New Life Online - 23 The Backup

23 The Backup

"What is that kind of power?! Don't panic guys! Focus your mana and use your best spells!" The leader is doing his best to command and defeat the brat. I didn't know she's this strong.

I really need to ask her about the gemstone because I also have one that I got from the Shade. She's really using it pretty well.

In an instant, the Golem attacked the group in fast motion. It's incredibly faster this time! How come a Golem that big can move that fast!?

"WAAAAAAAAAAAH! HEEEELP!" The enemies yelled asking for help. They are flying everywhere. The golem is like a mad G.o.d longing for the kills.

The brat, on the other hand, looks like she's exhausted. I'm pretty sure she used all of her mana.

"Don't break your formation Guys! The witch is weakening!" The power-up of the golem didn't last that long, it started to slow down after killing a lot of them. She needs to rest for a bit. Without mana for a spell-caster is like a suicide.

They focused their attacks on her. The golem is not with her so it will be a bad time! The golem tried to make it in time to defend its master but it was too late.

"BARRIER!" A s.h.i.+eld protected her from the attacks! It was Lili's support spell! I didn't know she can use that spell.

"Thanks, kid. I hate this mana thing. I can't use any of my spells. d.a.m.n it!" The brat complained while you can hear her voice weakening.

"So, you brought some backup huh! Go, warriors! Attack them! That barrier won't last long!" The leader ordered.


*BAAAAAAAAAAM!* A powerful fire magic blasted to the warriors! They got knocked back and the area is now burning. It's Akko's spell!

*SWOOOOOOs.h.!.+ SWOOOOOs.h.!.+* Consecutive arrows flew towards some of their supports and spellcasters which killed them in an instant. It was so fast they didn't know what happened. Elou's attacking ability and accuracy is pretty good too.

Their numbers are going down so fast. The golem without the power-up is still strong enough to keep the defenders and warriors busy.

"d.a.m.n it, they're outnumbered but we can't do anything! Sneaky b.a.s.t.a.r.ds! I guess it's time for me to use our last resort!" Warriors and defenders drank some kind of potion.

"AAAAHHHHH!" Their physical appearance became more masculine and larger! It's some kind of power-up potion! Nasty beefcakes!

"That's the one they used when they raided our village. They are not affected by our attacks. They are like some kind of madmen!" Thanks for the info Elf.

So, they hide something like this. The defenders and warriors only used it so that means it doesn't give much power to those intelligence and wisdom type players.

They ganged up to the Golem! Every swing cracks the golem's body. Even their weapons shattered to pieces! Their weapons can't keep up with their power.

The Leader who uses a giant greatsword wrecked the golem in pieces. They rushed towards the girls and attack them like crazy! The barrier won't last long! The more they got hit by the attacks the more mana it consumes. Even the powerful fire spells of Akko can't stop them anymore!

This is bad! I need to do something!

"Just try to buy me more time. I can use my most powerful spell, just a little more," The brat whispered.

Jeez, I was saving my mana for later but I guess I don't have a choice!

I flew using my boosters and twirl in mid-air. Then,


*BAAAAAAAAM!* I hit one of the warriors and he flew towards the others and broke their formation.

They stopped hitting the barrier and focused their attention on me. More than ten of them jumped at me but I managed to dodge every attack they made. It was tough and they may be powerful but they lack the speed to hit me.

I crushed every single one of them with my powerful attacks! I was like invincible berserker destroying every enemy in the path. I don't remember the last time I checked my level so maybe I really developed them.

"Hey, who's that guy?! He's just punching the h.e.l.l out of us! Leave the boy to me and focus your attacks on the girls!" The leader said. He wears black heavy armor which is hard to penetrate. Though I don't think he has the speed to defeat me.

Every swing of the boss. .h.i.ts only nothing but air. I countered with cheap strikes which made him more irritated. They said that a calm mind will overcome even a storm which I think only applies to me here.

Elou didn't stop doing his thing. Akko didn't stop using her powerful spells. Lili's on the verge of giving up too but she's still trying to maintain the barrier.

Every counter I made left a dent in the Leader's armor. His lackey decided to help him up but they didn't do much but just tiring themselves from attacking. Man, I love my evasion.

There are only fourteen warriors and defenders left. The brat also is now starting to recover her mana.

"So, what's your plan next, Chicken?" The brat provocatively said.

"GRRRRRRR! You will pay for this witch! You started a war! We will never forget what happened here and wreck your city!" He said knowing that they are on the verge of death.

"Stop chitchat and just crumble to pieces! EARTH G.o.d'S CATASTROPHE!" The ground is shaking like an earthquake!

The ground beneath the enemies started to shatter and made a giant hole. They all fell while I jumped back to avoid falling. After they reached the bottom of the hole, it closed crus.h.i.+ng them inside! That's not a good way to die I think.

"That used all my mana again. That was fun, Haha!" Yeah right. Being evil isn't fun...

"So, you really are strong, I knew it. That explains a lot. Anyways, we should gather those loot," Oh right, she didn't know I can do something.

Well technically, you were the one who mostly did the fighting. I'm pretty sure she was exhausted enough.

We gathered the loot from the dead bodies. Looting from dead players isn't really cool. They're still dead bodies of humans you know...

After all the trouble we decided to rest for a bit. WOOOH... That's a h.e.l.l of a fight.

While resting and cooking some food, the elf came back. He said their thanks and invited us to their current location.

"How about you go to our place and let us express our grat.i.tude? We're sure you are exhausted from all of that fighting. There will be a small celebration for you," That sounds like free food!