My Status As An Assassin Obviously Exceeds The Hero's - Chapter 92

Chapter 92

It wasn’t as if I didn’t have any combat experience .  

Before I entered the royal family, my family made a living through hunting animals . I didn’t have the skills and couldn’t be compared to adventurers, but I learned what I could wherever possible .  

That’s why I came to this dungeon by myself without a single attendant .  

But this person was on a completely different level .

「Just what is… . 」

I was shocked by the scene before me .

The wings were clipped, and a leg struck a distant wall, becoming nothing but a lump of meat .

The shark who was just about to eat me, no longer had a head .  

I slightly s.h.i.+fted my gaze and lied down nearby, with a look of disbelief on my face .

I saw it, but I couldn’t understand what had just happened .

What I saw was Akirsama readying his two black daggers, one in each hand . After that, before I knew it, the wings and leg fell down, and its head went flying .

Even though things may appear this way, my eyes were not bad .

Even so, my eyes couldn’t catch anything .

「Akirsama defeated it?」

「Ha? Was there anyone else?」

I unconsciously asked this, and then flipping over, Akirsama, who was spotless and didn’t have a single drop of blood on him, furrowed his brows .

Certainly, there was no one else .

Yoru-sama did not move either because I was riding on him .

Even I understood that it was Akirsama who defeated the monster, but to send the head of a monster who nullified magic flying, I was a bit doubtful . The boss of the eightieth floor was so easily defeated, my mind was a mess .

「Um, I thought it was impossible to cut through that monster’s neck with daggers like those . It’s as thick as a tree . 」 

At this point, what was normal?, I was slightly panicking .

It seemed like my own common sense was easily overturned, and it was somewhat frightening .

『Master-dono, I am familiar with it, so I can kind of see it, but for normal people, Master-dono was too fast and wouldn’t be able to see it . 』

Yoru-sama considerately helped me out .

He was a monster who was known as “Adorea’s Nightmare”, but in the last few hours, most of my fear had dissipated .

As expected, rumors were not to be trusted .

He certainly had terrible power, but the Yoru-sama right now was Akirsama’s loyal cat .

「Is that so?」

Perhaps he was not aware of it, I nodded when Akirsama tilted his head .

Akirsama explained as he climbed up Yoru-sama .

「I wouldn’t be able to behead Poseidon who had a magic nullification ability with just these daggers, but that’s not the same for magic power, right? Because it’s magic nullification and not the nullification of magic power . 」

TN: ok, truth be told, I usually translate magic power (魔力/maryoku) as magic, because it’s easier that way and no one gets confused, but they kind of explain the difference between maryoku and mahou in this chapter . In a nutsh.e.l.l, magic power is what is on their statuses (MP) and is quite similar to what is called ‘mana’ in fantasy novels . Magic power is used to create magic, so the use of magic needs magic power but using magic power is not dependent on magic . For example, it can be used in other ways besides forming magic, perhaps coating a weapon with it to make it stronger, which is probably what Akira did to kill Poseidon .  

I still didn’t understand .

Or rather, I’ve never heard of something like using only one’s magic power .

Magic power was the fuel that allowed people to use magic .

It’s much like starting a fire; in order to ignite the fire, wood is needed or there would be no spark . Similarly, magic power is needed or there would be no magic .  

However, the fire will not start with just the wood alone .  

Both need to be present in order to create magic .  

「Magic needs to have magic power, so when magic is nullified, I thought that magic power would be as well . 」

「That’s correct, but magic power is magic power, while magic is magic . No matter how much magic power it’s composed of, magic is a separate phenomenon . By that logic, I concluded that magic nullification should only cancel out magic, not magic power . 」

In other words, don’t think of magic as something that contained magic power, but as an existence that was created after using magic power, or something like that .  

If that’s the case, it would make a lot of sense .  

「I see . However, direct manipulation of magic power, something like that, how did you train for that?」

Was it self-study .

The manipulation of magic power, if I remember correctly, should be considered the skill that was the first hero-sama’s forte .  

It was a skill that many people had challenged, but in the end, no one could do it .

That’s right, no one achieved it .

「I didn’t train or anything like that . When I overdid it, I just happened to be able to do it . 」

This was the first time, I’ve met a genius .

Involuntarily, my jaw dropped .  

「I, is that so . 」

To begin with, it’s because Amelia said something like defeating the White Bat without using『Shadow Magic』, he was muttering something like that .  

For him to just happen to be able to do the same thing as the first hero, this meant that he had the same potential as him .

「Akirsama, are you really an」

There was a rumor that the hero who was summoned this time stayed within the castle and did nothing .

That’s why I couldn’t forgive the hero .

I could understand the fact that the people of this world had selfishly summoned him .  

However, it seems that he received the occupation of a hero and just stayed within the castle without doing anything .

Like this, my dead family would be turning in their graves .

Fortunately, Akirsama was one of the heroes . Thank G.o.d .  

「I am an . …certainly, I haven’t killed anyone, and it’s not very, but I am an . 」

With sharp eyes, Akirsama looked at me and declared this .

I felt like those eyes, were making sure of something .

「We’re going . 」

Even if we had instantly killed the eightieth floor boss, that light continued to s.h.i.+ne .

Even though he was someone who possessed strength that could not be rivaled by anyone else besides the demons, he was most likely making a face that said that it was still inefficient .

「You…where are you going?」

TN: alternatively, this could also mean, what is your goal, or what are you aiming for .

