebich smiled grimly and began to speak. Arent you curious why there are otherworld gods in the Tower?

Yeon-woos eyes slightly widened. He had been wondering why they were here, even if this was a hidden stage. Is it related to what you were doing?

A bit. As youve seen already, this is a graveyard of giants. At the same time, its also an Illusory World the Crawling Chaos and other gods have created. Like some holy territory.


The giant race didnt end because of their own greed a long time ago. They were used.

Yeon-woo thought of the things hed been wondering about: the last giant king who didnt quite fit the description of the trial, Valdebichs complaints, the scenario quest. He began to guess that the relationship between the Crawling Chaos and the giants was

Youve already caught on. Youre right. The giant race were slaves of the Crawling Chaos.

Yeon-woo was dumbfounded.

To be exact, they are an unlucky race who were leashed as hunting dogs. The giant race was famous for putting courage and honor first, but there was something more important that they treasured above all else: their family. I dont know how, but the Crawling Chaos took giant children and elders as captives, forcing the warriors to bend to his will. The warriors who had always dominated became victims for the first time. Maybe you can call it karma. He smiled bitterly and continued. The warriors couldnt abandon their families.

They entered the Tower because the Crawling Chaos ordered them to?

Correct. In other words, they were the advance party.

Yeon-woo felt the pieces of the puzzle falling into place. The Crawling Chaos had always planned to enter the Tower, but due to Allforone and the heavenly world, there were limits to what he could do. As a result, he used the giants instead.

The giant race was on equal standing as the transcendents of the heavenly world and was also skilled in battle. What was more, the Tower didnt reject them, so they were perfect for the Crawling Chaos to use.

The plan was for the Crawling Chaos to slowly enter the Tower through the path the giant race opened. Then, he would infect the Tower with his holy power.

Then this hidden stage is a type of outpost?

Yes. Valdebichs face was dark. The warriors had no other choice since their families were hostages. But there was a problem.


Yes. Even the mighty giants could get past him. The warriors were forced to come to a final decision after realizing they might not be able to rescue their families

They fought to see which of them was the strongest here on the sixtieth floor. They thought they could choose a Great Warrior and could give all their power to that giant so he could defeat Allforone. It was a gamble, but there was nothing else they could do. Am I right?

Valdebich nodded and continued. But even that failed, and the Crawling Chaos abandoned the giants once he no longer had any use for them.

Yeon-woo could see what happened without listening further. The giants corpses mixed among the trees and rocks were probably the families of the warriors who had been. The horror on their faces was most likely due to the Crawling Chaos.

[You have succeeded in uncovering the secret of the giant races end.]

[However, there are more secrets you have not yet learned. Collect the additional secrets.]

Yeon-woo moved the messages aside and said, This is what you were searching for.


Then why are you a servant of the Crawling Chaos?

Would you believe me if I told you there are survivors?


I was forced into a contract with the Crawling Chaos to protect them.

At that moment, the door flung open and a little boy with a basket came in. Creak! Mister, Mom says its time for you to eat. I brought food