Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl? - Chapter 55 - Auction P4

Chapter 55 - Auction P4

Chapter 55: Auction P4


Explosions rang out as Lewis blocked the attacks with an earth shield.

Flipping back slightly, he gritted his teeth with anger.

He had thought that he would be let off free since most of the level 50's were focused on the relic. Who knew a level 50 would still focus on his Awakening Stone.

However, he wasn't unfamiliar with these guys.

The level 50, Cain, was the 5th rank on the priority list, while the other level 44, Paul, was 6th.

"Lewis! Hand that stone over!" Cain shouted out as his hands lit aflame.

"In the simulation you suppressed us. But this is real life so do the right thing and hand it over!" Paul shouted out as well.

"Pui! Surpass me if you have the capabilities. If you don't, then don't bother." Lewis replied disdainfully.

Rock covered his body as it created a pseudo armour.


Lightning struck towards Lewis while he slammed his palms downwards.

A pillar of earth blocked the lightning, diverting the force into the ground.

"ARG!" Lewis cried out in pain as Cain had managed to land a fireball on his back.

Pivoting on his leg, Lewis caused several rock arms to shoot upwards and grab Cain by the leg.


The arm slammed Cain into the ground with as much force as it could muster.

Paul gathered lightning into his hand, slowly forming it into a dense lightning spear.

Pulling back his arm, he threw the spear towards Lewis.

"URAHHH!!!" Lewis shouted out as the earth wrapped around him.

Gritting his teeth, Lewis resisted the pain and glared towards Paul.

However, the moment he turned his back to Cain, Cain controlled the fire to form a giant hammer.

"HA!" He shouted out as the hammer slammed into the back of Lewis' armour.


His body was launched forwards, causing him to roll for several meters.

"F*CK OFF!" Lewis shouted out just as his mana started to spike upwards.

A huge rock golem was formed next to Lewis.

Quickly climbing up the rock golem, Lewis controlled the golem to punch towards Paul.

He wanted to get rid of the weakest one of the playing field.

"I'm not that easy!" Paul shouted out.

Lightning twisted around his palms while he pulled his palms apart. Sparks jumped from one hand to another as it slowly gathered in the centre.


The ball of lightning shot forwards, smashing a hole through the golem before dispersing into mana.

Paul had to make sure the lightning ball didn't cause additional damage as he would be in trouble otherwise. While they could fight the winners of the bids, they couldn't involve citizens. If they did, a squadron of level 50 patrolmen would hunt them down.

Lewis quickly regenerated the golem back to full HP.

Looking around with urgency, he narrowed his eyes on the skyscrapers.

Raising his hands, rock spikes erupted from the ground causing Paul and Cain to dodge in a panic.


The golem crashed heavily against the skyscraper as Lewis controlled it to climb higher.

Shiro, who was hiding by the roof of the buildings, frowned slightly when she saw where Lewis was running away to.

'Annoying.' Shiro thought.

Crouching down, Shiro put strength into her legs.

Yin Style Phantom Art: 1st Phantom + 2nd Phantom.

Her body flickered every so often as she dashed after Lewis.

Jumping up, she used her passive float combined with her phantom arts to scale the building quite easily.

"Pah! Ha… ha… ha.." Lewis huffed with fatigue.

Shaking his head, he got rid of the slight headache.

This was a problem with earth element mages. While their defence was strong, it took more MP the more damage that stacked up. Holding against the bombardment of a level 50 and 44 wasn't easy at all.

Shiro hid in the shadows as she waited for the level 50 and 44 to catch up.


Two figures landed heavily on the roof.

"Lewis, you can't run anymore. Just hand the stone over!" Cain shouted out.

"You know what? Take it. Fight amongst yourself for it!" Lewis retorted.

'While they're distracted, I should hit them off the roof and run.' He thought while pulling out the stone.

"Here!" He shouted as he threw the stone.

Pulling back his hands, he quickly made 2 stone spears.

'Chance!' Shiro thought.

Crouching down quickly, she dashed forwards.

Yin Style Phantom Art: 2nd Phantom + Faded Snow Movement.

Snow erupted outwards as it pushed the three mages away.

"SH*T ANOTHER MAGE!" Cain shouted out as he shielded his eyes.

Shiro managed to grab hold of the stone and store it in her inventory.

'Crap! It was a fake!' Shiro thought as she saw that it was just a normal stone.


She suddenly heard lightning behind her and quickly reacted accordingly.

Twisting her body, she slammed her palms into the ground and activated her sk