Netori System - 62 Daily Chapters

62 Daily Chapters

I will post today. But just know that you will be 10 chapters ahead on my pa treon!

My birthday is April 10th! If you join my pa treon today for just $5 you already to get read on ahead by 10 chapters! I will be ma.s.s releasing all chapters on my pa treon and finis.h.i.+ng Netori System on my pa treon. If you donate $10 then you can read on ahead 15 chapters! And if you donate on the higher tiers, you will get your advanced chapters faster. Also, my new story Lewd System will come out tomorrow!

Lewd System will be inspired by many manga like DxD and also have themes from cultivation novels and even solo leveling!

Lewd System will be my final R-18 novel on my GhostyZ account! So I will be going all out on it!

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The newest chapter comes out today.