Myriad's Conquest - 12 Meetings

12 Meetings

The refugees were settled by Adrian inside the Community's Hall. They need to share the Hall with the original Seastar's villagers who still haven't received their house yet.

The refugees didn't complain at all. Instead, they were extremely grateful that Adrian had accepted them. He and Seastar's villagers even gave them foods and helped to tend their wounds. How could the refugees ever think to complain after being treated with utmost generosity like that? Moreover, the interior of the Community's Hall is even larger and more comfortable than their old mud houses.

From that moment, Seastar's kindness will be etched on every refugee's heart forever.

Yesterday, Adrian had a discussion with the refugees regarding their future plan. What are they gonna do? Would they move elsewhere? Things like that.

Same as original Seastar's residents. To Yarra's villagers, their village is everything. Their lives, future, prospect, safe haven, and homes.

These people's life is extremely simple and humble.

The surrounding land around their village is the only known world to these people. Things outside basically feel almost alien and strange.

And everything is over the moment Yarra was destroyed.

Which is why, their reaction, when Adrian asking them those issues was grim and grave. They had no clue what will they do.

However, once Adrian proposed them to live here at Seastar as residents. Their grim face was lighted up as they were blessed with a glimpse of hope. They immediately agreed to have Seastar as their home.

The offer is a thousand times better than nothing. Even if they somehow wanted to go back and rebuild Yarra. Their lives will be harder because not only they need to rebuild from scratches, their final memories of Yarra was filled with a terrifying and traumatic scene. It just seems difficult to do that.

Therefore, those refugees are no longer the people of Yarra but instead, they are the new residents of Seastar Village.


Currently, Dorhok and his team have completed four more houses which bring the total of houses that have been constructed to 12. And all of the houses have been distributed by Adrian to the villagers.

Dorhok needed to complete 9 more houses in order to meet the original villager's houses quota. But the sudden influx of new residents prompts Adrian to expand the residents housing project.

Thus, Adrian had gathered his inner circle such as Rogar, Zilong, Guido, and Dorhok to discuss a variation of the village's matters that need to be settled inside his office in the Lord's Manor. He also invited former Yarra's upper echelon like Millea, Rina, Leo, and Gelian aswell.

The office is located on the second floor. But there weren't enough chairs inside. So, some people have brought several chairs from the outside.

Adrian is sitting in his desk's chair while other people sat in their respective chairs in front of him.

These people are looking at Adrian with nervous feelings. Especially, Millea, who is feeling rather bashful because Adrian is staring at her directly since a while ago without speaking at all.

She thought it is really weird she felt nervous like this. Because, according to Rogar, this village's young lord is supposed to be much younger than her. She was originally shocked after knowing that Adrian's age is only 17 years old.

From her observation, Adrian is too mature and did not act like typical teenagers at his age at all. His outer appearances did match typical 17 years old male teenagers though, albeit much more handsome and manlier.

Being stared directly like that caused Millea's heart to thump wildly as she is feeling nervous. Her face almost filled with red colors.

Millea can do nothing about it, except for silently keeping herself from being more embarra.s.sed.

Since the Lord himself has not spoken yet, no one inside the room dared to open their mouth. They could only wait for Adrian to speak first.

Actually, the reason why Adrian did not speak at all while looking at Millea, is because he was stupefied and speechless after probing her stat.


Name: Millea Vian Xenophus

Race: Human

Age: 22

t.i.tle: The Last of the Xenophus (No Stat Bonus.)

Grade: 4 Star

Profession: Civilian

Profession level: Normal (0/0) (No Stat Bonus.)

Skills: Basic Archery (42%), Basic Swordsmans.h.i.+p (27%), Basic Gathering (36%), Basic Embroidery (63%), Basic Administration (89%), Basic Accountancy (31%)

Martial arts: Saint Xenophus Style (Gold) (17%)

Combat technique: None

Equipment: Star Crown Necklace (Rare), s.p.a.ce Ring (Top), Womanly Linen Dress (Normal)

Strength: 0.1

Intelligence: 1.7

Agility: 0.0

Const.i.tution: 0.4

Vitality: 0.2


She has FOUR STAR!!! Grade evaluation. This is truly unbelievable. Her future potential is comparable to that of historical people in the System Shop.

