Putnam's Word Book - Part 210

Part 210

slag, n. scoria, cinders, recrement, dross, refuse.

slake, v. quench; slack; abate, decrease, allay.

slam-bang, adv. (Collog.) violently, forcibly, noisily, loudly.

slander, v. malign, defame, traduce, asperse, vilify, calumniate, backbite, scandalize, libel.

slander, n. defamation, calumny, aspersion, libel, vilification, scandal, abuse, traducement, backbiting, roorback, vituperation.

slanderous, a. defamatory, malicious, vituperative, calumnious, libellous.

slant, n. slope, incline, inclination, obliquity.--v. slope, incline.

slanting, a. sloping, oblique, slant.--n. obliquity, inclination, tilt.

slap, n. cuff, buffet.--v. box, cuff, buffet.

slap, adv. (Colloq.) suddenly, violently, unceremoniously, instantly.

slap-dash, adv. (Colloq.) carelessly, at random, all at once.

slash, n. incision, gash, cut, slit.

slate, n. argillite, argillaceous schist; grapholite.--v.

enroll, register.

slated, a. registered, enrolled (for an appointment).

slattern, n. draggle-tail, drab, trollop, niopsy, malkin, drabble-tail.

slatternly, a. slattern, untidy, draggle-tailed.

slaughter, n. butchery. See killing.

slaughter-house, n. abattoir, shambles.

slave, n. va.s.sal, bond servant, bondslave, bondman, thrall, serf, captive, helot; drudge. a.s.sociated Words: abolitionism, abolitionist, blackbird, maroon.

slave, v. drudge, toil, moil.

slavery, n. bondage, enslavement, servitude, inthrallment, captivity, bond service, va.s.salage, thralldom, subjection, helotism; drudgery.

slave warehouse. barrac.o.o.n.

slavish, a. servile, menial, abject, groveling.

sleazy, a. flimsy, thin, gauzy.

sled, n. sleigh, sledge, toboggan.

sleek, a. smooth, glossy.

sleek, adv. (Low) easily, dexterously.

sleep, v. slumber, repose; doze, drowse; lie dormant; hibernate; lodge.

sleep, n. slumber, repose; nap, doze, drowse, snooze, dozing; siesta; dormancy, lethargy; trance; sopor, coma, carus; somnipathy, somnolism; dogsleep. a.s.sociated Words: hypnology, hypnotic, agrypnotic, hypnosis, hypnotism, narcotic, opiate, dwale, somniloquence, somniloquism, somnial, somniferous, hypnophobia, hypnogogic, stupefacient, mesmeric, soporific, dormitive, soporiferous, soporous, somnific, somnolent, somniloquous, antihypnotic, morphean, oversleep, morphine, narcosis, lullaby, incubation, hypnogenic, Mara, Morpheus, Hypnos, Somnus, dormitory, diurnation, cubicle, insomniac, hibernation, somnipathist, somniloquist, agrypnia, wake, awaken.

sleeper, n. slumberer; drone, sluggard; tie; joist.

sleepiness, n. drowsiness, somnolence.

sleeping, a. asleep, slumbering, dormant.

sleepless, a. wakeful, insomnious, insomnolent.

sleeplessness, n. wakefulness, insomnia, insomnolence.

sleep of plants. nyct.i.tropism. a.s.sociated Word: nyct.i.tropic.

sleepwalker, n. somnambulist, noctambulist, somnambulator, somnambule.

sleepwalking, n. somnambulism, somnambulation, somnambulance, noctambulism, noctambulation. a.s.sociated Words: somnambulate, somnambulistic, somnambular, somnambulic.

sleepy, a. drowsy, somnolent, dozy; soporiferous, somniferous, soporific, dormitive, narcotic, somnific, hypnotic; dormant, sluggish, lethargic, torpid, dull.

sleeve, n. a.s.sociated Word: chevron.

sleigh, n. cutter, sled, sledge, bobsled, toboggan, jumper, pung.

sleight of hand. prestidigitation, jugglery, legerdemain, magic, conjury. a.s.sociated Words: prestidigitator, juggler, conjurer, magician, legerdemamist.

slender, a. slim, slight, thin, spare, lank, spindling; delicate, feeble, fragile, frail, tenuous; trivial, inconsiderable; abstemious, frugal, spare, plain.

slice, n. chop, collop; rasher, flitch.

slick, a. sleek, sleeky, smooth.

slide, n. slip; flume, shoot, chute.

slide, v. slip, glide, lapse, elapse, skid.

slight, a. inconsiderable, trivial, insignificant, trifling, petty, paltry; desultory, cursory, superficial, indifferent.

slight, n. neglect, inattention, disregard, snub.

slight, v. overlook, neglect, disregard, ignore.