「Home . 」

It wasn’t as if I didn’t have any combat experience .  .

Before I entered the royal family, my family made a living through hunting animals . I didn’t have the skills and couldn’t be compared to adventurers, but I learned what I could wherever possible .  .

That’s why I came to this dungeon by myself without a single attendant .  .

But this person was on a completely different level

「Just what is… . 」.

I was shocked by the scene before me

The wings were clipped, and a leg struck a distant wall, becoming nothing but a lump of meat

The shark who was just about to eat me, no longer had a head .  .

I slightly s.h.i.+fted my gaze and lied down nearby, with a look of disbelief on my face

I saw it, but I couldn’t understand what had just happened

What I saw was Akirsama readying his two black daggers, one in each hand . After that, before I knew it, the wings and leg fell down, and its head went flying

Even though things may appear this way, my eyes were not bad

Even so, my eyes couldn’t catch anything

「Akirsama defeated it?」.

「Ha? Was there anyone else?」.

I unconsciously asked this, and then flipping over, Akirsama, who was spotless and didn’t have a single drop of blood on him, furrowed his brows

Certainly, there was no one else

Yoru-sama did not move either because I was riding on him

Even I understood that it was Akirsama who defeated the monster, but to send the head of a monster who nullified magic flying, I was a bit doubtful . The boss of the eightieth floor was so easily defeated, my mind was a mess

「Um, I thought it was impossible to cut through that monster’s neck with daggers like those . It’s as thick as a tree . 」 .

At this point, what was normal?, I was slightly panicking

It seemed like my own common sense was easily overturned, and it was somewhat frightening

『Master-dono, I am familiar with it, so I can kind of see it, but for normal people, Master-dono was too fast and wouldn’t be able to see it . 』.

Yoru-sama considerately helped me out

He was a monster who was known as “Adorea’s Nightmare”, but in the last few hours, most of my fear had dissipated

As expected, rumors were not to be trusted

He certainly had terrible power, but the Yoru-sama right now was Akirsama’s loyal cat

「Is that so?」.

Perhaps he was not aware of it, I nodded when Akirsama tilted his head

Akirsama explained as he climbed up Yoru-sama

「I wouldn’t be able to behead Poseidon who had a magic nullification ability with just these daggers, but that’s not the same for magic power, right? Because it’s magic nullification and not the nullification of magic power . 」.

TN: ok, truth be told, I usually translate magic power (魔力/maryoku) as magic, because it’s easier that way and no one gets confused, but they kind of explain the difference between maryoku and mahou in this chapter . In a nutsh.e.l.l, magic power is what is on their statuses (MP) and is quite similar to what is called ‘mana’ in fantasy novels . Magic power is used to create magic, so the use of magic needs magic power but using magic power is not dependent on magic . For example, it can be used in other ways besides forming magic, perhaps coating a weapon with it to make it stronger, which is probably what Akira did to kill Poseidon .  .

I still didn’t understand

Or rather, I’ve never heard of something like using only one’s magic power

Magic power was the fuel that allowed people to use magic

It’s much like starting a fire; in order to ignite the fire, wood is needed or there would be no spark . Similarly, magic power is needed or there would be no magic .  .

However, the fire will not start with just the wood alone .  .

Both need to be present in order to create magic .  .

「Magic needs to have magic power, so when magic is nullified, I thought that magic power would be as well . 」.

「That’s correct, but magic power is magic power, while magic is magic . No matter how much magic power it’s composed of, magic is a separate phenomenon . By that logic, I concluded that magic nullification should only cancel out magic, not magic power . 」.

In other words, don’t think of magic as something that contained magic power, but as an existence that was created after using magic power, or something like that .  .

If that’s the case, it would make a lot of sense .  .

「I see . However, direct manipulation of magic power, something like that, how did you train for that?」.

Was it self-study

The manipulation of magic power, if I remember correctly, should be considered the skill that was the first hero-sama’s forte .  .

It was a skill that many people had challenged, but in the end, no one could do it

That’s right, no one achieved it

「I didn’t train or anything like that . When I overdid it, I just happened to be able to do it . 」.

This was the first time, I’ve met a genius

Involuntarily, my jaw dropped .  .

「I, is that so . 」.

To begin with, it’s because Amelia said something like defeating the White Bat without using『Shadow Magic』, he was muttering something like that .  .

For him to just happen to be able to do the same thing as the first hero, this meant that he had the same potential as him

「Akirsama, are you really an」.

There was a rumor that the hero who was summoned this time stayed within the castle and did nothing

That’s why I couldn’t forgive the hero

I could understand the fact that the people of this world had selfishly summoned him .  .

However, it seems that he received the occupation of a hero and just stayed within the castle without doing anything

Like this, my dead family would be turning in their graves

Fortunately, Akirsama was one of the heroes . Thank G.o.d .  .

「I am an . …certainly, I haven’t killed anyone, and it’s not very, but I am an . 」.

With sharp eyes, Akirsama looked at me and declared this

I felt like those eyes, were making sure of something

「We’re going . 」.

Even if we had instantly killed the eightieth floor boss, that light continued to s.h.i.+ne

Even though he was someone who possessed strength that could not be rivaled by anyone else besides the demons, he was most likely making a face that said that it was still inefficient

「You…where are you going?」.

TN: alternatively, this could also mean, what is your goal, or what are you aiming for

「Home . 」.