Most of 4-star historical people cost at least $10,000,000 of System Dollars. Adrian already got Zhao Zilong for free, and now, another 4-star person who is a native of this world has appeared.

Even though most of her skill is only at basic level, but their proficiency is not bad at all. What most important is, she has Administration and Accountancy skills. Both are essential for administrating an organization.

Her stat is pretty much normal if Adrian compared it to averages people. But her shockingly high intelligence is truly abnormal. Adrian thought it must be an innate thing.

Her profession that gives no stat bonus is probably the only weakness she has. But overall, Millea is one truly talented person.

This kind of talented people is what Adrian lacked the most. If he wants to build a great empire, he must have arrays of these people as subordinates to help him forging it. Otherwise, his territory would only become a mediocre one, even though it was established using a Mythical-grade Settlement Creation Token.

From the day he rebuilds Seastar. Adrian had managed the territory alone. He doesn't have any other people to help him.

Zilong is a general, and a great one, nonetheless. But his specialty is leading an army rather than managing a territory. Although Zilong did have experience managing territory according to history, Adrian only wanted him to focus on his current duty as the Commander of Seastar's Militia.

Rogar is an educated man with small administration skill, but he lacked pa.s.sion. Probably, due to his old age. He could only be given a small and simple managing task.

Seastar needs talented administrators for better management. Especially when the population of the village is already much bigger than Adrian's capability to control it.

That is why Millea's arrival is one of the greatest blessings for Adrian. And since the person herself already agreed to become the resident of Seastar yesterday. He had thought to a.s.sign her as the village's only administrator.

However, there are several things about her that are bothering Adrian. It's regarding her name and her t.i.tle.

Millea had introduced herself to Adrian two days ago as Millea Agvir. In this world, having a surname shows that a person's background must have an extensive history behind it. Any kind of surname could not be underestimated at all. Therefore, ordinary people couldn't just simply give themselves a surname.

Agvir is the surname of Yarra's late chief. His full name is Viarmo Agvir. From Rogar's mouth, it is known that Viarmo came from Tartus, it is a country located at Eires' southeast coast. He arrived at Wilderness Island 10 years ago while bringing the young Millea with him. Rogar already became the old Seastar's chief at that time.

Since Viarmo has a surname, it's not weird for Millea to have the same surname because she claimed herself as Viarmo's daughter. But Adrian couldn't help but doubt it.

What he saw on her stat column couldn't possibly wrong, it was shown by the cheat System after all.

Millea has a different surname, and it sounds much more heavyweight than that Agvir name. Her t.i.tle too, it seems to be related to her Xenophus surname.

Her possessions such as a Rare-grade necklace, a Top-grade s.p.a.ce Ring, and the fact that she practiced Gold-grade martial art further amplified Adrian's suspicion.

There is no way for a simple village's girl to possess those kinds of valuable items. Who would believe it?

Besides, her peerless and ethereal appearances are just too out of this world. She is definitely no ordinary person.

Whatever the case, Adrian is sure that Millea is holding a huge secret. But since it is other people personal business, he didn't want to b.u.t.t into it. He could only bury his curiosity inside his heart.

"Ehmm... Lord Dornan... Could I ask you something?"

Just as Adrian wants to check Millea's stat further, the person herself suddenly opened her mouth and asked him.

The people in the room begin to stare at her. But Millea didn't flinch because of the stare.

Adrian had stared at her for far too long, she is getting uncomfortable and embarra.s.sed. Thus, she might as well ask him about the matter that she really wanted to inquire, in order to stopped Adrian from staring at her.

