Philip Massinger - Part 30

Part 30

MS.: They aimed at.

IV., 2, 60.C.: A few more hours.

MS.: A few hours more.

IV., 2, 66.MS.: For the pretty tempting friend I brought; my life ont.

Under tempting, beauty (?) deleted.

IV., 2, 87.MS.: Crack not with the weight of deer, and far-fetched dainties.

Not spoils the metre and the sense; it occurs in line 88. Dispute not with heavens bounties.

IV., 2, 90.C.: Homely cakes.

MS.: Homely cates.

IV., 2, 96.MS.: I have already Acquainted her with her cue. The music ushers Her personal appearance.

Scratched out at top of 20_b_, and inserted at foot of 20_a_.

IV., 2, 127.C.: Pray, what are you?

MS.: Pray you, what are you?

IV., 2, 147.C.: That, (sir), is.

MS.: Sir not visible owing to mutilation. (?) Sir, that is.

IV., 2, 158.MS.: And met your wishes.

And met deleted before and met.

IV., 2, 226.MS.: To pluck your eyes out.

Last half of line deleted. Last word (?) thoughtes.

IV., 2, 228.MS.: Add a deleted line:

Dieted with gourd water.(568) Oh! the furies!

C.: leaves out.

IV., 3, 1.MS.: Officers leading in Berecinthius.

Sampayo deleted under Berecinthius.

C.: Place of execution at Callipolis.

MS.: Does not mention Callipolis.

IV., 3, 28.MS.: My bark you see wants stowage.

Balance deleted before stowage.

IV., 3, 29.C.: But give me half a dozen hens.

MS.: But give me half a dozen of hens.

IV., 3, 39.MS.: Helped me _bis._ The first one deleted.

IV., 3, 44.MS.: To make three sops for his three heads; may serve for a breakfast.

that inserted after heads, and something more than an ordinary after serve for. One line converted into two, as above, IV., 1, 5.

IV., 3, 46.MS.: The cur is vengeance devilish hungry.

Vengeance deleted.

IV., 3, 48.C.: Provided for my frame.

MS.: Provided for my fame.

IV., 3, 53.MS.: That no covetous Roman, after I am dead.

Needie deleted under covetous.

IV., 4, 13.C: His faults are inscribed.

MS.: His faults inscribed.

IV., 4, 22.C.: But in one thing most remarkable.

MS.: But one thing most remarkable.

IV., 4, 45.MS.: Of kings deposed, and some in triumph led.

Read deleted before led. It is the last word of line 44.

IV., 4, 48.C: Is of worse condition, and Rome.

MS.: Is of a worse condition, and Rome.

V., 1, 28.MS.: rows deleted before is chained.

V., 1, 98.C: In the world.