Putnam's Word Book - Part 212

Part 212

smirk, n. simper, sneer.

smite, v. strike, buffet; blast, destroy; afflict, chasten, visit.

smithereens, n. pl. (Colloq.) atoms, fragments, smithers, splinters.

smitten, p.p. of smite. stricken; blasted; afflicted, chastened; enamored, fascinated, infatuated, captivated.

smock, n. shift, chemise, shirt, blouse.

smockfaced, a. smoothfaced, girlish, beardless.

smoke, n. fume, reek, effluvium; smudge (dense smoke). a.s.sociated words: capnomancy, flue, chimney, soot, tewel.

smoke, v. reek; fume; infumate; fumigate; suffumigate; smolder.

smoking, n. smoldering; fuming; fumigation; infumation suffumigation.

smoky, a. fumid, fumy, sooty, reeky, fumacious, fuliginous.

smooch, n. s.m.u.tch, stain, smudge.

smooth, v. level, plane, sleek, flatten, planish, levigate; facilitate, pave.

smooth, a. even, plain, flat, level, abraded, levigated, slippery, sleek, glary; unruffled, placid; voluble, fluent; suave, oily, bland, insinuating, flattering, smooth-tongued. Antonyms: rough, abrupt.

smoothfaced, a. beardless, smockfaced.

smoothness, n. evenness, levelness, sleekness; volubility, fluency; suavity.

smooth over. palliate, gloze, extenuate, mitigate.

smooth-spoken, a. smooth-tongued, adulatory, plausible, glib.

Antonyms: brusque, abrupt.

smother, v. suffocate, stifle; extinguish, repress, suppress; smolder.

smuggler, n. contrabandist.

s.m.u.t, n. scot, dirt, s.m.u.tch; mildew, blight; obscenity, lewdness, ribaldry.

s.m.u.t, v. stain, blacken, sully, tarnish; crock.

s.m.u.tty, a. obscene, lewd, ribald, indecent, gross.

snail, n. sluggard, drone; slug.

snake, n. serpent, reptile. See serpent.

snakestone, n. madstone; ammonite.

snaky, a. serpentine, winding; insinuating, subtle, deceitful.

snap, n. spell, period, season, interval; catch, clasp; fillip, crack, smack, fico; (Collog.) energy, briskness, vigor; (Slang) sinecure.

snappish, a. captious, irascible, testy, petulant, splenetic, cross.

snare, n. catch, wile, trap, gin, lure, decoy, trapan, toils.

snarl, v. entangle, complicate, involve, knot; confuse, enmesh, insnare; growl, gnarl. Antonyms: disentangle, unravel, extricate.

snarl, n. complication, entanglement, intricacy, knot; confusion; growl.

snarler, n. growler, grumbler, fault-finder, cynic.

s.n.a.t.c.h, v. seize, grasp, gripe, wrest, pluck, grab, twitch.

sneak, v. skulk, slink, lurk, snoop.

sneaking, a. lurking, skulking, slavish, underhand, covert, stealthy.

sneer, v. mock, gibe, scoff, flout, jeer, deride, ridicule, scout.

sneer, n. gibe, scoff, jeer, gird, derision.

sneezing, n. sternutation. a.s.sociated Words: sternutative, sternutatory.

snicker, n. giggle, t.i.tter, sn.i.g.g.e.r.

snide, a. (Slang) tricky, deceptive, dishonest, fraudulent.

sniff, v. snuff; scent, smell.--n. snuff, breath.

snivel, n. mucus, snot.

sn.o.b, n. upstart, pretender, parvenu; rat, k.n.o.bstick.

sn.o.bbish, a. pretentious, a.s.suming, overbearing, uppish.

snoring, n. a.s.sociated Word: stertorous.

snot, n. snivel, mucus (from the nose).

snotty, a. snively, mean, despicable.

snout, n. nose (of a beast), muzzle, proboscis; nozzle.

snow, n. a.s.sociated Words: pluviography, flurry, sleet, spoondrift, drift, flake, igloo, slush, avalanche, hyetology, meteorology, blizzard.