My Queen Of Terra - 31 Angel Or Human?

31 Angel Or Human?

'I wonder if it's really okay to leave him like that,' She mused as she bit her lips. Although she was still angry at herself for being vulnerable to him when he hasn't disclosed any information about him yet, she was worried about him.

She recalled how she saw him aggressively brawled at the dark alley with a strange man. And how he was almost stabbed if she had not intervened. His enemy might still be there, looking for an opportunity to come back at him. 

"Maybe we should go back?" She surmised out loud, enough for Erin to hear at the front seat of the taxicab where they were in. She didn't receive any response. 

"Erin?" She continued to call out. There was still no reaction from her.

Her foreheads knitted as she leaned forward and checked on her friend. She was leaning sideways with her eyes closed and mouth wide open.  

'My poor friend.' She smiled as she put her fingers to her chin to close her mouth.  

She had just gotten back on this island a few hours ago from an eight-hour-long flight.  And she had just experienced that terrible scene. 

Usually, she blabbed about such incidents all night long.  But maybe tonight,  she was just too exhausted. 

She peeked out at the window and glanced at the dancing street lamps lining the road as they pa.s.sed by.

'He is well-built.  He could protect himself.' She a.s.sured herself.  

She pondered about him as she lay her head on the headrest of the seat and closed her eyes. Maybe she have encountered her before. She just couldn't remember.

In a little while,  she fell asleep as well. 


Zoe slowly gained her consciousness but her eyes are still closed. She felt like she slept for a long time and she had a very wonderful dream. She gently opened her eyes. Two pairs of blue deep-set eyes were staring straight at her just a few inches away from her face. Her nose almost touched his. His long black straight hair caresses her face. She gasped. 

She held her breath for a few seconds. She stared back at the face of the young man in front of her. A picture of a deep blue sea with its waves in gentle breezes is within his eyes. His pointed nose is like a perfect cone-shaped mountain situated between the two circles of ocean. Underneath it is an attractive pair of naturally red thin cherubic lips. 

He has a lean face with a square jaw. Covering it are overflowing black tresses that touched her face. He was also wearing an article of white-colored clothing which she can't see much because his face is so close to her. She could hear his steady breaths and smell a whiff of both heavenly and earthy scent from him.  She really must have died and she's in heaven looking at this radiant and G.o.dly angel.

Maybe he is my guardian angel! She lifted her left hand and touched his shoulders at the back while they were still in that close position. Her hands searched for his wings. She has never been this up-close with an angel before.

The "angel" was startled and stepped back. Zoe sat up from where she was lying. Now she could clearly see him. He has no wings but he wore a white loose-fitting silk upper garment with sleeves lined with silver edges. 

He also has the same white-colored skirt-like lower garment. A thick silver sash with jades held it in place. His long black straight hair was kept up in a half updo. Zoe searched for a halo but found none. Though he looked just a few years older than her, he sure looked like a celestial being.

"It's okay. I'm not going to harm you. I just – "

Zoe suddenly stopped when the "angel" quickly cuffed her mouth with her hands. Zoe's eyes widened. Then she heard voices from outside. She tried to listen and at the same time observed the place where she is in. 

She was inside a tent but no ordinary tent. It was like a tent of a prince! It was enormous and extremely luxurious. It is designed with red and gold coordinated fabric including extravagant fabric tent liners, frame wraps, and tent pole wraps. 

Pieces of hanging red and gold fabric dramatically dropped on the bed where she was lying at. There are also seven round tables made up of smooth dark cherry wood. They have a l.u.s.trous quality of well-waxed wood. Three are placed on each side and one in front of the bed where she is lying. All of them have antique golden oil lamps lighted as centerpieces. 

There are large striped red and gold square velvet pillows. Some soft seats are also scattered on the sides. The impression of the room invited anyone who will enter to relax and enjoy the comfort of this luxurious chamber. There is also a red velvet square carpet in the middle of the room with drops of pink rose petals. What a striking sight to behold!

"Did you see them?"


"We must find them! They can't get out of this island alive!"

Zoe was distracted from observing by the conversation going on outside the room. What are they talking about?! She looked back at the stranger cuffing her hand. She now knew that he was not really an angel but a human trying to protect her. Or harm her? She looked at his eyes. He didn't say anything but the blue ocean in his eyes is still and told her that everything will be alright.

"Zoe…" he suddenly spoke. She was expecting a deep and smooth voice but it's soft and high-pitched. She narrowed her eyes at him.

He repeated it again. "Zoe." This time in a firmer voice but still delicate and effeminate. 

When she still wasn't answering him. He screamed at her with a pitch as high as the tallest skysc.r.a.per in the world. "ZOE!"

Her head and her body shuddered violently. She quickly opened her eyes and saw her friend Erin who was now hovering over her while her feet were standing on the ground outside the taxi door. 


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