Oni No Ou To Chigire - c1 part27

c1 part27

Oni no Ou to Chigire - Chapter 1 Pg 27

The majority of people the Yase family took consultations with, and submitted requests were people like the leaders of state, financial institutions, and legal circles, in other words, people with the power to move the world. If they could pay, they would take on anyones request, but that didnt mean they recklessly took on any job. The Yase family had rules and a duty to use the power of demons for the good of the country and mankind. Being buried in history, the blood relatives of the Yase family and their contributions to the country and its people went unrecognized, but little by little people came to know the achievements of the unknown Yase family. Since that flattered their pride, they started to think they were some sort of special family. Just like Tokimoris family. However, Tokimori was different. It was natural to think the Yase familys achievements throughout history were great, but their exploits had nothing to do with Tokimori. Having their names entered at the bottom of the Yase family, they considered themselves elite even though they had never met their ancestors or even their distant relatives, and considered others nothing more than fools as they looked down on them. Tokimori would probably have to work like this until he died as the Yase family pawn. When he thought about the past ten or so years Tokimori felt somehow numb and hugged Yato tightly in order to shake off his anxiety.