Putnam's Word Book - Part 214

Part 214

solvent, n. menstruum, dissolvent, resolvent.

somersault, n. somerset.

sometimes, adv. at intervals, now and then, occasionally.

son, n. a.s.sociated Words: filial, filiation, unfilial, filicide, mulier, mulierty.

song, n. hymn, chant, lay, ditty, ballad, onody, chansonnette, lyric, lilt, lied, paean, cantata, aria, sonnet, strain, round, rhapsody, dirge, chanson.

songcraft, n. versification, poesy, poetry.

song of Solomon. canticle.

song of triumph. paean.

sonorous, a. resonant, resounding; high-sounding, stentorian, vibrant.

sonship, n. filiation.

soot, n. crock, s.m.u.t.

soothe, v. compose, tranquilize, pacify, a.s.suage, mollify, calm.

soothing, a. bland, emollient, demulcent, gratifying, quieting, sedative.

soothsayer, n. seer, prophet, diviner, haruspice, foreteller.

soothsaying, n. prophecy, augury, divination, prediction, prognostication.

sooty, a. fuliginous, soot-covered.

sophism, n. fallacy, paralogy, fallacious reasoning.

sophistical, a. fallacious, unsound.

sophistry, n. fallacy, paralogy, paralogism.

soph.o.m.oric, a. inflated, bombastic, pretentious.

soprano, n. descant, treble.

sorcerer, n. conjurer, necromancer, magician, enchanter, juggler, wizard.

sorcery, n. necromancy, magic, enchantment, witchcraft, black art.

sordid, a. low, degraded, abject, base.

sore, a. ulcerated, cankered, ulcerous, raw, inflamed, irritated; distressing, grievous, severe; grieved, pained, hurt, sensitive.

sore, n. ulcer, ulceration, imposthume, pustule, boil, abscess, canker, fester, blain, gathering; (venereal sore) chancre, chancroid.

a.s.sociated Words: antiseptic, slough, proud flesh, poultice, salve, ointment, pledget, spleget.

sore, adv. grievously, sorely, severely, greatly.

sorrow, n. grief, regret, remorse, misery, heaviness, rue, unhappiness, contrition, dolor, agony, distress, compunction, bereavement.

sorrow, v. grieve, mourn, regret, deplore, bewail, lament.

sorrowful, a. See sad.

sorry, a. melancholy, mournful, dismal, depressing, sad; abject, despicable, miserable, mean, paltry, contemptible, pitiful; contrite, penitent, chagrined, pained.

sort, n. kind, species, character, description, strain, cla.s.s.

sort, v. a.s.sort, cla.s.sify; conjoin; choose, select, cull; consort, a.s.sociate, fraternize; harmonize, agree, accord, conform.

so-so, a. middling, pa.s.sable, tolerable, mediocre, ordinary, average.

sot, n. toper, drunkard, bibber.

soul, n. spirit, Psyche. a.s.sociated Words: psychology, psychic, psychological, psychomachy, transmigration, metempsychosis, psychogenesis, psychopannychism, theodicy, monopsychism.

sound, a. whole, intact, perfect, flawless, unimpaired; healthy; logical; severe, hard, heavy; sane, rational; profound, undisturbed, unbroken; valid, legal, lawful: seaworthy; sensible, irrefutable, convincing.

sound, n. strait, narrows, channel.

sound, v. fathom, gauge; examine, try, test, probe, explore; proclaim, publish, herald; resound.

sound, n. noise, report. a.s.sociated Words: acoustic, acoustics, acoustician, catacoustics, cataphonics, phonetic, phonetics, polycoustic, phonetism, phonology, polycoustics, diacoustics, diaphonics, phonic, soniferous, sonification, megaphone, sonorescence, diacritical, harmonics, phonation, polyphone, polyphonic, polyphonist, polyphony, monophonic, monophthong, h.o.m.ophone, h.o.m.ophonic, h.o.m.ophony, modulate, modulation.

sounding, n. bathymetry; examination; proclamation; resonance, reverberation.

sounding, a. sonorous, resonant, sonant.

soundless, a. unfathomable, abysmal; silent, noiseless, aphonic, surd.

sound-producing, a. sonorific.

soup, n. broth, bouillon, consomme, pottage, puree, bisk, bisque, julienne.

soup dish. tureen.

sour, a. acid, tart, acetose, acerbitous, acrid; rancid, musty; curdled, loppered; imbittered, morose, misanthropic, unamiable, dour, cynical, surly, grum, austere, crabbed, cross.

sour, v. curdle, acidify, lopper, spoil, acidulate; imbitter, embitter.

source, n. origin, spring, fountain, rise.

sourness, n. acidity, tartness, acerbity, sharpness; rancidity, mustiness; asperity, acrimony, moroseness, cynicism, crossness.