Play Doctor: Dream Machine - Part 17

Part 17

His fascination overpowered reason. He'd set the course and they'd see it through.

In order to take her to the next level, he'd have to bank on every bit of progress they'd achieved to date while making her as comfortable as possible. Not give her cause to throw hurdles between them. Therefore, he resolved to postpone any discussion of his plans for their personal partnership until the study concluded.

They would conduct the initial phase of today's session from this private room where she could relax. The detail and inventiveness of her fantasies playing before his eyes inspired him to drive her higher and push her boundaries further.

The need to fetch her from the shower and plow his aching c.o.c.k into her drenched p.u.s.s.y caused him to grit his teeth until his head ached. He distracted himself by preparing his notebook then finishing the doc.u.mentation of her REM stages. He hoped the normalcy in a.n.a.lyzing work-related information would bring him back to his senses.

It didn't.

When Rebecca emerged from the steamy bathroom, the fierce concentration etched on Kurt's face discouraged her. How could he be so involved in the trial when her entire body screamed at her to forget the experiment and crawl into his lap?

Then again, for all his declarations of wanting her last night, he hadn't f.u.c.ked her outside of the experience in the laboratory.

Although the lack of action wasn't very surprising considering the intensity of the they'd shared, his obvious arousal had throbbed against her belly as she'd drifted off in his arms. She'd been eager to ease his hunger but he'd pressed her hands away. He'd captured her wrists in his unyielding grip before encouraging her to sleep while he brooded, drilling holes in the ceiling with his troubled stare.

Did he regret the things he'd said to her?

Desire coursed through her entire body, making her brazen. Dropping the towel as she approached, she waited for him to direct her as he would. He didn't spare a single glance for her bared figure.

"Sit, Becca." Gesturing to the bed, Kurt twisted his desk chair to face her. He'd piled several plush cushions to act as a sort of lounging area on the bed. It reminded her of a sheik's harem. Scooting against them, she folded her legs beneath her then settled in for another session with Dr. Foster.

"I know you're familiar with the basic theories behind dream a.n.a.lysis. Therefore, you realize a normal person has five to seven REM stages per night. Over the last two nights, you've undergone six periods of dream activity each evening. Typically, a person experiences their most intense dreams closest to waking. Those encapsulate a person's most profound desires."

Locked into lecture mode, Kurt played the professor this morning. The man she had fallen asleep with had disappeared without a trace.

Rebecca nodded her understanding of the facts then waited for him to continue while she contemplated the implications of his disa.s.sociation. It was time for her to start acting like the trained equal he claimed she was.

Her revelations of the night before hadn't vanished into the sultry night air as his appeared to have.

Luckily, she could affect him, too. The knowledge empowered her.

"In fact, both nights you dreamt very similar things in all six stages. Again, I won't reveal anything you aren't ready to admit to yourself so I need you to tell me what you remember. Then, we can compare your fantasy to reality and gather additional evidence to support the Dream Machine's capabilities. One occurrence won't be enough to convince the board that yesterday's results were more than a fluke."

Closing her eyes, she settled into the luscious embrace of the cushions. "I remember dreaming about you having s.e.x with me in your office again." Without thought, her hands drifted across her torso, rubbing her achy b.r.e.a.s.t.s as she recalled the sensations. Kurt remained silent, letting her work through the first stage.

She decided to torture him with the details she envisioned.

"This time I think it was a little different." She paused to gather her recollections and then said, "Yes, I dreamt about the real thing instead of my previous fantasy. Similar, nearly exact, but the awareness of the experiment worked into the dream. I even included the device you wore to take measurements when you slid inside me. The ridge of the sheath tool enhanced the glide of your thick c.o.c.k stroking the inside of my p.u.s.s.y."

A strangled noise from Kurt's direction brought her feigned innocent gaze up to his, quizzical.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to distract you." A tremulous smile crossed his face. She noted his white-knuckled grip on the armrest of his chair with amus.e.m.e.nt. "I like this new side of you, frank and confident. Jesus. It was hard enough to resist you when you hid from the truth."

She stroked herself with deliberate motions designed to advertise how much she would welcome his touch.

Instead of reaching out, he shifted in his chair then cleared his throat before continuing his line of questioning. The nervous gesture revealed a side of him she'd never glimpsed before. He paused in his routine long enough she wondered if he might be debating whether to continue or not before pressing on.

Did he think he'd pushed her too hard already?

He'd mentioned he wouldn't reveal anything she couldn't remember. Determined to surpa.s.s his expectations, she focused on remembering the contents of her next dream without his guidance.

As though he couldn't stop himself, Kurt blurted, "How did it make you feel to know you were part of an experiment?"

The personal question triggered a whimper. Rebecca didn't object to the betraying sound, which would have horrified her yesterday.

"It made me twice as h.o.r.n.y," she admitted.

Although she'd disclosed her attraction to him, a tiny part of her craved his rea.s.surance in light of his withdrawal. Of course, she'd never ask for it but, if some sign of his acceptance manifested in his features, she would gladly s.n.a.t.c.h it. She didn't have to search past the gleam in his eyes at her confession.

