New Species: Tiger - New Species: Tiger Part 17

New Species: Tiger Part 17

"Do you want to talk about this?"

His eyebrow arched.

"The woman. You. The fact that she's human."

"I'm not looking for a mate."

"So it's just a casual affair?"

"Nothing about her is casual."

Surprise widened the doctor's eyes. "You're feeling things for her then?"


"That's a good thing."

"I'm not so sure." Tiger sighed. "I don't want to grow dependent on anyone."

Sympathy showed in the older male's face. "I understand but could I give you a little advice?"

Tiger nodded.

"I fell in love with a woman once but I put my career first. I was in med school and I let her slip through my fingers. That was forty-eight years ago. To this day I regret it. I married someone else but it wasn't the same. That relationship didn't last more than a few years. I got a wonderful son out of the deal but his mother and I never really loved each other. Don't let this one get away if you love her."

"Why didn't you go after this female if you still have strong feelings for her?"

The doctor sighed. "She married my best friend after I dumped her. He could appreciate what I couldn't. They are happy but it's a knife to my heart every time I see them together. Get your priorities straight, son. I know you have issues after the life you've been handed but it's better to face your fears than live with regret. Trust an old man on this one."


The doctor smiled. "I think of all of you as my kids. It happens when you reach my age. You have a life now. Live it. Make every moment count."

"Thank you." Tiger left knowing he had to make a decision. He either needed to break it off with Zandy for good or fully commit to her.

Chapter Twelve.

Richard shook his head. "I can't believe you were attacked at Reservation. It's so safe here. Did they figure out how the douche bag got in?"

Zandy shrugged. "I'm not sure how the guy breached the walls but they caught him." She'd heard that from her security detail when they'd escorted her to work. She'd completely forgotten to ask Tiger about it the night before. "They are having a lot of problems with the protesters."

"And the reporters." Richard made a face. "You should have seen all the news vans lined up along the front gates this morning. It's insane. Someone reported that Justice North and his wife might be here so they are everywhere, hoping for a sighting."

"I didn't know he was here."

"He isn't," Smiley announced as he entered their office. "We had a helicopter fly in from Homeland and they incorrectly assumed it could be Justice and his mate." He glanced at them both. "Are you ready to be escorted to lunch?"

Zandy rose from her desk and put on her shoes. "I'm starving."

Smiley sniffed loudly at her as she approached and it caused her to frown.

"Stop doing that."

"The scent is growing stronger. Perhaps you shouldn't go to lunch. I can take Richard and bring your meal back."

"What scent?" Richard glanced between their escort and her.

"Zandy is beginning to ovulate."

"Uh-oh." Richard backed away and used his fingers to make a cross. "It's that time of the month, huh? You should have warned me. I would have brought chocolates to toss your way when you hit the worst of the PMS stage. It does my wife wonders."

"Ovulation. Not menstruation," Smiley scoffed. "How is it that I know more about females than you do when you have a mate?"

A blush heated Richard's cheeks. "Oh." He suddenly grinned. "That's good news. The other monthly visitor scares me."

She shook her head. "Nice. Can we drop this subject? I'm starving and I want to go to lunch."

Smiley opened the door before she reached it. He inhaled deeply and softly growled. "You do smell good."

"Stop saying that."

"Do I see a hint of romance between the two of you?"

"Shut up, Richard. No." She gave Smiley a pointed look. "Behave."

"I am trying," Smiley said to Richard, grinning. "So far she keeps turning me down."

"Smiley is a nice guy," Richard vouched. "You should date him."

"I'm seeing someone, remember? I'm also starving so let it drop. My personal life isn't a topic I want to discuss."

They drove to the cafeteria but Smiley paused by the door. "Your scent really is growing stronger. Tomorrow you need to do something about it or I'll have to bring you lunch at the office for a few days. The males will begin to notice and pick it up. I suggest you don't get too close to them."

Richard chuckled. "No offense but I'm glad I can't smell you."

"You're missing out." Smiley's gaze traveled slowly down Zandy's body in a clearly sensual way. "She smells good enough to eat."

Heat warmed her cheeks. "Slade North told me to be blunt so here goes, Smiley. You're a good-looking man but I'm never going to be interested in you. It's starting to get on my nerves."

He gave a sharp nod of his head. "I understand. I will not state my desire for you again."

She smiled at him. "It's nothing personal. You're a great guy. Very hunky. Please don't be offended."

"I understand. You are aroused by another."

"Let's not go there," she said quickly. "It's...well, that's private. Being aroused by someone shouldn't be discussed or shared. It's a human thing. We can't tell that about each other and it's a good thing."

Smiley's gaze slid to Richard. "I understand."

Richard gasped. "I arouse you? Really? Wow, I'm flattered."

Zandy snorted. "It's not you so don't even go there. I want this dropped now. Enough." She glanced at Smiley. "And you need to stop sniffing at me and making comments about my body."

He sighed. "Fine. I won't bring up the subject again but you're banned from coming here after today for a few days. Your scent will draw the attention of males."

