Putnam's Word Book - Part 195

Part 195

sack, n. bag, pouch; pillage, plunder, rapine, havoc, devastation, spoliation.

sack, v. devastate, plunder, pillage, ravage, despoil, loot, rapine, strip.

sacred, a. consecrated, hallowed; venerable, sainted, religious; inviolable.

sacredness, n. sanct.i.ty, holiness; inviolability, inviolableness.

sacrifice, n. oblation, immolation; surrender, loss, giving up; holocaust; hecatomb.

sacrifice, v. offer, immolate; surrender, give up, forego.

sacrilege, n. desecration, profanation, violation.

sacrilegious, a. impious, profane, irreverent.

sad, a. sorrowful, pathetic, plaintive, doleful, piteous, lugubrious, rueful, mournful, dismal, funereal, gloomy, melancholy, disconsolate, dejected, touching; calamitous, deplorable, grievous, dire, afflictive, wretched, saturnine, grave, sober; dull, sombre, subdued; (Colloq.) bad, naughty, troublesome, mischievous, vexatious.

sadden, v. depress, dishearten; tone down, subdue.

saddle, n. a.s.sociated Words: pommel, cantle, girth, pillion, stirrup, saddle-tree, croup, crutch, chapelet, tilpah, tapadero, housing, latigo, pique, panel, sinch, saddle-bow, selliform, holster, mochila.

sadness, n. melancholy, pathos, sorrow, gravity, soberness, seriousness.

safe, a. unharmed, intact, unscathed, immune; trustworthy, reliable, sure, secure, invulnerable, impregnable. Antonyms: unsafe, endangered, insecure.

safe-conduct, n. convoy, guard, escort; pa.s.s, pa.s.sport.

safeguard, n. defense, security, palladium, protection, convoy, guard; pa.s.sport.

safeguard, v. guard, defend, protect, shield.

safekeeping, n. guardianship, care, custody, charge, preservation.

safety, n. security, custody; immunity, exemption.

sagacious, a. intelligent, knowing, shrewd, discerning.

sagacity, n. intelligence, shrewdness, cleverness, ingenuity, wisdom.

sail, v. navigate, cruise, embark.--n. sailing, cruise, embarkation.

sailable, a. navigable.

sailcloth, n. canvas, duck, tarpaulin, raven's-duck.

sailing, n. navigation; circ.u.mnavigation (sailing round); orthodromics, orthodromy.

sailor, n. mariner, navigator, seaman, seafarer, tarpaulin, tar, salt, Jacky.

sailor's song. chantey.

sailor's wages. portage.

saint, n. a.s.sociated Words: canonize, canonization, hagiology, hagiologist, hagiolatry, hagiolater, hagiography, Hagiographa, dulia, legend, diptych, feretory, philatory, relic, apse, reliquary, shrine, saintism, sainthood, saintship, hagiographer, hierotheca.

sainted, a. holy, pious, saintly, consecrated; canonized.

Saint Vitus's dance. ch.o.r.ea. a.s.sociated Word: ch.o.r.eic.

salable, a. vendible, marketable. Antonyms: unsalable, unmarketable.

salacious, a. lascivious, lecherous, concupiscent. See l.u.s.tful.

salad, n. a.s.sociated Word: acetarious.

sale, n. vendition, market; auction; handsel.

salient, a. prominent, conspicuous, noticeable, striking.

saliva, n. spittle, sputum, spit. a.s.sociated Words: salivate, salivation, insalivate, insalivation, salivant, salivary, ptyalism, salival, salivous, expectorant, drool, drivel, ptyalogogue, sialogogue, ptysmagogue.

sally, n. spring, leap; sortie; witticism, jest, frolic, escapade.

saloon, n. grogshop, barroom, groggery, dramshop.

sal soda. carbonate of soda.

salt, n. chloride of sodium.

salt, n. seasoning, flavor, savor, taste; piquancy, wit, sense, humor; old sailor.

saltness, n. salinity, salineness, saltiness.

salt of wisdom. alembroth.

saltpetre, n. pota.s.sium nitrate, nitre, nitrate of potash.

salt spring. saline.

salt works. salina.

salty, a. saline, brackish, saltish, salt, briny, saliferous.

salute, v. address, greet, hail, welcome, accost.--n.


salvation, n. redemption. a.s.sociated Word: soteriology.