My Life As A Salamander - 9 Training

9 Training

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The hall Sam was walking down was made of what looked like stone. The only exception to it's look was that it had bright blue lines running along it. The lines lit the place in a mystical way. After about 5 minutes of walking I saw a light at the end of the hall. As we exited the sun blinded me. (It's been a while) I thought. I looked around. We had walked into a large arena looking area. the walls were made of a dark stone covered in runes with people everywhere with different creatures. Some creatures I had only heard of in myths. A gryphon, a tiny dragon, and finally a huge minotaur. This is going to be interesting. there was a sudden lurch as Sam put me on a table off to the side. I managed to hold on with my tiny claws through the bars. She sighed as she quickly looked around and slowly opened the door to my cage. "Time for a little work out for you." she said as she reached into the cage pulling me out and setting me on the ground. It was warm and the ground was made of a tan colored sand. ( c.r.a.p)was all I thought as the dragon I just mentioned looked at me and immediately spat a huge flame at me.