Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint (Web Novel KR) - Chapter 458: The square circle (5)

Chapter 458: The square circle (5)

Yu Jung-Hyeok was prepared to swing his [Dark Heavenly Demon Sword] if the Secretive Plotter tried to do something foolish, but rather unexpectedly, the latter easily answered back. He didnt even use his true voice, either.

Youre right. I am trapped in here.

His real, pure voice was heard for the first time.

That prompted Yu Mi-Ah to reply with a bright smile. Ask my oppa to free you. Hes super strong, you see?

She spoke in an innocent voice, but he replied with a slow shake of his head. .I cant leave this thing.

What? Why not?

The Secretive Plotter didnt reply.

Wait, did my oppa do something to you? He threatened you with scary words, didnt he??

.No, thats not it.

Its not? What then?

The Plotter didnt reply again. Without saying anything, he stared at Yu Mi-Ah. He stared for a long time at the one person that no longer existed for him.

And for the first time ever, a faint smile formed on his lips.

Its because I chose to be in here.

Yu Jung-Hyeok saw that smile and couldnt say anything. Yu Mi-Ah was busy asking what he meant, and meanwhile, the Plotter quietly stared back at her.

The latter slowly raised his hand, and his palm overlapped with hers through the thin transparent layer. Their hand sizes were fairly similar. These two palms may have overlapped after transcending time and space, but they could never truly meet.

Uh? Uhm

It was then, Yu Mi-Ah blinked slowly and began faltering a little.

Why am I so sleepy.?

Her body slowly fell to the ground. Yu Jung-Hyeok quickly dashed to her side and embraced her.

You bastard, what have you done.?!

[[.I only helped her dream of nice things.]]

Yu Jung-Hyeok studied his little sister. For sure, her Incarnation Body showed no signs of any strange symptoms. No, she simply was in a deep slumber, softly murmuring indecipherable sleep-talk like beach volleyball and squid party, etc.

He glared at the Secretive Plotter with a complicated expression. No matter how weakened he was, by using Yu Mi-Ah he would have been able to escape from this situation pretty easily. However, he didnt do that.

He simply stared longingly at the sleeping face of the girl, instead.

.What happened to Mi-Ah in your world?

[[She survived.]]

He answered immediately.

[[And also died.]]

That too was immediate.

What does that even..

Just as Yu Jung-Hyeok opened his lips, he understood what those answers meant. So, he shut his mouth right away.

Seemingly-crying sparks ever so faintly danced around. Under the pretext of the [Disconnected Film Theory], the memories of these two beings trembled and their Fables shifted.

In one world-line, Yu Mi-Ah survived for a long time. Even after he died.

The world of a man who lived 1864 lifetimes just what kind of a world would that be?

However, in another world-line, she died.

A Regressor might have lived far more presents than anyone out there, but in reality, he was nothing more than a ghost of the past. He was an existence that had to move onto the next turn because he failed to alter the past.

0th turn, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th.. and 1863rd.

This being was not a Yu Jung-Hyeok from any of those regression turns. But, he was the Yu Jung-Hyeok that belonged to all the worlds, the man who carried all the worlds as his burden.

And that was why he was more Yu Jung-Hyeok than any other Yu Jung-Hyeoks.

[[Youre pitying me.]]

Who would do that to a..

[[Do you believe that my life was a misery?]]

Yu Jung-Hyeok couldnt tell if that was a form of sympathy directed at himself. The blade of the [Dark Heavenly Demon Sword] he held tightly was faintly trembling.

Why was he hesitating now? He had come this far already, so what was left to hesitate? Just because he heard a bit of this bastards past history.

The Secretive Plotter opened his lips. [[Did you know? There was this young boy in the front-most subway car that always died during every regression turn.]]

That question came out of nowhere. Yu Jung-Hyeok naturally recalled the events of the subway train. The very first scenario, the very first encounter with Hell that he had to experience every single time.

However, Yu Jung-Hyeok didnt know anything about such a boy. Because, there were simply too many people who died in that manner back then.

[[While regressing several times, I tried to prevent his death, but it was impossible.]]


[[He was really a young boy. Younger even than Yi Gil-Yeong. However, even such a child had to prove his credentials. For all of the 1863 lives, that child couldnt even put up a proper fight and had to die. He died, and died, and died over and over again.]]

