Oni No Ou To Chigire - c7 part133

c7 part133

Oni no Ou to Chigire - Chapter 7 Pg 133

Tokimori nodded without a word.

That day was the first time you saw me and didnt cry. You talked to me normally, called my name, smiled at me. I was so happy I felt like dancing.

Yatos voice speaking so earnestly was overflowing with joy. He was surprised when he noticed the small demon sitting on his pillow since his house should have been a fortress no demon could enter, but he wasnt afraid. At that time, Yato was small enough to easily fit in even the five year old Tokimoris hand, his smiling face was charming, and more than anything, he was talkative. Tokimori was also glad he met Yato. He was the only one who would sincerely listen to Tokimori, he accepted him without scolding him for being afraid of demons, or crying. He was a dear friend who understood Tokimori better than anyone else, he would definitely continue to be his ally, and the guardian who would always stand by his side.

Also, he had pinky-promised him to never eat humans. Even if he went back to being this large, that was probably still in effect. Still, if he was this strong, did that mean Yato ate humans before he met Tokimori? He clenched his teeth, and wrapped his arms around himself tightly.