Poems of James Russell Lowell - Part 65

Part 65

Dunno, _dno_, _do not_, or _does not know_.

Dut, _dirt_.


Eend, _end_.

Ef, _if_.

Emptins, _yeast_.

Env'y, _envoy_.

Everlasting, an intensive, without reference to duration.

Ev'y, _every_.

Ez, _as_.


Fence, On the, said of one who halts between two opinions; a trimmer.

Fer, _for_.

Ferfle, ferful, _fearful_; also an intensive.

Fin', _find_.

Fish-skin, used in New England to clarify coffee.

Fix, _a difficulty_, _a nonplus_.

Foller, folly, _to follow_.

Forrerd, _forward_.

Frum, _from_.

Fur, far.

Furder, _farther_.

Furrer, _furrow_. Metaphorically, _to draw a straight furrow_ is to live uprightly or decorously.

Fust, _first_.


Gin, _gave_.

Git, _get_.

Gret, _great_.

Grit, _spirit_, _energy_, _pluck_.

Grout, _to sulk_.

Grouty, _crabbed_, _surly_.

Gum, _to impose on_.

Gump, _a foolish fellow_, _a dullard_.

Gut, _got_.


Hed, _had_.

Heern, _heard_.

h.e.l.lum, _helm_.

Hendy, _handy_.

Het, _heated_.

Hev, _have_.

Hez, _has_.

Holl, _whole_.

Holt, _hold_.

Huf, _hoof_.

Hull, _whole_.

Hum, _home_.

Humbug, _General Taylor's antislavery_.