"Good girl, Becca," he soothed. "Now, what else do you remember from last night?"

She relaxed under his careful scrutiny and let her mind wander, fitting together the flashing images like pieces of a puzzle.

"It's difficult to sift through the bursts of action. They're not very coherent. It's like someone keeps flipping the channels in my mind." Concentrating, she spoke aloud, not directing the comment at him but explaining as she attempted to filter the glimpses of memory.

Kurt beamed at her with something like pride. "You're remembering more than one stage at a time. Pick a vision and follow it through. You can do this."

As he continued to study her, Rebecca's eyes flickered behind her now closed lids. Her fingers twitched as she clenched then relaxed them. A vision, stronger than the others, pushed to the surface of her consciousness.

She grabbed hold and watched as libidinous images flooded her memory.

After what could have been moments-or minutes-filled with desire, she whispered, "I sort of remember most of it but... It's a little weird."

"Tell me, baby."

His supportive tone compelled her to share. It washed away the last of her lingering doubts. After all, he'd already seen her dreams and he hadn't run away screaming or treated her with disgust. No man could f.u.c.k her with such raging pa.s.sion if her darker desires affronted him.

"I floated in the middle of a room...weightless and rocking, almost like a kid on a swing set. But I also remember being tied up, I think. No, that's not quite right..."

Kurt waited with his infamous patience as she fought to bring the details into focus. His handsome face caught her attention and her mind wandered, thinking about how it seemed normal to refer to him by his first name now.

Somehow, he'd fallen from the pedestal of idolatry she'd placed him on before. Instead, an amazing but real-sometimes flawed-man had replaced the caricature she'd adored. This man held the potential to satisfy her desires in a way the doctor never could.

In the wake of her realization, a picture blazed to life. It wasn't herself she saw but her mind had borrowed the image when it created the related nocturnal adventure.

She tried to speak but her dry throat made it obvious all dampness in her body had migrated to her p.u.s.s.y.

Moisture seeped from between her legs. Attempting to deny the lurid vision would be futile at this point.

"It's okay, Becca. Trust me. Just say it. Start with the small things if the whole scene is too hard."

Instinctively, he leaned forward enough to wrap her hand in his.

When he twined their fingers, she smiled. Staring straight into his stormy eyes, she explained, "Do you remember the Johnson case from March?"

In response, Kurt's straining d.i.c.k throbbed against his abdomen. The flimsy cotton shorts he wore couldn't obscure the jerk of his flesh. Of course he'd remember. And he'd understand which REM stage she had recalled.

"Yes." His gravelly response confirmed her suspicions. It turned him on, too.

She eyed the bulge stretching full to his hip as he shifted in his chair again. The deliberate way he laid his palm on his thigh made her aware of his struggle to restrain himself from taking his erection in hand. She rooted for his l.u.s.t to win out over his control, deciding to add fire to the flame with her confession.

"While I filed the finished cases in the archive one night, the photographs included in the package Mrs.

Johnson provided fell onto my desk." She had to clarify this point before moving on. She would never violate a patient's privacy. Her discovery hadn't been intentional but once the first had landed on her calendar blotter, she couldn't tear her eyes away.

"I'm sorry, Doctor, but I couldn't help it. I saw the pictures when I picked them up and put them back." Her eyes opened as she evaluated his expression. Would he be angry at her intrusion? The rapture on the woman's face had sparked her curiosity, compelling her to inspect the remaining scenes.

"Becca, we're partners now. You have the right to review any case file in the office. You were doing work at the time, I understand. What did you see?"

"After their sessions in the office, Mr. Johnson admitted to his wife he'd always wondered about suspension. Following their successful therapy sessions, where you encouraged them to indulge each other's fantasies, he sent you some photos. Since his wife is an exhibitionist, I a.s.sumed they had agreed to trade desires." Her breath came harder now. She had to clear her throat to continue.

"How does this relate to your dream, Becca?" Kurt asked though he must've already understood. He still needed her to demonstrate the Dream Machine's accuracy.

"I dreamt it was me." She gasped at the wicked idea brewing between them. "Dreamt I hung coc.o.o.ned in the black leather sling. I dangled helpless from the ceiling, rocking back and forth while you...f.u.c.ked me." She barely stopped herself from divulging he'd made love to her in her reverie.

Kurt groaned. She glanced at the pen wobbling in his trembling hand. The moment of uncertainty must have shown on her face because he stamped out her imagined doubts.

"Visualizing it makes me so d.a.m.n hard. Watching your dreams forced me to jack off yesterday. But...s.h.i.t.

Hearing you say it is more than I can bear."

The raw need reflected in the husky timbre of his speech drew an answering response from her body. Her nipples pebbled beneath his intense gaze and her belly rippled with the involuntary clench of her muscles.

"You're ready for this," he a.s.sured almost under his breath. Rebecca wondered if he talked to her, or to himself. After witnessing her dreams, he must realize she had more to give if he could convince her to continue her testimony.

"Go on, Becca." His order carried an edge of harshness as though he couldn't wait for her to finish at her own pace. "What else do you remember?"

