Practical Exercises in English - Part 8

Part 8

12. You could see any ---- of cabs standing in front of the theatre.

13. A great ---- of books and papers covered the table.

14. Gulliver asked the king of Lilliput for a large ---- of iron bars and a considerable ---- of rope.

15. What ---- of paper is needed for one issue of _Harper's Weekly_?

16. Such a (an) ---- of sheep as we saw to-day!

17. There is a large ---- of silver bullion in the Treasury waiting to be coined.


18. Every whisper in the court-room was hushed as Mr. N. rose before the jury and began his--in behalf of the prisoner.

19. The ---- of Smith, when arraigned before the court, was that he had acted in self-defence.

20. The only ---- available with an east wind is to put on your overcoat.


21. The ---- of the hour is spent in the study of some poem.

22. I have a ---- at my banker's.

23. The ---- of the boys went home.

24. For the ---- of the week we stayed at home.

25. The account shows a ---- of $12.46.

26. Give John and Horace four of the six apples; you may have the ----.

27. Give the ---- of our dinner to Tommy, our cat.


28. There is a crack running down the ---- of the wall.

29. A table stood in the ---- of the room.

30. A path runs through the ---- of the park.

31. In the ---- of the garden was a fountain.

32. He parts his hair in the ----.

33. The arrow struck the ---- of the target.


34. This man has an excellent ---- for honesty.

35. Every one admires the ---- of Washington.

36. Mr. Arnold won great ---- as a critic.

37. Oh, I have lost my ----.

38. The outlaws of Yorkshire were men of loose ----.

39. A distinguished general may lose his ---- through a single blunder.

40. ---- is an idle and most false imposition; oft got without merit, and lost without deserving.


41. Present my ----s to your father.

42. The ship has its ---- of stores.

43. The ---- of an angle is the difference between the angle and a right angle.

44. "True friendship loathes such oily ----."

45. In the sentence, "He is ill," "ill" is the ---- of the verb "is."

46. "This barren verbiage, current among men, Light coin, the tinsel clink of ----."


47. The ---- of the purity of his motives consoled him for his unpopularity.

48. My ---- hath a thousand several tongues.

49. I felt a shock, I saw the car topple over, and then I lost ----.


50. "No man will take ----, but every man will take money; therefore money is better than ----."--_Swift._ 51. The members of the cabinet form a sort of secret ---- of the President.

52. Webster was one of the ---- in the trial of the Knapps for the murder of Captain White.


53. De Quincey acquired the ---- of using opium from first using it to relieve neuralgic pains.

54. Dancing round a May-pole is a ---- many hundreds of years old.

55. As his ---- was, he went to the synagogue on the Sabbath.

56. Man is a bundle of ----s.

57. Those national ----s are best which lead to good ----s among the people.

58. A loose life brings a man into ----s of dissipation.

59. It was the ---- of Scotch Highlanders to go bareheaded.

60. It is a good ---- to rise early, because this will soon become a ----.


61. He was guilty of a long course of ----.

62. Her character would be charming if it were not for her ----.

63. He won my confidence by base ----.

64. Deceivers seldom profit by their ----.

65. ---- Is of the very nature and essence of sin.


66. He is an ----, for he is always talking about himself.

67. ----s are the pest of society; they are always obtruding their ailments on others.


68. The increase in Chinese ---- is a matter for serious consideration by the United States Senate.

69. The Chinese government encourages ---- to America.

70. ---- is one cause of the rapid growth of our population.

71. The ---- of the French n.o.bility at the time of the French Revolution was a political blunder.


72. The ---- of the cost of the civil war startles the student of history.

73. Burke drew such a vivid picture of the ---- of the Nabob of Arcot's crimes that ladies in the audience fainted.

74. Visitors do not at first realize the ---- of St. Peter's, at Rome.


75. In what ---- is he held by his townsmen?

76. In my ---- she is the best of women.

77. We can form an ---- of the amount of water in the air.


78. We have already seen the ---- of that hypothesis.

79. Arnold was despised for his ----.

80. Piety is opposed to hypocrisy and ----.

81. The prince is in danger of betrayal through the ---- of his servant.

82. The ---- of this reasoning is evident.