Neruda And Vallejo: Selected Poems - Part 14

Part 14

y las jvenes estudiantes, y los sacerdotes se masturban,

y los animales fornican directamente,

y las abejas huelen a sangre, y las moscas zumban colericas,

y los primos juegan extranamente con sus primas,

y los medicos miran con furia al marido de la joven paciente,

y las horas de la manana en que el profesor, como por descuido,

c.u.mple con su deber conyugal y desayuna,

y ms an, los adlteros, que se aman con verdadero amor

sobre lechos altos y largos como embarcaciones:

seguramente, eternamente me rodea

este gran bosque respiratorio y enredado

con grandes flores como bocas y dentaduras

y negras races en forma de unas y zapatos.


The h.o.m.os.e.xual young men and the love-mad girls,

and the long widows who suffer from a delirious inability to sleep,

and the young wives who have been pregnant for thirty hours,

and the hoa.r.s.e cats that cross my garden in the dark,

these, like a necklace of throbbing s.e.xual oysters,

surround my solitary house,

like enemies set up against my soul,

like members of a conspiracy dressed in sleeping costumes,

who give each other as pa.s.swords long and profound kisses.

The shining summer leads out the lovers

in low-spirited regiments that are all alike,

made up of fat and thin and cheerful and sullen pairs ;

under the elegant coconut palms, near the sea and the moon,

there is a steady movement of trousers and petticoats,

and a hum from the stroking of silk stockings,

and women's b.r.e.a.s.t.s sparkling like eyes.

The small-time employee, after many things,

after the boredom of the week, and the novels read in bed at night,

has once and for all seduced the woman next door,