Seeing Millea's uncomfortable expression, Adrian realized something and cursed inwardly, 'd.a.m.n! I've been staring her for too long. She must be thinking I'm a creepy person, huh...'

Adrian sigh and he apologizes, "Sorry, miss. That was very rude of me."

Millea's eyes widened, her face began to relax and she quickly replied, "No... It's fine, Lord Dornan. Just forget it."

Other people watched their exchanges with weird expression plastered on their faces. Only Zilong remain calm, but he did let out a knowingly smile.

Adrian shrugged and spoke, "So, what thing did you want to ask?"

Millea asked seriously and without hesitation, "Is it true you will give every former Yarra's villagers a house?"

Adrian nodded and shortly replied, "That's right...," Then, he points at Dorhok who sat on the most left chair and he spoke again, "Dorhok and his construction's team will be building those houses. But since the houses can't build instantly. All the villagers must wait for some time first."

"Very well, I understand. Thank you, Lord Dornan," Said Millea as she heaved a sigh of relief.

Adrian merely smiled in response. Then, he set his gaze at Dorhok and asked, "If we need to build 20 houses for 60 people, then we need to construct at least 50 more houses for the 160 new villagers. Can you manage it, Dorhok?

Dorhok replied calmly, "I believe I can, Lord."

"According to your calculation. How much time do you need to complete the project?" Asked Adrian.

Dorhok thought for a moment before answered hesitantly, "It's hard to say, Lord. Probably about a month with my current people and if the materials are always available. And If you get me more people then the constructions will be even much faster."

Adrian contemplates for a while.

But suddenly, Millea is opening her mouth and spoke again, "Lord Dornan, The new villagers still didn't have anything to do. Rather than having them doing nothing, it's better to immediately a.s.sign them tasks. And I also want to recommend several people who have some experiences in constructions..."

'Ah!!!' Millea's sudden words had aroused something within Adrian's mind.

He quickly speaks, "Wait!!! Instead of doing that... Can you make a detailed list of the new villagers? You know, stuff like their previous job, their skills, and their talents so that I can a.s.sign them specific tasks that suited better with their abilities."

Millea's eyes also lighted up upon hearing that, her skills are finally will be put to use, "Yes, I could... But I need time and some help might be nice as well."

"Great! I'm giving you time until nightfall, make the list as detailed as possible. And bring Rogar and Rina with you," Said Adrian while he smiled at Millea.

"Yes!!!" Millea is elated judging from her short albeit energetic answer.

Rina, Rogar, Leo, and Gelian are rather feelings funny from seeing Millea revealed her radiant side.

Next, Adrian gazing at each of his subordinates in front of him and spoke, "It looks like I need to postpone this meeting until..."

"Milord excuses me for my impudence." Zilong interrupted Adrian before he can finish speaking.

Adrian raised his left hand, "It's fine. What is it, Zi?"

Zilong already got used to his lord calling him with a weird version of his name. He didn't mind at all and just continues his words, "It's like this, milord. Both Leo and Gelian here have requested permission to enter the militia unit. Will you accept them?"

Adrian glanced at both Leo and Gelian before returning his sight to Zilong, "Why not? They are already Seastar's residents now. Besides, I've seen their performances before. They're good."

Zilong cupped his hand and smile in response, while Leo's and Gelian's faces are radiated with happy expressions.

But Adrian is still not satisfied. Seastar's population has increased and yet their militia only got two new applicants. Thus, he couldn't help but ask, "Is it only them who want to join the militia? There are no others?"

Zilong replied while somewhat embarra.s.sed, it's very rare to see that side of him, "Actually, there are also other people too, milord. All of them were former hunters of Yarra. But I held back their request since there are so many of them."

Adrian is confused, "How many?"

"Around 30 people."

'That many?' Adrian is flabbergasted, he couldn't imagine that there is actually that many people want to join the militia.

