Oni No Ou To Chigire - c7 part125

c7 part125

Oni no Ou to Chigire - Chapter 7 Pg 125

Chapter 7

Tokimori reached his destination, and cowered in a corner of his room. The room he once thought was on the larger side for someone who lived alone, felt incredibly cramped, and made it hard to breathe. The reason was the demon loitering in his room. Yato wanted to interact with Tokimori, but the aura of refusal emitting from him, stopped him, and he wouldnt come any closer. Once they excused themselves from the main household, Tokimori had been like that for almost a full day. He didnt feel like sleeping, or eating, and only drank water as he tried to escape from reality. His ability to think deteriorated in his distressed and hazy mind, so even though the faint hope that everything that happened yesterday was a dream had risen within him, the unfamiliar deep voice of a man extinguished it.

Tokimori. Sorry. Sorry for hiding it from you. So, please, eat something. Youre going to pass out.

Tokimori wouldnt even lift his face, let alone reply. This large, powerful Yato, wasnt Tokimoris Yato. Lying to Tokimori for sixteen years, deceiving him, even fooling Katsumoto and the head of household, was a cruel betrayal.