Putnam's Word Book - Part 17

Part 17

bear out. sustain, support, corroborate, confirm, uphold.

beast, n. brute; quadruped; monster, brute.

beastly, a. b.e.s.t.i.a.l, irrational, brutal; (Colloq.) abominable, disagreeable, nasty.

beat, v. forge, malleate, beetle, weld, hammer; belabor, maul, buffet, smite, flagellate, whack, pelt, strike; See whip; overcome, vanquish, surpa.s.s, conquer, eclipse, subdue, checkmate, rout, excel, outdo; cheat, swindle, defraud; throb, pulsate; pulverize, comminute, bruise, bray, triturate; perplex, pose, nonplus.

beat, n. throb, pulsation; round; superior.

beat, a. (Colloq.) exhausted, weary, fatigued, beaten.

beat back. repel, repulse, resist.

beaten, a. conquered, defeated, vanquished.

beating, n. flagellation, drubbing, flogging, fustigation, castigation, thumping, mauling, verberation, pommeling; pulsation, throb, throbbing, saltation; defeat, repulse; malleation, forging, welding.

beating, a. pulsating, throbbing, pulsatile.

beau, n. lover, sweetheart, gallant, swain, flame, cicisbeo, admirer, suitor, inamorato; dandy, popinjay, dude, fop, c.o.xcomb, exquisite, blade.

beautiful, a. fair, lovely, handsome, comely, personable, beauteous, elegant, exquisite. Antonyms: homely, ugly, repulsive, unlovely, hideous, uncomely, inelegant.

beautify, v. embellish, adorn, grace, garnish.

beauty, n. loveliness, fairness, elegance, comeliness, pulchritude, grace, exquisiteness, charm, attraction. a.s.sociated Words: aesthetics, aesthetician, aestheticism, aesthete, aesthetic, esthetology, Apollo, Adonis, Venus, Hebe, Hyperion, Houri, Aphrodite.

becloud, v. dim, cloud, obscure, adumbrate, obfuscate.

becoming, a. appropriate, fit, seemly, befitting, comely. Antonyms: See unbecoming.

bed, n. berth, bunk, couch, cot; pallet, pailla.s.se, mattress; cradle, trundle-bed; deposit, seam, vein, stratum. a.s.sociated Words: dec.u.mbiture, lectual, clinic, clinical, valance, alcove.

bedbug, n. chinch.

bedclothes, n. pl. a.s.sociated Words: floccillation, carphology, tilmus.

bedim, v. obscure, becloud, adumbrate, overcast.

bedlam, n. madhouse, insane asylum; babel, pandemonium.

bedroom, n. chamber.

bedsore, n. decubitus.

bedspread, n. counterpane, coverlet.

bed-wetting, n. enuresis.

beehive, n. beehouse, apiary, alveary.

bees, n. pl. a.s.sociated Words: apiology, apiculture, apiologist, apian, apiarian, apiarist, apivorous, hive, swarm, cerago, beebread.

beetle, n. mallet (heavy); scarabee, clock, coleopter, scarab.

a.s.sociated Words:: coleopterist, coleopteral.

beetle, v. overhang, jut out, protrude, project.

befall, v. happen, supervene, betide, bechance.

befitting, a. suitable, proper, becoming, appropriate, seemly, meet, applicable, congruous.

before, prep. preceding, ahead of, anterior to, previously to, prior.

before death. ante-mortem.

before the flood. antediluvian, antediluvial.

before the war. ante-bellum.

befuddle, v. confuse, mystify, bewilder.

beg, v. beseech, supplicate, implore; ask alms.

beget, v. procreate, engender, generate, get.

begetter, n. procreator, generator, father.

beggar, n. mendicant, starveling, fakir, vagrant, eleemosynary, prog, tramp, bezonian, mumper, schnorrer (Jewish).

beggar, v. impoverish, ruin; exhaust, surpa.s.s, go beyond.

beggarly, a. indigent, dest.i.tute; despicable, pitiable, paltry.

beggary, n. mendicancy, indigence, penury, want, pauperism.

begging letter or drawing. screeve.

begin, v. commence; arise, spring, originate.

begin again. resume, recommence.

beginner, n. tyro, novice, neophyte, learner, apprentice, understudy, novitiate, probationer, catechumen, recruit.

beginning, n. commencement, inception, opening, outset, initiation, indication, incipience, nascency, incipiency, threshold, tyronism, novitiate; origin, source.

beginning again. resumption, recommencement.