Needles And Pearls - Needles and Pearls Part 53

Needles and Pearls Part 53

'Are you all right?'

'Yes, Martin, thanks.'

'God. It's unbelievable one minute there was just one of you and now there's two.'

'I know.'

'She's beautiful.'

'She is, isn't she?'

The ambulance men are both standing smiling, looking very proud.

'Is there anyone you need to call?'


Martin smiles.

'Here, use my mobile. I called Mum, I couldn't help it, I was in such a state, but she's promised not to say anything.'


'Yes, pet? Are you all right? I was going to pop round. I got you some of that body lotion you like. Hospitals are always too hot and '

'Could you come round to the house?'

'Of course I can, pet. What's the matter? You sound odd. You're not having twinges, are you? Reg, get the car out, she's starting. REG.'


'Yes, pet.'

'Actually, I've finished. The baby's here.'

'What? Oh my Lord, I'm coming, I'm on my way. Just hang on, pet. Reg, Reg, get the car.'


'Yes, pet?'

'Here, talk to the midwife. Everything's fine, I promise.'

Gran arrives just as the midwife has finished washing the baby. She's still got her plastic pinny on when Martin brings Gran upstairs.

'Here she is.'

Gran's smiling, but looking pretty frightened.

'Oh pet, are you all right? I was that worried. Are you sure she's all right, Audrey?'

The midwife smiles; I'd forgotten Gran knows everybody round here.

'She's fine, right as rain. She did very well. Quick deliveries can be complicated, but not this one, and her scar's fine.'

She's been telling me there's always a worry about old Caesarean scars when you have what she says is called a precipitous birth, but everything's fine, and I can stay here, which is great.

She puts her blood-pressure box back into her bag.

'Just keep an eye on her, Mary she'll be tired.'

'I should think she will.'

'And if she starts any big bleeding or anything unusual, ring me. But I'm sure she'll be fine, and I'll be back later on this evening. But call me any time if there's anything worrying you. I've left the number by the phone downstairs. I'll let the hospital know, and the GP he'll probably pop along later. Congratulations, my dear. I'll let myself out.'

'Oh Gran.' I'm crying again, which is so annoying but I can't seem to stop. 'I'm so happy, I don't know why I keep bloody crying.'

'It'll be the shock, pet, but it's all over now.'

Actually, it's only just beginning, but never mind.

We both look at the baby. She's fast asleep in her Moses basket, wrapped up tight in the new sheet with rabbits on, and the cream cotton blanket Audrey found in the drawer in the spare room. Her room now. The baby's room.

'She's perfect, isn't she?'

'She is. I was sure she'd be a boy.'

'I know, your first great-granddaughter. Maybe your only one, unless Vin gets a move on, so you'd better make the most of her.'

'I will, pet. Aren't you clever?'

'Aren't you going to pick her up for a cuddle then?'

'I thought you'd never ask. Shall I bring the things up first?'

'What things?'

'Just a few bits and pieces, and '



'Just give her a cuddle.'

She picks her up, ever so carefully.

Great. I can sleep now. Gran's here, and she's got the baby. Now I can sleep.

'Are you hungry, pet?'

'Starving. What time is it?'

'Nearly three. Reg has gone to get the boys from school. Let's get you fed, then, before she wakes up. What do you fancy?'

'Tea and toast?'

I had tea and toast on the recovery ward after I had the boys, and I really fancy it now.

'That's not a proper meal. What about if I do you some nice scrambled eggs, and Reg is getting you a steak for your tea. We've got to keep your strength up. I'll do you chips too, if you like; Reg can go home and get my chip pan.'

'Lovely. But just toast for now, thanks.'

Gran brings the boys straight upstairs when they get in from school and Archie sits eating my toast, while Jack kneels down by the Moses basket and looks at his sister.


'Yes, Jack.'

'So it's a girl, the baby?'

'Yes, love.'

'It doesn't matter, Mum. She can still play with us. When she's bigger. What's her name?'

'I don't know. I couldn't decide without you two here.'

He smiles, and Archie leans forward to peer into the Moses basket.

'What about Galadriel she's a queen, in The Lord of the Rings, and she's great. That would be a good name.'

'I was thinking about Mary.'

Gran makes a small noise and steps backwards in the doorway as Reg puts his arm around her.

Archie sits down on the bed.

'That's quite nice. What other ones?'

'What about Pearl?'

Jack nods.

'She is quite pearly.'

'So shall we call her Mary Pearl then?'


Archie nods.

'Yes, and we'll call her Pearly. Pearly girl, because she's a girl.'

'Or maybe just Pearl.'

I pat the bed.

'Come on then, I'm waiting for my cuddle.'

Actually, I must try to remember not to move my legs so quickly.

They both wriggle up next to me, and start off very gently, before they relax and snuggle in.

'Do you want to cuddle the baby?'

'Pearl, Mum, you should call her Pearl. She won't like being called the baby all the time.'

Archie's clearly enjoying his newly elevated Big Brother status.

'Okay. Do you want to cuddle Pearl?'

'No, thanks.'

'I would.'

Gran puts her on my lap, and she brilliantly stays asleep while Jack has his first tentative cuddle.

'Her hands are so tiny, Mum.'

'I know.'

'Because she's only little.'


Actually, eight pounds four ounces, so not so little, thank you very much.

'Were my hands that tiny?'

'Yes, love. And you had the same hair. Lots of black hair.'

'But now it's brown.'

'It changes.'

Actually, it's uncanny how like Jack she is; she's got the same long thin feet, and long fingers and the same-shaped head. Archie was more rounded, and had less hair. Please God she takes after Jack and sleeps sometimes. But actually, even if she doesn't, I don't care, not really. She's here, and she's perfect. Absolutely perfect. All three of them are here, and everything's fine.

I'm going to cry again if I'm not careful.