New Word-Analysis - Part 37

Part 37

AUTHENTIC'ITY, _genuineness_.

8. BAL'LEIN (a??e??), _to throw or cast_.

EM'BLEM, _a representation; a type_.

EMBLEMAT'ICAL, _containing an emblem_.

HYPER'BOLE, _a figure of speech which represents things greater or less than they are_.

PAR'ABLE, _a story which ill.u.s.trates some fact or doctrine_.

PARAB'OLA, _one of the conic sections_.

PROB'LEM, _a question proposed for solution_.

SYM'BOL, _a sign; a representation_.

SYMBOLICAL, _representing by signs_.

9. BAP'TEIN (apte??), _to wash, to dip_.

BAP'TISM, _a Christian sacrament, in the observance of which the individual is sprinkled with or immersed in water_.

BAPTIZE', _to sprinkle with or immerse in water_.

BAPTISMAL, _pertaining to baptism: as baptismal vows_.

BAP'TIST, _one who approves only of baptism by immersion_.

ANABAP'TIST, _one who believes that only adults should be baptized_.

CATABAP'TIST, _one opposed to baptism_.

PEDOBAP'TISM (Gr. _pais_, _paidos_, a child), _infant baptism_.

10. CHRON'OS (??????), time.

CHRON'IC, _lasting a long time_; _periodical_.

CHRON'ICLE, _a record of events in the order of time_; _a history recording facts in order of time_.

CHRONOL'OGY, _the science of computing the dates of past events_.

CHRONOM'ETER (Gr. n. _me'tron_, a measure), _an instrument for measuring time_.

ANACH'RONISM, _an error in computing time_.

SYN'CHRONAL, SYN'CHRONOUS, _existing at the same time_.

11. GRAM'MA (??aa), _a letter_

GRAM'MAR, _the science of language_.

GRAMMA'RIAN, _one skilled in or who teaches grammar_.

GRAMMAT'ICAL, _according to the rules of grammar_.

AN'AGRAM, _the change of one word into another by transposing the letters_.

DI'AGRAM, _a writing or drawing made for ill.u.s.tration_.

EP'IGRAM, _a short poem ending with a witty thought_.

MON'OGRAM (Gr. adj. _mon'os_, alone), _a character composed of several letters interwoven_.

PRO'GRAMME, _order of any entertainment_.

TEL'EGRAM (Gr. _te'le_, at a distance), _a message sent by telegraph_.

12. GRAPH'EIN (??afe??), _to write_.

GRAPH'IC, _well delineated; giving vivid description_.

AU'TOGRAPH. See _au'tos_.

BIOG'RAPHY (Gr. n. _bi'os_, life), _the history of a life_.

CALIG'RAPHY (Gr. adj. _kal'os_, beautiful), _beautiful writing_.

GEOG'RAPHY (Gr. n. _ge_, the earth), _a description of the earth_.

HISTORIOG'RAPHER (Gr. n. _histo'ria_, history), _one appointed to write history_.

HOL'OGRAPH (Gr. adj. _hol'os_, whole), _a deed or will wholly written by the grantor or testator_.

LEXICOG'RAPHER (Gr. n. _lex'icon_, a dictionary), _the compiler of a dictionary_.

LITH'OGRAPH (Gr. n. _lith'os_, a stone), _an impression of a drawing made on stone_.

LITHOG'RAPHY, _the art of writing on and taking impressions from stone_.

ORTHOG'RAPHY (Gr. adj. _or'thos_, correct), _the correct spelling of words_.