New Life Online - 250 Wingless Beas

250 Wingless Beas

*Elou's POV*

I didn't have the luxury to see what is happening around me after our guild's barrier got shattered. Hundreds of flying troops from Ravens charged towards us and the only thing we could do is kill as many as we can while those from below the wall used ladders to climb.

We did our best to defend the guild that every single one of our members killed a lot of our enemies but they still ended up dying as well.

*SWOOOOs.h.!.+ SWOOOs.h.!.+* I'm now using my daggers because I've spent all my arrows and I lost count of how many I've killed but it feels like even if I kill thousands of them, another thousand will come.

It's been minutes but it felt like I'm already fighting for a day. It's tiring but my adrenaline rush won't even let me rest. This is the bloodl.u.s.t I was looking for that I can never find in the real world.

"GAAAAAH!" Cries from the opposing guild and from our guild can be heard but our guild's cry is not from pain, but for giving all they've got. Every member of our guild are fighting a hundred or two, and even with their monster forms, it wasn't enough.

I ended up being alone while Elle and remaining team members are surrounded by these pesky pests. The only thing that is protecting them right now is Elle's summoning. If only we were more prepared. We didn't expect it to be two guilds at once.

"We won't ask you to surrender because we'll definitely kill you! Hahaha!" One of the idiots said while laughing his a*s off.

"Don't scare the sh*t out of that guy. I'll skin him alive first!" That's a cute hobby.

"Don't be like that. It may look like we're the villain here if you say something like that." Upon checking his armor, it looks like he's one of their officers and you guys are definitely the villain here.

"Boss, we're just having fun. No need to be so serious. We're going to win after all." One of them answered. That's the mindset of a loser. They seem to be forgetting that we're at war.

"Kill him at once." He ordered.

"GYAAAAAH!" A group of them rushed towards me. I can't even tell how many but they should bring more to really stop me.

"GARUDA'S STORM BLADE!" Some of them jumped at me while others charged from all sides but with just a powerful twirl of my dagger, I created a powerful twister of wind slicing everything that got near me and throwing them in the air.

"What?! Wait, he's the Blonde Robin Hood!" They suddenly backed off after I killed a few of them and after they recognized who I am.

"I didn't recognize him because he only used daggers but he's definitely him. You need to be cautious, he's only alone right now and we have the numbers. Surround him!" Their leader ordered. It looks like I made a name myself. They suddenly decided to take me seriously after killing a group of them.

This time, they strategically surrounded me. Most of them are and that's a good thing for me, less defense means more chances of killing them in a single blow. They're not yet moving as I can tell that they are just waiting for the right time. I've been using my monster soul from the start but I haven't consumed that much mana so I can stay for a bit more and kill more than I could count. I need to impress girls with my cool moves before I get killed.

"Rope him up!" Suddenly, they took out ropes with daggers at its end. They tried to use it on me by throwing it towards my location. A couple of them almost got me but the real reason they used it is to tie me up. They moved in a circular way while the daggers with ropes got stuck on the ground around me. It's time to spice things up!

"GARUDA'S WIND AURA!" The ropes they planted got sliced which made them lose balance while pulling the ropes. The wind aura alone can't let them get near me because it's strong enough to even slice them into tiny little pieces. Are there any girls watching me right now?

"GARUDA'S PIERCING ARROW BLAST!" I created a bow and arrow made from Garuda's soul and using my own mana. I jumped towards the sky and then launched a powerful arrow shot towards the troops of the Ravens.

"Oh, sh*t! Get away!" They tried to run away from my shot but it's powerful enough to blow them up!

*BOOOOOOOM!* Upon contact, the arrow created a wind explosion slicing everything nearby. The bodies of those who got caught by the blast were sliced off and somehow made the area messy with body parts and blood all over the place. Those who tried to surround me are now running for their lives. Woah, I never thought that I'm that strong.

"d.a.m.n you! You'll pay for this!" The leader, of course, didn't run. He's still with a handful of his members but I don't have time to play with them anymore. I need to help others.

"Shoot him!" He ordered his members to use arrows against me because getting near me is suicide.

*SWOOOOSH SWOSWOSWOOOs.h.!.+* Some used daggers and some used javelins but everything they threw at me was just pushed back by my aura. Even Scy won't be able to get near me, I guess.

"STEALTH CLOAK..." I disappeared from their sight without even making a sound.

"What?! Where did he go?! Track... ACK!" I appeared in front of their leader and stabbed his neck stopping him from ordering around.

"GYAAAAAH! GAAAH!" I swiftly ended the life of his fellow members and made them cry for pain while they bleed to death. You deserved to die here like it's h.e.l.l.

After a couple of minutes, I finally was able to secure the area but there are still more of them. I rushed toward Elle's location but I was a bit late. Siren just took down her summon while the other surviving members died after being outnumbered. d.a.m.n it.

"That annoying sh*t finally died! Now, it's your turn to die!" Siren's going to kill Elle! I need to at least save her!

"GARUDA'S WIND SNIPE!" I'm not close enough to stop her attack so I used a long-range one instead. Come on! Hit her!

*BAAAAAAAAM!* Without her noticing, my arrow hit her left arm and suddenly made her lost her flight balance and fell to the ground. d.a.m.n it! She still managed to not get hit in a fatal spot by using her left arm on purpose as a s.h.i.+eld. She tried to use her wings but it was too late.

I rushed as fast as I could as the other members of the Ravens are now trying to kill Elle and I need to get to her first!

"GARUDA'S WIND SLICE!" With great speed, I was able to catch up to them and sliced every single one of them in fast succession.

"Woah, I'm sorry, Elle. I was too late to save your friends. Are you ok?" I asked while trying to check if she's harmed but it looks like her teammates did their best to protect her. I salute them for protecting her but they could have also protected themselves.

And once again, we are being surrounded but it's a different story this time because their leader is here, she's still one of the leaders of biggest guilds of New Life World.

"Ugh! d.a.m.n it! How dare you hit me twice! I will eat you both alive!" Siren is really mad... and that's not something a girl would say...

Elle really made a huge mess here dealing with her underlings. She killed a lot and I can see that there are only almost five hundred of them here, not sure about the numbers but if I can defeat Siren, then we might still have a chance.

Suddenly I heard a faint voice...

"Elou, can you hear me?! These b.l.o.o.d.y beasts are persistent! We can't hold the north wall much longer!" It's Petula, she's trying to contact me with some kind of mind spell.

"I'm not sure if you can hear me but we're not in a good spot either. Elle and I are being surrounded. Try to hold them more. I'll try to defeat Siren as fast as I can." I replied and wished that she can hear me.

"Roger that. This is too troublesome. Why did I even join this guild." I think she thought that it ended with Roger that...

"I still can hear you..." I replied...

"Oh... well... I don't really care! Stop talking to me! It's hard to concentrate!" Oh well...

"Are you ignoring me?! RAVEN'S FEATHER STORM!" Siren suddenly flapped her wings and her feathers flew towards me like they were blades!

*CLANG CLANG CLANG!* Fortunately, my wind aura is tougher than I thought. The feathers were pushed back by it but if she used more then it could have pierced my defense.

"Agh! Now you're making me mad!" And I thought she's mad from the start... She's not cute at all!

"I think I need to take another step to really make a sense out of you. I never want to hit a girl but you're not acting like a girl so be prepared because this is not going to be fun for you. GARUDA BEAST'S THIRD FORM! THE WINGLESS BEAST!" This is the first time that I would use this... My form and appearance changed drastically... not cool as I used to be but the power is worth it.

"Let's see if a bird can really eat a beast!"