Yu Jung-Hyeok couldnt say a single word.

The Plotter asked him again. [[Between a man who regressed 1863 times, and a child who has to repeatedly die for 1863 times with no recollections of it, which one do you think is actually more miserable?]]

That is.

The Plotter was implying this that your pity had no meaning, no value whatsoever.

Even then, Yu Jung-Hyeok couldnt readily accept that. Indeed, there was no meaning in comparing the importance of different miseries. However, that also didnt mean that misery didnt exist.

[[The <Star Stream> tries to make the lives of everyone into Gi-Seung-Jeon-Gyeol. However, a life was never supposed to be that. No, its an unreasonable thing that can end at any time, whether its Gi(beginning), Seung(development), or even during Jeon(climax). And thats why, even if my life comes to an end here, it shouldnt come as a surprise.]]

Did the boy from the subway make the same expression as this man? Yu Jung-Hyeok couldnt tell.

The Secretive Plotter stared back at him with a pair of quiet, still eyes.

Yu Jung-Hyeok stared back into those eyes for the longest time, before averting his gaze away while lowering the [Dark Heavenly Demon Sword].

..Youll end up seeing that boys death for the 1864th time if you regress again.

In the end, he returned his sword back to its scabbard. This could be the wrong decision. Even then, Yu Jung-Hyeok had made up his mind.

Maybe he too didnt expect such a choice, because the Secretive Plotter remained speechless for a long while.

[[Youve been greatly influenced by Kim Dok-Ja, it seems.]]

Shut your mouth. I can kill someone like you at any.

Multiple presences were drawing near. Voices were calling out to him. They were Kim Dok-Ja and Han Su-Yeong, plus those of the <Kim Dok-Ja Company>s people.

[[Although it irks me to admit this, let me say that one thing is for certain. This world-line is different from any that I have lived through so far. Its possible that you and your group can truly witness whats beyond that Wall.]]

[[However, do not keep your hopes up, thinking that youll see the Conclusion you desire. And also even if that Conclusion wasnt what you initially wanted.]]

The Plotters true voice suddenly grew fainter. His eyelids were slowly closing up. He was falling into another bout of deep slumber.

Just as Kim Dok-Ja emerged out from the thicket, the Plotter finished what he wanted to say.

[[.Do not think of this world as a failed turn.]]


We played beach volleyball.

That was Yu Mi-Ahs answer after I asked her about what happened here.

Im telling you, we grilled squids, and I played beach volleyball with my oppa. Could it be that ones power of comprehension is lower if youre ugly?

I wanted to tell her that there were three things wrong in her statement. One, we were not near an ocean. Two, I wasnt ugly, and my power of comprehension was.

.Well, I guess nothing serious has happened here.

Han Su-Yeong muttered in relief.

Indeed, we couldnt see any traces of Yu Jung-Hyeok causing an accident, and the Secretive Plotter was still stuck in a deep slumber.

I put the Plotter back inside the [X-grade Ferrarghini]. There were a few things that didnt sit well with me, but now wasnt the time to grill the one responsible.

Okay, everyone, please gather around! Lets start the campfire!

The flames rose up thickly and brightened the darkness of the campsite. Time was approaching closer to midnight. Only then did I remember something important.

H-hang on! My scenario hasnt.!

Dammit, I forgot all about it because of Yu Jung-Hyeok.

I could hear Biyu humming Ba-aht, ba-aht just above my head.

[Scenario time limit has elapsed!]

Would I really get killed like this?

[Sub Scenario Workers Off-day has ended!]

[You need to resolve a total of 5 complaints.]

[You have currently resolved 1 complaint.]

[You have resolved all of your employees complaints.]

[New Fable related to the <Kim Dok-Ja Company> is being generated.]


Seriously, man. Its like you forgot your wits somewhere or some such. muttered Han Su-Yeong, as she stared at the side of my face.

Companions were giggling to themselves while looking at me.

It was then, I recalled their replies whenever I tried to talk to them.

I dont have any particular complaints.

That was for real?

No one here will blame you, you know.

Han Su-Yeongs disinterested voice spread out. We sat around soaking in the bonfire without saying anything else. I thought I could sense their hearts contained in this silence and that caused my emotions to well up for some reason.

