Putnam's Word Book - Part 153

Part 153

notorious, a. talked of, evident, obvious, noted, famous (usually unfavorable).

notwithstanding, conj. despite, nevertheless, however.

noun, n. substantive.

nourish, v. feed, nurture; support; encourage, foster, cherish, promote.

nourishing, a. nutritious.

nourishment, n. nutrition; food, nutriment.

novel, a. new, recent, fresh, unusual, rare, unique, innovative.

novel, n. fiction, romance, story, tale.

novelty, n. newness; change, curiosity, innovation.

novice, n. tyro; probationer, proselyte, convert, novitiate

novitiate, n. apprenticeship; probation, tyronism, noviceship.

now, adv. instantly, immediately, at once, instanter.

now and then. occasionally, at intervals, infrequently, intermittently, sometimes, periodically, once in a while.

noxious, a. injurious, baneful, unwholesome, noisome.

nub, n. (Colloq.) k.n.o.b, jag, protuberance, snag, excrescence.

nucleus, n. kernel, core, heart, center.

nude, a. See naked.

nudge, v. poke (with the elbow).

nugatory, a. futile, ineffectual, unavailing. See vain.

nuisance, n. plague, pest, bane, infliction, bore, offense.

null, a. invalid, nugatory.

nullification, n. invalidation, abrogation, cancellation, repeal.

nullify, v. invalidate, abrogate, cancel, repeal, countermand.

numb, a. deadened, unfeeling, insensible, benumbed.

numb, v. benumb, deaden.

number, v. enumerate; figure up, count, numerate.

number, n. numeral, figure, digit, integer; collection, mult.i.tude.

numbers, n. poetry, music, verse, song.

numbers, n. pl. a.s.sociated Words: numeral, numeric, notation, coefficient, numerary.

numbness, n. insensibility.

numerous, a. many, plentiful, mult.i.tudinous.

numskull, n. (Colloq.) dolt, dullard, dunce, lackwit, simpleton.

See fool.

nunnery, n. convent, cloister, mynchery (ruins).

nuptial, a. hymeneal, bridal.

nuptials, n. pl. wedding, marriage, espousals.

nurse, v. suckle; nourish, cherish, foster, succor, foment, encourage; attend, tend; bring up, raise, nurture, rear.

nursery, n. creche (public nursery).

nursling, n. and a. suckling.

nurture, n. care, training; food, nourishment.

nurture, v. feed, nourish, nurse; educate, train, school.

nut-bearing, a. nuciferous.

nutriment, n. nourishment, food, aliment.

nutrition, n. nourishment, feeding; nutriment, food; eutrophy, (healthy nutrition); malnutrition, denutrition, innutrition, dystrophy (defective nutrition). a.s.sociated Words: threpsology, trophology, trophic.

nutritious, a. nourishing, nutritive. Antonym: innutritious.

nuts, n. pl. mast.

nut-shaped, a. nuciform.

nymph, n. dryad, sylph, Undine, nereid, hydriad, oread, houri, Daphne.