Putnam's Word Book - Part 83

Part 83

fiddler, n. violinist.

fidelity, n. loyalty, fealty, faithfulness; truth, integrity.

Antonyms: infidelity, faithlessness.

fidgets, n. pl. restlessness; dysphoria.

field, n. meadow, lea; campaign, savanna, croft; scope, range, room, province, domain, region, realm, rowen (stubble field).

fiend, n. demon.

fiendish, a. diabolical, atrocious, infernal.

fierce, a. violent, unrestrained, furious, immoderate, impetuous, vehement, pa.s.sionate, ferocious, fiery, mettlesome. Antonyms: tame, gentle, docile.

fiery, a. igneous; vehement, impetuous, pa.s.sionate, irascible, irritable.

fifteen-sided figure. quindecagon.

fifteenth day of March, May, July, and October. ides.

fig, n. fico, snap, fillip.

fig, n. a.s.sociated Words: caprification, caricous.

fight, n. combat, battle, engagement, struggle, encounter, fray, affray, melee, scrimmage (Colloq.); pugnacity, belligerence. a.s.sociated words: militant, combative, combativeness, bellicose, belligerent, pugnacious.

fight, v. battle, combat, militate, struggle, cope with.

fighter, n. warrior, champion, combatant, vindicator, gladiator, belligerent.

fight shy. avoid, elude.

figment, n. fabrication.

figurative, a. typical, representative, emblematical; metaphorical, tropical.

figure, n. shape, form, outline, _tournure_, conformation, image, effigy, statue, bust, figurehead, likeness; numeral, digit, number; type, emblem, symbol; caryatid; atlantes, telamones; figurine; diagram, drawing; dash, conspicuousness, show.

figure, v. compute, cipher, calculate; contrive, scheme, plan; symbolize, typify, represent.

figure of speech. trope, metaphor.

file, n. line, row; rasp, quannet.

filing, n. limature, limation.

fill, n. thill, shaft.

fill, n. sufficiency, plenty.

fill, v. satisfy, cloy, satiate, sate, glut, stuff; occupy, hold; replenish; expand, dilate, distend, inflate, bloat; pervade.

fill out. extend, inflate, complete, amplify.

film, n. pellicle.

filter, v. strain, clarify, filtrate; percolate, exude, ooze, seep, transude, infiltrate.

filtering, n. filtration; percolation, exudation, transudation, infiltration.

filth, n. squalor, foulness, corruption, Augean stable, muck, dirt.

filthy, a. nasty, dirty, squalid, foul; s.m.u.tty, obscene, indecent, ribald, lewd.

finally, adv. ultimately, eventually, lastly.

find fault. object, disapprove, demur, cavil, except, criticize, carp, repine, complain, grumble.

finding, n. discovery; verdict.

finding out. detection, discovery.

find out. discover, detect, ascertain, solve, unriddle.

fine, n. amercement, mulet, penalty.--v. mulet, amerce.

fine, a. refined, nice, exquisite, excellent, _recherche_, elegant, splendid, admirable, choice, select, attractive, delicate, subtle, minute, capillary, tenuous, thin, subtile, ethereal, attenuated, filmy, flimsy, gossamery, slender; comminuted, bolted, pulverized, impalpable, powdered.

Antonyms: coa.r.s.e, crude, unbolted, stout, cra.s.s, thick.

fine arts. a.s.sociated Words: esthetics, aesthetic, aestheticism, aesthete.

finedrawn, a. subtle.

finery, n. ornaments, decorations, frippery, clothes, gewgaws.

finespun, a. subtle, attenuated.

finesse, n. artifice, stratagem, maneuvering, ruses.

finger, n. digit; medius (middle finger); minimus (Little finger); index (fore or index finger). a.s.sociated Words: digital, digitation, interdigital.

finger, v. touch, handle; thrum, strum.

finger bone. phalanx, internode; pl. phalanges.

finger-shaped, a. digitiform.

finical, a. over-particular, fastidious.