New Life Online - 138 Hell's Flame Unison

138 Hell's Flame Unison

Seriously? Just how strong this Harpy Queen? My Gargoyles' self-destruction can devastate a village but she only took small injuries. I have some gargoyles and death hounds left but I think they are not enough to buy us that much time. I really hate partic.i.p.ating in a fight that I can't win. The risk is too much for us to handle!

"Don't worry, Miss Petula. We've got your back." They didn't freaking escape but instead, hoping to defeat a Legendary Boss... They probably are idiots, but the ones I like. I hope we can really do something.

"CONJURER'S GRASP OF DEATH!" I summoned a couple of hands that held the Harpies Feet once again with all I've got to make them have a chance to hit the Harpy Queen with a direct hit! The Harpy Queen tried to struggle but I put a lot of effort to make sure she can't fly away! This is such a pain in the b.u.t.t!

"ENCHANTED DAGGERS!" Different kinds of daggers with different coatings to cause different kinds of effects. .h.i.t her endlessly! Some of its body parts are frozen solid and burning at the same time!

*SKETCH SKETCH* A strong gust of wind not only tears her sharp feathers down but also slices every part of her body!

"DEATH HORs.e.m.e.n'S EXECUTION!" The four undead hors.e.m.e.n charged at her with their long weapons from different sides! If they can pin her down with their spears then we have more chance of winning even without Scy but...

*BAAAAAAAAAAM!* The Harpy Queen made a powerful flap of her wings creating a disastrous amount of wind! Even my darkness got cleared by her attack! She's on a different level than us combined. Every one of us got knocked back real bad making them at bad state almost incapacitated. She flew up ahead making our reach limited. This is why I hate fighting flying monsters! It's hard to catch them! We have to do something before... well it looks like it's too late...

*SWOOOOOs.h.!.+* The Harpy Queen made a tremendous gigantic tornado sucking all things nearby! We are being sucked in by it too! If we don't plan something now, we are all going to die! The trees that caught by the tornado were torn to pieces! It's like a living grinder or something!

"I have to try to stop it by reversing the wind direction!" Jaine showed me her sketchbook... No, she can't do that it's too dangerous. She needs a tremendous amount of mana to stop something like that!

"Are you mad?! If you stop that then you'll just pa.s.s out of mana exhaustion or even get yourself killed!" I exclaimed trying to stop what she's planning. Trees nearby us are getting sucked in and it's almost near us. This is bad! Scy and the others, where are you guys! I should be relaxing right now in my room in the guild hall but instead, I'm risking my life like this! I really regret joining this kind of guild with a mad leader!

"It's ok. I would gladly sacrifice myself to reduce the casualties instead of all of us getting killed." Talking to her seems a little bit slow... waiting for her to finish writing. She's right, that's our only option now, if we can't stop it we are just going to be sliced meat when we enter that thing! Jaine... you are such a good sacrifice...

Two minutes later...

"You know, a lot of people bully me since I was in elementary because I was always alone so they call me weirdo. Our guild is the only place I feel at ease and I want to be part of your family, that's why I will do my best to save you guys. Tornado, let's do it! TORNADO'S REVERSAL HURRICANE!" Took me a while reading that but I understand her situation. I am too beautiful and a lot of my cla.s.smates got jealous so they said that I don't belong to their group. I wish I am not this beautiful. Mom, why did you have to make me so beautiful?

Her right palm hit an invisible force in front of her reflecting what's happening on the giant tornado. The tornado is moving clockwise direction and I think she tried to stop it by adding hurricane around it with a counterclockwise direction.

The force is too much for her to handle alone! Helping her with other elements would just make a ma.s.sive reaction so only Jaine can do this!

"ELEMENTAL ENHANCEMENT POTION!" Beat threw a potion on her and then Jaine started to glow making her spell more powerful! The hurricane started to weaken! You can do it, Jaine! If you don't do it I can't rest so you should do it!

"I'm not going to let you ruin my artwork! GYAAAAAAH!" The Harpy queen started to charge at Jaine! This is bad! If the boss prevents her from stopping the huge hurricane then it would be the end of us all!

*SWOOOOOs.h.!.+ CLAAAANG!* Meraz stopped the Harpy Queen from getting near Jaine by using his giant sword blocking the Harpy Queen's feet claws in mid-air! Good job, weirdo!

"I'm not done yet! FOUR HORs.e.m.e.n MARCH!" Suddenly, he transformed to his monster soul making his sword even bigger and swung it aiming for the Harpy Queen!

*SWOOOOs.h.!.+* He wasn't able to land the hit because the Harpy Queen used a powerful gust of wind knocking him away! d.a.m.n it!

The tornado is getting weaker and weaker, so does Jaine! She can't hold it much longer or she will pa.s.s out soon!

The end is near for us. We did our best to buy time but it also took us a lot of time going to this place, probably a month or I don't know. I understand if Scy can't save us on time but I really can't lose any experience now. It will take a while to get those levels back! I think I need to use my last and best card. If this fails then I don't have any other means of defeating or stopping this freaking overpowered Boss.

"Woooooh..." I let out a sigh making myself calm for a while. I need to concentrate and focus this time. If this fails then I'm going to lose control. This is my first time using this. I hope I don't end up like Scy.

"This time, you are all going to die! I can feel that most of you are on the verge of death and I'm here to take all your lives! I will ease the pain you are feeling right now and end your suffering quickly as possible... I mean as Diligent as possible. I'm a lady after all!" What is she mumbling about... I literally don't listen to her while she talks because she doesn't really look like a lady at all with that demonic face of hers.

Ok, I really hate to use wands or staves but I don't have a choice. I need to use it to improve my magic power. Everyone knows that I use dark magic but I also use fire spells but only fire spells from h.e.l.l itself! I'm always asking myself, if there is a h.e.l.l in game, then that means there is a way to get there. Maybe we will have answers someday. But for now, I have to concentrate to fight this dumb flying humanoid devil animal.

"GWAAAAAAAAH! I will kill you now and your friends! My claws will chop you to pieces and feed to worms and animals! HARPY QUEEN'S DEADLY GUST OF CLAWS!" Shut up! This animal never shut up. It came from above, dived in full speed towards us. Her feet's claws are enchanted by wind element created a concentrated amount attack that can pierce and slash everything on her path!

"Hey Conjurer, I hope you can lend me your real body. The soul alone can't help in this type of situation so I hope you don't get cranky on me." I hope Conjurer can lend me his strength. I know I haven't reached the required level yet but I have to try it.

"CONJURER'S SECOND FORM, OPEN h.e.l.l'S GATE! I CALL FORTH THE CONJURER!" The gate once again opened but this time a giant hand with claws opened the gate. It started to get wider and then finally, the devil comes out of the h.e.l.l's gate. The other devils, on the other hand, didn't come out because Conjurer, one of their leaders is on the way.

"I made a mistake of visiting the realm of the living and my soul was captured by you. I remember it clearly how you landed the last hit on me and stole my soul from the people with light armors. Clever girl, I should say." Conjurer talked after closing the gate. After summoning him, I partially gave the other part of his soul to his body back but I will get it back as soon as I cancel the summoning spell or if I die.

"Well, we should really start moving or even if you're here, that Harpy Queen will just cut me to pieces!" I exclaimed. We have to stop her by all means!

"CONJURER'S h.e.l.lFIRE!" I shot a powerful blast of flame towards the Harpy Queen!

"Not bad girl, CONJURER'S h.e.l.l RAIN!" He also shot a ma.s.sive force of flames combining with my attack and made a powerful h.e.l.l's flame unison! How about this you d.a.m.n Harpy Queen!