Nomenclature Of Night - Chapter 881

Chapter 881

Countdown 28:00:00.

The Air Fleet of the Black Knights, which was responsible for transporting Qingchen, quickly flew into the City of Silver.

The densely packed airships landed on the ground, and the indicator lights of the entire airport were as bright as the stars in the Milky Way, orbiting and circling. A large number of Silver City soldiers gathered to command the docking, replenish fuel, and overhaul the hull.

The fleet had entered the radius of influence of a nuclear explosion, and all the airships had various glitches.

But all the costs are nothing compared to the man in the claustrophobic elevator.

The second child stood in the airship, personally supervising the genetic warriors moving the elevator, and he was not relieved until the other black knights all converged after moving into the armored car. The long motorcade drove out of the airport, police cars cleared the way, and armed helicopters followed, with great momentum.

At this point in time, most of the residents in the city have not slept.

They first watched the fleet return to the city, and then saw such a grand convoy again, for a while they did not know what happened.

On weekdays, the twelve black knights play separately and rarely gather together. Everyone is indulging in enjoyment every day.

Now, two black knights are out on a mission, and all the remaining ten have returned.

The residents of couldn't guess how important it was to make the Black Knights so popular.

Someone saw the protected armored vehicle in the center of the convoy and couldn't help but guess: Are they escorting something very important? But the problem is, I am afraid that escorting King Roosevelt is the same treatment, right?

Of course, this is just a metaphor.

Forty minutes later, the convoy drove into the Black Knights' quarters, and the Silver Duke had been waiting for a long time.

The Duke of Silver was wearing a gray tunic suit and looked extraordinarily mature and stable. He was 46 years old and was one of the few people in the Black Knights who could live past 40 because he broke through the demigod realm. According to past experience, the lifespan of a demigod can increase to about 52 years old. The Duke of Silver asked calmly, "How is it?"

The second child smiled and said, "Brother, it's done! I brought it back to Joker! I met the Fifth Princess on the way and wanted to take him away. Fortunately, the military base suffered a nuclear explosion, which delayed the Fifth Princess' progress."

When Duke Baiyin heard this, he frowned immediately: "The fifth princess is a dramatist, she can definitely predict your past, why would she let you succeed?" The duke grasped the point sensitively, and even became suspicious. .

The second child thought for a while: "Maybe it was because of the large number of people we went? Or brother, you were witty at the time, and let us directly overwhelm the entire army. Our fleet is three times that of the Fifth Princess."

"I'm still a little worried," Duke White Shadow said. "Go, take the claustrophobic elevator into the underground base and fill it with anesthetic gas. I want to personally verify my identity... Where's the third child?" The third child walked out of the car and said weakly, "Brother, I'm here."

The second child was very keen, and he asked in a low voice, "Brother, do you want the third child to take this body? I disagree. Joker's body is extremely precious, and it is impossible for one person to decide who belongs, either by drawing lots or by giving Hand vote."

Qingchen was having fun in the claustrophobic elevator, how could the spoils be distributed unevenly.

Perhaps in the eyes of these people, their memories, bodies, and secrets have already become things in their pockets, and they have already begun to divide the spoils before they have even written a word!

Compared with Qingchen at this moment, he has been slapping the elevator for several hours. The old man and the others have listened to the noise of him slapping the elevator all the way, and even a little tinnitus. From the outsider's point of view, he is tired now, but he is actually worried about himself. I shot too hard, and I couldn't hear what these people were saying... Qingchen praised the claustrophobic elevator that was not soundproof.

At this time, Duke Baiyin gave the second child a cold look: "The third child fought against the dramatist for the sake of the entire Silver City ten years ago, and the root cause of his illness was left. This body should be given to him."

The second brother frowned: "Brother, you can't say that, the credit goes to the credit, but Joker's body and memory are so important, we have to find useful information from it, and also use Joker's identity to act. The third child is not good enough. , I haven't made much progress for hundreds of years, so I can't give it to him, he can't take on such an important responsibility."

The second child continued to whisper: "Brother, I know what your plan is. We can get Joker's body, and with the help of the Qing family in the Eastern Continent, you can completely establish your own country, right?

At that time, as the ruler of the Qing Consortium, as the hero who helped Duke Baiyin establish his country, he will naturally become the first duke under King Baiyin. The Duke of Silver frowned. He only felt that the second child was too impatient to say these words in front of all his brothers.

But the old man is right. In fact, his plans are very big and long-term.

The reason why Qingchen is important is not just the road of knighthood.

and his identity.

According to the information, Qingchen directly controls the Qing clan consortium, shadow army, city No. 10, daytime organization, and parent-teacher association organization in the Eastern Continent, which are all powerful boosters.

