PLAY WITH MY BODY - 4 Whatsapp Group

4 Whatsapp Group

"Hey beautie" Joh hits on Millie's PM

"????, I'm shy already" tell me senior" Millie responds

"Stop calling me senior, i will be straight to you, I like you i wonder if I'm too late, or what Linda just said was true? I may like you but you like Nate, please be honest with me, Am i too late Millie?

When millie received that message she was smiling with tears, she had nothing to say at that time, she wanted to tell Linda at the moment , am i dreaming? the man whom i loved is finally proposing to me? No what if others will still him from, he is every girl's dream man, they don't care if he will marry them,everyone wishes to play with his chest, he is so cubby, ooh his eyes and his long face, OMG i love his thick eyebrows, what should i say to him? Is it yes or no?

"Millie i know i will be hurted if you say no to me, my happiness is to have you in my life, i told Linda about my feelings toward you since last year,she was afraid i will hurt you, if you gonna say no, its okay babe I'm ready for your answer" he sent it to her

"Joh I'm so happy to hear that, if i say no to you, i will hurt myself more, i like too,

Linda typed "i have something to tell you Dav can i call you?"

"Sure Darling" Dav respond

"I think i have to sleep, everyone seems busy or maybe i should read comics, its boring as h.e.l.l," Nate thought of that in his mind, he opened mangatoon the he started reading _Pharaoh's concubine_ after few chapters his coins become insufficient , he decided to join translators workbench , he started translating Chu, please love me, after one episode people were chatting in chu please love me group,he joined the talk, he met a Charmy girl they exchanged the number, luckly they are in same city but different school