'But this is good... 40-strong militia unit is still within the acceptable ratio of the current population. Especially since the beasts from the northern forest is watching us. The situation demands it. I suppose...,' Thought Adrian inside his mind.

"What are you waiting for then? Just accept them. Moreover, most of them are hunters, right? Then they will be suited better in the militia. As for their training and other stuff, I could only leave that to you. Since you're the militia's commander after all," Said Adrian with rigid tone.

Zilong bowed as he received the order.

"If there is nothing else. I want to postpone the meeting until Miss Millea had finished with her task. Now, all of you can go back to your job," With that, Adrian concluded the meeting for now.

Other people begin to exit the room while leaving behind Adrian by himself.


Meanwhile, Adrian is checking his own personal stat while pondering.


Name: Adrian Dornan

Race: Human

Age: 17

t.i.tle: None

Ident.i.ty: Lord of Seastar Village

Profession: Knight

Profession level: Normal (340/5000) (+0.3 STR, +0.2 Intelligence, +0.2 Const.i.tution, +0.2 Vitality, +5% territory management efficiency, +5% territory security)

Territory: Seastar Village

n.o.bility: Landed Knight (+5% territory order, +7% in territory protection against beasts, +3% citizen loyalty)

Skills: Basic Management Proficiency (15%), Basic Sword Proficiency (9%), Basic Construction Proficiency (2%), Basic Archery (0%), Basic Riding (0%), Basic Law (0%)

Martial arts: Western War Style (7%) (Yellow)

Combat technique: Gloria's Wings (Gold), Swift Tiger Thrust (Yellow)

System level : Level 0

System EXP: 11800/20000

Strength: 1.6

Intelligence: 0.4

Agility: 0.7

Const.i.tution: 0.2

Vitality: 0.2

Money: Gold: 10, Silver 100, Copper 1000

System Dollar: $101,000

Equipment: Gloria's Defender (Epic), Dark Leather Jacket (Normal), Plain White Cloth (Normal), Dark Leather Pants (Normal), Dark Leather boots (Normal)


His profession EXP and Basic Swordsmans.h.i.+p proficiency didn't increase much since he only killed several beasts and he didn't use much of his sword during the battle two days ago.

But he did gain a significant amount of System EXP and System Dollars from completing "Rescue Yarra's villagers" quest. He now had enough System Dollars to buy more essential stuff.

Afterward, he checks up on his territory stat.


Territory: Seastar

Lord: Adrian Dornan (Landed Knight)

Level: Village

t.i.tle: none

Order: 93

Territory population: 228

Territorial characteristics: +75% in crop production, +40% in the proficiency of production skills of residents, +25% in protection against natural disasters.

Treasury: 100 gold coins

Territory Resources: 4,250 units of food, 168 units of wood, 193 units of stone, 1,000 units of copper ore, 20 units of salts

Territorial Army: 11

Territory Industry: 1x salt pan, 1x logging camp, 1x stone quarry

Political index: 0.3

Economic index: 0.0

Cultural index: 0.0

Military: 0.0

Buildings: Lord's Manor, Community's Hall, Basic Granary, Basic Warehouse, Basic Mill, 12x Simple House, 3 km Simple Wooden Fences, 9x Wooden Watchtower


With the increased of Seastar's population, Adrian needs to start worrying about food. Fortunately, the sowing season is near, it's only one week left until then. Since he knows that most of the new villagers from Yarra are farmers. He could proceed with his plan to open up new farmland in the area southwest of the village that lies beyond the fences.

Rogar's had said that the merchant from the mainland is about to arrive in a matter of weeks as well. He had a mind to trade food from them too. Furthermore, the militia sometimes brought some games from their training session. Thus, the village's food condition is safe for the next two or three months.

Seastar's political index has raised by 0.3 points. Probably due to the destruction of Yarra which helped increasing Seastar's influence in the surrounding land.

Adrian then closes his eyes and took a deep breath as he tries to relax.

There are so many matters that needed to be handled. Adrian is sure he will get much more busy from now.