Even if the technological level of the Eastern Continent is not good, a Qing clan is equivalent to a duke.

If they can take over all of this as Qingchen and their memories, it will be a great addition to the Black Knights. The Silver Duke even has bigger ambitions...such as establishing his own kingdom in the Eastern Continent.

He was fed up with being under people, since the Roosevelt family could control a country, why couldn't he?

Therefore, Qingchen can't die, and they will deliberately act in the future to make Qingchen look like he has been killed from Silver City, and return to the Eastern Continent for the Black Knights.

In this way, we can maximize the benefits.

At this moment, Qing Chen also thought about it in the elevator:

First of all, the Roosevelt Kingdom is not monolithic. Blackwater City, Phoenix City, and Storm City are indeed the iron core of the royal family, but the Silver Duke should have fought against the royal family many times. It can also be seen from the black knights stealing the poisoned wine glass, the City of Silver and the royal family are at peace and disagreement.

Secondly, the other party really wanted to take him, but the Duke of Silver did not plan to go on his own, but arranged for someone else to "try". It's a pity, it would be nice if the Duke of Silver came to send the head in person.

At this time, Duke Silver looked at the second child and said earnestly: "Second child, I also have my own considerations. You only know that Joker's identity is important, but you never thought that the first person to eat crabs may not have a good end. Now you Can you determine the identity of this Joker? The five princesses have participated in the deal, and what if a fake Joker is lost. Otherwise, why don't I take him by myself?"

The second child was stunned: "That makes sense...Wait, brother, what you said is wrong, and outsiders can't open the claustrophobic elevator!"

The claustrophobic elevator is the biggest insurance. In the past, even demigods were starved to death in it. Why did the Fifth Princess and Joker open it?

The second child is not happy: "Big brother, you can't give up your identity as Duke of Silver at this time, and your apprentice is already rank, and you can use breathing techniques to advance to a demigod at any time after taking the house. Anyway, I don't agree that this body is given to the third child. My apprentice is only C-level now, I'm 38 years old this year, and I don't have time to wait for him to continue to grow."

Duke Silver also had a hint of anger in his expression: "Then you have drawn lots or voted. Whoever gets the draw will go to whom, it's fair."

"Okay!" The old man smiled and seemed to have taken Qingchen's body in his pocket. The eldest brother and the second brother of this group of people kept talking, but in the end they were all small calculations. Qing Chen was very happy to hear it, just like listening to a story.


At this moment, Duke Silver came to the elevator and sneered: "Eavesdropping for a long time, but it doesn't make any sense to eavesdrop... Carry the elevator away!"

The gene warrior lifted the claustrophobic elevator into the underground base and put it into a specially made airtight room. The airtight room also had a window, and the black knights could see the elevator standing inside from the outside. The next moment, white hypnotic gas sank into the gap in the ceiling of the airtight room, and poured in along the ventilation fan of the elevator.

After about 30 minutes, Lao Jiu said, "It should have passed out, even an elephant should have slept to death."

Old Ni shook his head: "Wait a minute, Joker from the Eastern Continent has a lot of trump cards, I'll use double the time and double the hypnotic gas."

"If the hypnosis will cause neurological damage to the brain for a long time, where can he run in here, the big brother is still there," Lao Jiu said.

"That doesn't work either," the second child was extra cautious. He glanced at the equipment for squatting beside him, and his expression was a little excited: "Come on, everyone will raise their hands to vote, and the person with the most votes will **** him!" The black knights looked at each other. The third child weakly said, "Eleventh and fifth are still on their way back, shouldn't they wait for them?"

The second child smiled slightly: "Wait, we need to know the secrets of the knights in the Eastern Continent as soon as possible, and vote now!"

The fifth is also powerful, and he doesn't want to wait for another competitor to come back.

The second child's abacus is ready from the beginning. First of all, we must not draw lots, because everyone has an equal chance. But voting is different. The fourth, sixth, and twelfth are all on his side, and he has a high chance of winning.

Secondly, we must not wait for the fifth to come back, because the third, seventh and eighth are on the fifth's side. We must cut through the mess with a quick knife, and make a quick decision!

But in fact, this thing is just like Werewolf Killing, voting for a person to capture Qingchen, just like voting to kill a person in Werewolf Killing......

I don't know what their expressions will be when they know the truth.

Here, the second child said: "Vote now, if the eldest brother doesn't participate, it will start with me. One person only has one chance to vote. If you are willing to vote for me, raise your hand."

As soon as the voice fell, the second child, the fourth child, and the second child raised their hands.

Lao Ni looked at Lao Liu in shock: "You little Lao Liu, why didn't you vote for me?" Lao Liu hesitated for a moment: "I want to vote for myself..."...

The second child was about to rush up to beat him, but the Duke of Silver glared at him and gave up.

