Putnam's Word Book - Part 132

Part 132

liveliness, n. animation, vivacity, sprightliness, briskness, activity, lilt.

live longer than. survive, outlive.

lively, a. animated, spirited, vivacious, vigorous, active, brisk, energetic, stirring, sprightly; agile, nimble; hilarious frolicsome, gay, buoyant. Antonyms: slow, sluggish, inactive, quiet.

liver, n. a.s.sociated Words: hepatic, hepatology, hepatize, hepatization, cirrhosis, cirrhotic, giblets, bilious, viscera, hepatogenic, bile.

liver, heart, etc., of an animal. inmeats (edible viscera).

livid, a. ecchymosed, bruised, black and blue.

living, a. alive, quick, live; quickening, animating.

living, n. life, existence, being; livelihood, sustenance, subsistence, maintenance; benefice.

living again. redivivus, resurrected, revived, resurgent.

living in seclusion. eremitism, anch.o.r.etism, reclusion, seclusion, retirement.--a. hermitical, eremitic, anch.o.r.etic, solitary.

living picture. _tableau vivant_.

living together. cohabitation.

living upon others. parasitic.--n. parasitism.

lizard, n. saurian, reptile; chameleon, gecko, gila monster, iguana, dragon.

load, v. enc.u.mber, lade, burden, freight.

load, n. burden, cargo, lading, enc.u.mbrance, weight, impediment, incubus.

loaded, p.p. and a. laden, freighted, fraught.

loaf, v. lounge about, loiter.

loathe, v. abhor, hate, detest, abominate, despise, execrate, recoil from.

loathing, n. abhorrence, detestation, abomination, execration, hatred.

location, n. situation, locality, place.

lock, n. ringlet, curl, tress.

lock-jaw, n. teta.n.u.s. a.s.sociated Words: tetanic, tetanoid.

lofty, a. tall, towering.

log, n. puncheon (split log).

logical, a. consistent, sound. Antonym: illogical.

loins, n. pl. reins.

loiter, v. saunter, linger.

loitering, a. sauntering, dilatory.

Londoner, n. c.o.c.kney (Contemptuous).

lone, a. alone, lonely, isolated, desolate; unfrequented, solitary, sequestered, secluded, lonesome.

lonely, a. sequestered, solitary, unfrequented; lonesome, desolate, dreary, lorn.

long, a. protracted, prolonged, lengthy, extended; lingering; extensive, inclusive; tedious, prolix, wordy, long-spun diffuse.

long, v. yearn for, hanker after, crave.

longer than broad. oblong.

long-handed, a. longimanous.

long-headed, a. shrewd, sagacious. See shrewd.

longing, n. yearning, craving.

long life. longevity.

longsh.o.r.eman, n. stevedore.

long-suffering, a. forbearing, uncomplaining, patient.--n.

forbearance, patience, longanimity.

look, v. glance, gaze, stare, see, con, gloat, glare, peek, peer, pry, peep, pore, lower, glower, scan, ogle; seem, appear; await, expect, antic.i.p.ate; examine, investigate, inspect, contemplate, scrutinize.

look, n. glance, glimpse, inspection, scrutiny, gaze; expression, appearance, air, manner, mien, semblance, aspect, presence.

look down upon. See despise.

looking backward. retrospection, retrospect.--a. retrospective.

looking for. antic.i.p.ation, expectation; search.

looking forward. antic.i.p.ation, expectation, prospect, foresight.

looking forward. prospective, antic.i.p.ative.

looking-gla.s.s, n. mirror; cheval gla.s.s.

looking within. introspection.--a. introspective.