The first had been hard enough to admit even with her newfound resolve. Telling him the rest surprised her, frightened her a little. Is this really what she wanted?

"Trust me, Becca. Nothing you tell me will change how much I want you. I swear it."

Yes. Taking a deep breath, she decided to get straight to the point. "I'm curious about a.n.a.l s.e.x."

"f.u.c.k it, I lied. I want you even more now."

Chapter Sixteen.

The desire flaring in Kurt's overcast eyes at her admission stunned Rebecca. The focus of his attention stole her breath. He jolted from his seat like a compressed spring bouncing free. When he hustled her toward the laboratory with a firm grip on her upper arm, she wondered if she was prepared to live this particular dream.

She'd struggled to take all of his beefy c.o.c.k in her p.u.s.s.y. Plus, being tied down seemed tame in comparison to being trussed up and left hanging at his mercy.

The pressure of his unyielding grasp increased, supplemented by his hand in the small of her back, which kept her in motion when she faltered. The intensity of his silence unnerved her.

Could she make this monumental leap of faith? She'd opened herself to utter vulnerability. Despite her earlier conviction, panic invaded the fringes of her arousal.

"Stop thinking, baby. Just feel." His voice, a bare whisper of sound, came from right next to her ear as his lips dusted her face.

Relying on Kurt seemed instinctive now. She capitulated, allowing him to guide her over the threshold to his lair. The thrum of antic.i.p.ation jumped inside her as the motion sensitive halogens of the laboratory blazed to life. Off to one side, a white yoga mat covered the linoleum flooring. When she reached it, he ushered her to her knees with pertinacious pressure on her shoulders.

He grabbed the remote touchpad, which controlled the examination room facilities, then tinkered with the settings. The whir of motors hummed through the room as a panel in the ceiling opened to reveal a complex system of wires and pulleys. An extended frame of black bars with embedded eyehooks descended from the contraption.

Kurt shaped her malleable frame into a submissive pose-head bowed and arms clasped, wrists to elbows behind her back-before continuing his arrangements. From the periphery of her limited view, Rebecca caught a glimpse of the rigging. What she saw caused her trepidation to transform into a tidal surge of l.u.s.t. The further they explored her fantasies the more powerful her response became.

When he seemed satisfied with the downward progress of the mechanism, he reached into the cabinet beside her to withdraw a wad of leather and metal. Buckles jangled as he straightened the device until she could discern the intent of the tangle. It was a harness, similar to the one she'd seen in the case file, consisting of padded leather straps looped into various sized openings.

"Spread your legs wider, Becca."

She complied with his command. The cool material b.u.mped against her thigh, causing her muscles to tense in response. He crouched on the floor beside her to thread the straps over, around and between her legs in a mysterious web. Next, he encircled her hips, torso and arms. Every clash of his fingers against her hypersensitive skin sent sparks of arousal shooting through her core. The taut encas.e.m.e.nt of her flesh competed with the soothing stroke of the downy fur, resulting in sensory overload.

"Mmm." She couldn't stop the moan from escaping.

When she tipped her head back to rest against his thigh, Kurt's hand bracketed her jaw. His fingers stroked the side of her neck. She swallowed against his palm, which cupped her throat, when he loomed over her, forcing her to meet his gaze.

"This time will be different. Your explicit dreams require me to be rough with you. I can't hold back or it won't be a true test."

Pensive, she considered his words, construing them as the serious warning he intended. Did she have what it took to follow this through? Before she solidified her answer, Kurt continued.

"Listen, baby. The truth is, I don't think I could go easy even if the experiment didn't exist. I don't know what the h.e.l.l is wrong with me. I'm fighting to keep myself in check. You need to know that when you decide.

This isn't for show. All the months-craving you, planning, and hoping you could be what I need-have tested my control."

She was speechless. He'd thought about this? With her as his subject? For months? Her attempt to process the rush of elation prevented her from answering. Mistaking her silence for indecision, he demonstrated his gallant underpinnings by offering her an escape route.

"It's okay if you decide it's too much. Do you understand me?" Kurt growled. "I won't think less of you if you're not ready for this."

The determination in his eyes along with his clamped jaw underscored the depth of restraint he possessed no matter how he cautioned her otherwise. If she changed her mind right now, he'd let her walk away. That knowledge gave her the confidence to fling herself off the edge of the cliff and surrender to his mastery.

"I'm ready, Doctor."

"Are you frightened?" For a moment, his features softened.

"A little." Fear and arousal fused into one heady tumble of emotion but nerves played a starring role.

"It's hard for me to remember you're new to this kind of play. Your pa.s.sion is so pure. Everything will be fine. You're going to love this. If you don't, we'll stop. Just say the word and it'll be over."

"But what about your desires?" Her novel sense of freedom liberated her to speak her mind without embarra.s.sment. "Do you need this, too?"

He stroked her cheek with his stubbled jaw before kissing her. Lingering caresses communicated his longing without speaking. The gentle gesture made his words even sweeter.

"It's not about what I need, Becca. It's about what you want."