However, the second child didn't care too much. After all, he had three votes. As long as the fifth child was not there, the others would not be able to make a fuss. He stabilized his emotions and said, "Raise your hand to vote for the third child."

The scene that surprised the second child happened. The third, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, and tenth all raised their hands and voted for the third one!

He suddenly turned his head to look at the Duke of Silver, no wonder the eldest brother was willing to let him vote. It turned out that the eldest brother had already decided everything while he was out of the City of Silver. The other party had already figured out that he would choose the way to vote, and then slapped him.

Facts have proved that people who are the second and fifth are ultimately the people of the eldest brother.

The big brother has to be your big brother. Without this skill, it is impossible to be the silver duke for hundreds of years. The second child smiled convincingly: "Big brother is amazing."

He has already understood that it is precisely because Joker is so important that the eldest brother is not worried that he will take over the other party, but will find a third child who can control.

The third son is known as the desperate Saburo in the Black Knights, who dares to fight and rush, just like Li Kui on Liangshan, who supports Song Jiang all his life. Even if Duke Silver gave him a glass of poisonous wine in person, he would drink it without hesitation.

Duke Silver couldn't help but think, if the second child took Qingchen's body, what if he gave him wrong information? This is very deadly.

He comforted his second son: "Don't worry, with the inheritance of the orthodox knights, both you and I can look forward to it for a long time. If the kingdom of the Eastern Continent is re-established, I may be your first duke."

"It's enough to have a big brother," the second child said softly.

At this time, the hour of anesthesia was up, the anesthetic gas in the closed room was swept away by the exhaust fan, and the Duke of Silver came to the claustrophobic elevator.

He cut his fingers and wrote on the door of the claustrophobic elevator: "Up, down, up, down, left, right, BABA."

With a ding, the words were like a password, and the door of the elevator was opened, and Qingchen fell asleep inside, slumped to the ground as if someone had torn apart his bones. "The third child, take him to the equipment to seize the house, and he will give it to you," said the Duke of Silver.

The third one was excited: "Thank you, big brother!"

Qingchen and the third child were on the two beds at the same time, and Duke Silver personally pasted the nanorobot's catheter for them. When he pressed the start button, the silver nano-robot in the device quickly injected into the two bodies.

neuron connections 10%.

12% 19% 37% 99% 100% The second child showed an envious look. The technology of neuron connection and seizure is very mature in the hands of the Black Knights. It has not failed for hundreds of years. Soon, the third child will be Possessing incomparable power in the Eastern Continent, and a body that can live to 251 years old.

It must be false to say that he is not envious, he is even a little jealous!

Duke Silver carefully observed Qingchen, wanting to see if there were any flaws. Because of the anesthetic, Qing Chen didn't wake up the first time. The Silver Duke waited silently.

As time passed, Qing Chen suddenly opened his eyes, and the third child's body was empty. Duke Baiyin stood beside him, clamped Qingchen's neck with his right hand, and asked calmly, "Your real name?" Qingchen slowly looked at Duke Baiyin: "Li Li."

Silver Duke: "How did you and I know each other?"

Qingchen replied: "In the Central King City, I don't have money to eat, so it's the eldest brother who gave me a sandwich. You asked me if I had the strength, I said I had the strength, and you said that I would follow you in the future, and you would eat it in one bite. , it won't starve me."

This past story is only known to Duke Silver and the third child, so when Qingchen said this, Duke Silver was relieved.

He smiled and released the hand that was holding Qingchen's neck: "Third brother!" Qingchen: "Big brother!"

Silver Duke: "Third Brother!"

Qingchen: "Big Brother!"

The two are like brothers who have reunited after a long absence.

The Duke of Silver said: "The third child, although I know that you have returned, we still need more detailed identification and verification of your identity. You should just go through the process and say everything you know. ."

Who would have thought that there is a bloodline in this world that cannot be taken away?

But Qingchen felt a little sad in his heart, because the moment he took away the memory of the third child, he suddenly realized that the third child might be the only one in the Black Knights... He's not bad. The third child is a little silly and a little stubborn, but he is not bad. From time to time, he will go out to give some poor people to gain inner peace.

This guy does not accept apprentices, and insists on taking away some criminals whose sentences are enough to be sentenced to death.

Although the third child loves money, women and power, who doesn't love this stuff? The most powerful thing is that the third child has been loyal to the Duke of Silver for hundreds of years. In fact, there were many times when Duke Silver had thought of abandoning him, and he knew it well, but he still never gave up on Duke Silver.

Rare in the world.

Such a third child, if Izumi knows it, he will definitely be lonely.

It's okay, I will send your other brothers to see you soon, and the family will be neat and tidy.

There is another chapter in the morning, everyone wake up and read.
