New Word-Analysis - Part 5

Part 5

_of being_ liber-ty _state of being_ free.

n. _one who is_ -IVE = or _that which_ capt-ive _one who is_ taken.

adj. _having_ cohes-ive _having power_ to stick.

_the power_ _or quality_

-IX = _feminine_ testatr-ix a _woman_ who leaves a will.

IZE (See ISE.)

-MENT _state of being_ excite-ment _state of being_ excited.

= or _act of_; induce-ment _that which_ induces.

_that which_

-MONY _state or_ matri-mony _state of_ marriage.

= _quality of_; testi-mony _that which_ is testified.

_that which_

_one who_; audit-or _one who_ hears.

-OR = _that which_; mot-or _that which_ moves.

_quality of_ err-or _quality of_ erring.

adj. _fitted_ or preparat-ory _fitted_ to prepare.

-ORY = _relating to_ n. _place armor-y _place where_ arms are where_; kept.

_that which_

-OSE = _abounding in_ verb-ose _abounding in_ words.

-ous popul-ous _abounding in_ people.

-TUDE = _condition or_ servi-tude _condition of_ a slave.

_quality of_ forti-tude _quality of_ being brave.

-TY (See -ITY.)

-ULE = _minute_ glob-ule a _minute_ globe.

-ULENT = _abounding in_ op-ulent _abounding in_ wealth.

-URE = _act or state depart-ure _act of_ departing.

of_; creat-ure _that which_ is created.

_that which_


-an -ent -ant -ier -ary -ist = _one who_ (_agent_); _that which._ -ate -ive -eer -or

-ate -ite = _one who is_ (_recipient_); _that -ee -ive which is._

-acy -ism -age -ity -ance -ment NOUN SUFFIXES -ancy -mony = _state; condition; quality; act._ -ate -tude -ence -ty -ency -ure -ion

-ary = _place where._ -ory

-cle -cule = _diminutives._ -ule


-ac -ic -al -ical -an -id = _relating to; like; being_.

-ar -ile -ary -ine -ent -ory

-ate -ose = _abounding in; having the quality_.


ADJECTIVE -able -ible = _that may be_.

SUFFIXES. -ble -ile

-ive = _having power_.

-ferous = _causing_ or _producing_.


-aceous = _of; having the quality_.


-escent = _becoming_.


-ate VERB SUFFIXES -fy = _to make; render; perform an act_.

-ise -ize



a. Write and define nouns denoting the agent (one who or that which) from the following:--

1. Nouns.

MODEL: _art + ist = artist, one who practices an art._[5]

1 art 2 cash 3 humor 4 history 5 vision 6 tribute 7 cure 8 engine 9 auction 10 cannon 11 flute 12 drug 13 tragedy 14 mutiny 15 grammar 16 credit 17 note 18 method 19 music 20 flower (_flor_-)

2. Verbs.

1 profess 2 descend 3 act 4 imitate 5 preside 6 solicit 7 visit 8 defend 9 survey 10 oppose (_oppon_-)

3. Adjectives.

1 adverse 2 secret 3 potent 4 private