My Status As An Assassin Obviously Exceeds The Hero's - Chapter 100

Chapter 100

It was the same as that time .  

When he found out that Miss Amelia had been abducted, when his magic power had completely fallen into the negatives and his life had almost been exhausted .  

『Shadow Magic』replenished Master-dono’s magic power, and even treated his injuries .  

Was it initiated when Master-dono was on the verge of death, I don’t know whether it started up while Master-dono was unconscious, but even so, it could revive someone who was on the verge of death .

It was not as powerful as Miss Amelia’s『Resurrection』, but from the point of view of a powerful person like Master-dono, it was an extraordinary magic .  

No, it may no longer be magic .

《The battle will now commence . Eliminate Mahiro Abe . 》

The『Shadow Magic』spoke through Master-dono’s mouth .

The voice coming out was certainly Master-dono’s, but the tone and mannerisms were different .

When I looked closely, the shadows were wrapped around Master-dono’s limbs .  

The『Shadow Magic』was forcibly moving him .  

「I don’t know what’s going on, but what can you do now? Humans are inferior creatures afterall . You groveling on the ground like you did just now suited you . 」

Mahiro said this and clapped his hands, forming a beautiful magic circle in the process .  

Miss Amelia, who was still under Mahiro’s manipulation, approached Master-dono from behind .  

「M, my body is moving on its own! Akira, run away!!」

Miss Amelia lowered the hand she held up .  

『Gravitational Magic』was invoked and Master-dono was weighed down by the heavy gravity .

Under the gravity that cracked the st.u.r.dy dungeon floor, Master-dono did not fall down onto his knees and was calmly standing there .  


TN: the author actually used kamaitachi here . Kamaitachi is a type of j.a.panese folklore monster (yokai) that is thought to be a trio of weasels who appear in whirlwinds to cut up their victims .

Mahiro’s magic circle was completed, and a wind with countless hidden blades swept through the dungeon .

Was that wind targeting just Master-dono, it did not come towards Miss Amelia and I .

By nature,『Whirlwind』was similar to『Lightning Emperor』where it would indiscriminately attack the nearby enemies, and was an AoE magic .

He made it converge around Master-dono, and enhanced the power tremendously .  

「To go this far… . 」

Mahiro was fundamentally lax .  

His ahoge was always wavering as if it reflected his true self, and he always had a smile on his face .  

He was quite mysterious .

When did he get there, where did he come from, no one knew .

Even so, the only one who could stop the demon king-sama was Mahiro, and he was the second-ranked among the demons after the demon king-sama .  

I was going to carefully observe him, but I could not completely grasp his true strength .  

I didn’t think that he could control his magic this well .  

There was one other attack that I had received from the true owner of this body, Saran Misray, other than『Hammer of Light』 .

However, the requirements for that magic had not been fulfilled yet .

The wind stopped .

I couldn’t see Master-dono yet, but I knew that he was still alive .

Was I, being protected by Master-dono once again .

Would a day like today, where we fought side-by-side ever come again .

「…the magic just now, was charged with quite a bit of magic power, and it should’ve been a direct hit, but why are you still alive?」

Hearing that, I looked closely, and Master-Dono was standing there in the middle of a cloud of dust, no different than before .

Even after he had been attacked by Miss Amelia’s『Gravitational Magic』, even after he received the brunt of Mahiro’s『Whirlwind』, Master-dono did not waver .

《Return, “Yatonokami”》

When did he throw it? 

The “Yatonokami” that Kurou fixed for him, was now lodged in the ground nearby .

When Master-dono called out for it, it disappeared before settling in Master-dono’s hands in the next second .

Just, what did he do?

「…that katana… . 」

TN: the kanji for katana is being used here . It can be used to talk about a sword or a dagger, but the kanji for ‘dagger’ is usually another kanji, so I just left ‘katana’ here

Perhaps sensing something as well, Mahiro looked at “Yatonokami” .

It seemed like the katana had teleported .

I had never seen someone summon their weapon like Master-dono did with “Yatonokami” before .  

Even though it wasn’t a situation where one could go to retrieve it when it was thrown far away, he went out of his way to do so .

Master-dono treasured Miss Amelia and I equally, and as he didn’t want something to happen to us, he used this method of retrieving it .

In other words, the『Shadow Magic』that was now manipulating Master-dono’s body was more knowledgeable on how to use “Yatonokami” than Master-dono himself .


Perhaps he was pondering over something because the instant Master-dono appeared in front of him, Mahiro, who was caught slightly off guard, had several strands of hair cut off .

Master-dono’s movements had become faster than before .

Perhaps it was because the『Shadow Magic』was forcibly manipulating him, but was it alright for him to move like that even though the injuries had been healed .

「Guu! The sword’s heavy…!」

Mahiro had used a defensive magic circle to block the attack, but due to the weight that was added on from Master-dono’s speed, the attack was chipping away at the s.h.i.+eld .  

《『Shadow Magic』—- Binding Shadow . 》

The shadow that was between Master-dono and Mahiro rose to the surface and tied Mahiro down .

Perhaps he learned as he fought, he prioritized tying down Mahiro’s hands, and now he couldn’t use his magic circles .

《Dispel the magic on Amelia Rose Quartz . 》

The『Shadow Magic』 held the blade to Mahiro’s throat and said this .

Even so, Mahiro still had a smile on his face .

「It’s unfortunate, but I can still use my magic circles even if my hands are sealed . Besides, you said it just now, didn’t you? My occupation . 」

He moved his feet that could still move, not his hands that were bound by the shadows, and put them together .

And then the light that was characteristic of when Mahiro invoked his magic shone through .