"Okay. I'll take your word on that. Can we eat now?"

He nodded and waved his arm for her to precede him. "Just try to keep at least five feet of space between you and males today."

"I'll try my best."

It quickly became apparent that there was a problem when they joined the line for the buffet. New Species turned in line to stare at her. She caught interested stares from more of them at nearby tables. One of the males walked right up to her with a serious expression.

"I'm Ascend. Would you like to eat lunch with me?"

She gawked a little at the big, handsome male officer wearing an NSO uniform before her brain began to function again. "No thank you."

He spun away to return to his table. Smiley stepped closer to her until they were almost touching. "It's stronger than I thought. I'm primate and my sense of smell isn't as good as the canines or the felines. I'm going to stay with you today while you eat until we leave. It will dissuade most of them from approaching you again."

Zandy was stunned by the amount of male attention she drew. She couldn't glance anywhere in her vicinity without meeting men's intense stares. Her cheeks warmed, knowing the reason for their sudden fascination with her. She didn't complain about Smiley being nearly glued to her side.

"Shit," Richard whispered. "Is it just me or are we being stared at?"

"She is drawing attention," Smiley sighed.

A chair scraped loudly on the floor and Zandy turned her head to see the source of the noise. Tiger stood up across the room and came at them quickly. The tense expression on his face made him appear angry. He stormed right up to them and glared at her escort.

"Back off from her. You're too close. I assigned you to escort her, not rub against her body."

Smiley took a big step back. "She is beginning her ovulation cycle. The canine and feline males are picking it up stronger than I did. I thought I'd stick very close to her to dissuade other males from approaching to ask her to share sex with them."

Richard chuckled and Zandy shot him a murderous glare for being amused. It wasn't funny to her. It was embarrassing, bordering on humiliating to have her body functions discussed so openly.

Tiger's gaze held hers when he stepped closer. His beautiful eyes narrowed as he sniffed. "You should go to your apartment now. I'll have lunch sent to you. Take a few days off until your cycle passes."

"It's fine. I'm going to have lunch and go back to work."

Tiger bent a little until he was almost nose to nose with her. "You should go back to your apartment. Any male who comes in close contact with you will notice your scent. It's only going to grow stronger until the entire room can smell you."

"Richard can't and he's the only one I work with. Can we drop this? I'm here and I'm starving. I missed breakfast. I'll eat lunch in the office for a few days, starting tomorrow."

He straightened to his full height and his anger showed in his glare. "Fine. Don't listen to me. More males will approach you." He spun on his heel and stomped away.

Zandy watched him go. She wasn't sure why he was so pissed but it upset her that he was. Richard whistled softly under his breath.

"Not good when the head of security gives you an order and you refuse. That's what it amounted to." He glanced at her. "You're brave. He scares the shit out of me."

"He's worried about her security," Smiley intervened. "That wasn't an order or he would have made sure she left. It was more of a suggestion that she leave. It will be fine. I'm eating with you both today and my presence will tell the other males that she already has a male ready to tend her sexual needs."

"Needs?" Richard's face twisted into a grin as he laughed. "Oh boy. I can't wait to tell my wife about this."

"You suck." Zandy sighed. "This isn't amusing." She ignored the stares and the sniffs she heard from the men around her. It was a relief when she carried a tray of food to the table and Creek was already seated there. "Hi."

The tall woman sniffed the air. "You are about to go into heat."

Zandy sat down hard and put her tray in front of her. "I've heard."

"There are ways you can disguise it. You'll need to or the males will grow aggressive in trying to gain your attention and impress you in hopes of you wanting to share sex with them."

"How does she do that?" Richard had a look of pure glee on his face.

Zandy wanted to toss a grape at him and only resisted for a second. It hit his chest and he chuckled.

"Good shot."

"It's not funny."

Creek leaned in to speak softly. "You need to get perfume and spray it on a panty liner. You have to buy it in town though. Do you know what one of those is?"

Her humiliation was complete as Richard chuckled again.


"Use baby wipes to clean that area hourly and change your panty liners at the same time. It will hide the scent of you being in heat from the males. It's what our females do who wish to continue working during that time. Otherwise males would follow them around and pick fights."


Creek nodded. "Our males get really aroused and aggressive if you're in heat and they smell it. We've had males fight amongst themselves to show who would be the strongest to try to win our interest in letting him mount us. When you are in heat they will actually follow you around. It makes them very aroused."

Smiley nodded his agreement. "Very aroused."

"Wow. See what kind of interesting things you can learn?" Richard winked.

She sighed, staring back at him. "Can you bring me some perfume? I'm not supposed to leave Reservation after being mistaken for Justice North's mate and I can't shop for it here."

"Sure. Not a problem. My wife has a ton of the stuff. I can bring it to you in the morning."


A big male paused by their table and drew their attention. His dark eyes locked on Zandy for long seconds before he took a seat at the next table. Clearly, he sat there so he could watch her while he ate. More men came to sit at the same table. All of them watched her. It made her super self-conscious as she tried to eat her lunch.