Oni No Ou To Chigire - c2 part65

c2 part65

Oni no Ou to Chigire - Chapter 2 Pg 65

What sort of place is the Intersection of the Six Realms? Were you born there, Yato? What do demons usually do there? How do they live?

Curious, he decided to ask, but Yato who normally spoke with such authority, made an immensely troubled face as he reluctantly squeezed out his words.

its survival of the fittest.

Sorry, Yato. I wont ask about it ever again!

Realizing he stepped into territory he probably shouldnt have, Tokimori immediately apologized. He always seemed to have an arrogant attitude to Tokimori, but living in a world like that must have been hard for a small and weak demon like Yato. He may have barely been able to escape with his life through a gap in the border to the human world where he then found Tokimori. He decided he would never send Yato back to such a cruel world, and Tokimori would never ever go there himself. Even though demon masters wanted strong demon servants, Tokimori preferred his small, powerless demon, and even though demons wanted to eat humans to become stronger, Yato didnt want either of those things. Considering the Yase family history, Tokimori and Yato were an unusual demon master and demon servant, but they were satisfied with the way things currently were.