Jeong Hui-Won added something on top. Well, if you want me to find something to talk to you about, then I can think of one, but its not a complaint, so.

Even though the warm bonfire was before me, why did a chill creep down my back just then?

In any case, we rested really well today. Someone didnt seem to have gotten any rest, though.

Yu Sang-Ah spoke, and Yi Ji-Hye followed her up on that.

But, is it over like this? Arent we going to, like, light candles and start sobbing, or write stuff on a rolling paper?

This aint even a real school trip, so why should we? Besides, the paper.

While listening to Han Su-Yeongs retort, I began thinking.

Rolling paper written by her, was it. That might be quite interesting, indeed.

Han Su-Yeong suddenly stopped talking there and looked at me before asking a question. You want me to write one for you?

Not really. We arent little kids anyway.

Wait a minute. Didnt you say you never had any friends and didnt even go to membership trainings either? I guess youve never received one before, then.

If the total reserve of my mental energy declined during this trip, then it was all Han Su-Yeongs fault.

A few members of <Kim Dok-Ja Company> blessed with strong drive had already purchased pens and large papers from the [Dokkaebi Bundle]. Seriously, though, these greedy Dokkaebis even charged Coins for something like that.?

Yu Jung-Hyeok sitting across me on the other side of the campfire seemed to be angry as well.

I wont participate in something like this.

.Although, his reason for anger seemed to be different from mine.

Nevertheless, seeing my companions gathered around closely and scribbling on their papers gave me this fresh perspective on things. Its like this was a writing get-together for the poor, friend-less Kim Dok-Ja.

While everyone was writing their names on the papers and passing it along, Yi Gil-Yeong suddenly raised his hand up. Hyung, I bought this off the [Dokkaebi Bundle], so can I fire it?

Shin Yu-Seung discovered the toy in the boys hand and her expression brightened up instantly. Uh? Isnt that the same thing people were firing around the Han River?

Yeah, I remembered that so I bought it.

Let me try it, too!

No way. You buy your own. Its 2000 Coins, you know.

Yi Gil-Yeong was currently holding onto a Parachute Helicopter. I had seen that a couple of times before, too. It was a toy that, when you pulled hard at the attached string and then let go, itd fly up into the sky while emitting bright light.

His toy seemed a bit special though, as it featured four large wings shaped like a square.

.Besides all that, though, that thing cost 2000 Coins??

Okay, Im gonna fire it!

Yi Gil-Yeong fired the parachute helicopter into the air. The toy flew up and while spinning around vigorously, dyed the surroundings with bright light. The light scattered as if it was fireworks going off. Even though they shouldve been familiar with far more spectacular sights than this, the group still looked on genuinely impressed.

The square-shaped wings of the helicopter spun around quickly and formed a circle.

I thought it looked like a portal. A portal, that led to the world we used to live in. We might not be able to go back anymore, but still, I felt the nostalgia of that world from it.

It was around then that a system message resounded out.

[Incarnation, Yi Gil-Yeong, has used the item Parachute Helicopter (Extra-large optical screen)!]

The spinning wings of the helicopter grew larger and larger, and eventually, changed shape to that of a huge screen.

Yi Ji-Hye frowned deeply. What the heck. It was a hologram panel? We now have to watch a scenario even in this place?

Yi Gil-Yeong, did you even read the users manual before.

N-no, I thought it was just a helicopter, so I.

Just as the boy tried to make his excuse, a small earthquake suddenly rocked the vicinity. The expressions on the companions hardened instantly.

What kind of crap is it this time.?

Accompanying Han Su-Yeongs words, we all focused our attention on the screen in the air. And when we did, we understood the reason for the earthquake. First of all, it didnt belong to the Korean peninsula.

The optical screen was now displaying the American continent. And right before our eyes, that large continent was disappearing in its entirety.

Because of a gigantic island rising up from the deepest part of the Earth.

Along with the entrance of that island, the American continent was being erased from the map itself.

[The applicable world-line has reached its critical point!]

[Elevation of the forgotten islands has begun!]

Yu Jung-Hyeok, his expression hardened, quietly muttered out.

The end has begun.

<Episode 86. The square circle (5)> Fin.