My Gay Husband Is A Pervert - Chapter 110

Chapter 110

When Yuerui saw Xianw.a.n.g at the marketing department her heart sank . It was like her heart was electrocuted . Her whole body was feeling gooseb.u.mps .

'Calm down my heart . Nothing is wrong . May be he just came for regular check-up . ' She tried to calm herself down .

The whole marketing department went in silent mode . It was more like they were all shocked to see the CEO there . Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www . webnovel . com for visiting .

Though Yuerui was prepared to face any approach from him, she didn't know that her peaceful life would not stay for so long .

'My peaceful life . It's all over . ' she sighed .

Yuerui noticed that even though all the employers were standing silently and remained a calm posture, there was still a hint of shock in their eyes . When she looked at her friends she saw that they were also so unprepared that they couldn't even remain calm .


"Why are you guys so shocked . Isn't it just a regular check up?" She asked them in low voice .

"No, silly . It's the first time that CEO came to our department . He generally doesn't visit any department unless there is any emergency . " Su whispered .

'What!' Yuerui wide opened her eyes .

"But I don't see any emergency . " Yuerui said .

"Yeah . That's why everyone is shocked to see him here without any reason . " Kai replied .

'Unless the emergency is m . . . . Me?' Yuerui gulped her saliva .

'No Yuerui . Don't give such importance to you . You are so insignificant that people don't notice you at all . So there's no chance he came for you . ' Yuerui thought .


Xianw.a.n.g was still at the door observing each of the cubicles . All the female employers were not giving attention to maintain their posture . Rather they were busy in wooing the handsome CEO standing in front of them .

Xianw.a.n.g was dressed in a white suit accompanied by a blue tie . He didn't give attention to the women that were drooling over him . Rather his eyes were looking for a certain person .

After scrutinizing the whole room his eyes finally rested on the little kitten who was trying to hide behind her friend . Xianw.a.n.g removed his and looked straight at his prey . His eyes were glittering with mischief and Yuerui could feel that .

'Oh G.o.d, please save me!' Yuerui prayed .

Seeing the scared little cat Xianw.a.n.g gave a smirk and entered the room . He couldn't even step one step when he was sorrounded by the female employers . They created a crowd in front of him in the name of greeting him .

'Ah my aura . It never leaves me . ' the narcissist Xianw.a.n.g thought .

When Yuerui saw that Xianw.a.n.g was sorrounded by the female employers she took this chance to flee from the site but was caught by Su .

"Where do you think you are going?" Su said .

"Aaa . . . . I am just . . . aa . . . Going to the washroom . " Yuerui replied .

"No no no . . . . You are not going to anywhere . I know you don't like him but you have to face him in order to resist him . So now let's go with us and greet him . " Su said while she dragged Yuerui to the crowd to greet Xianw.a.n.g .

'No . . . I don't wanna go . . . . . ' Yuerui cried .

Yuerui tried very hard to flee from there but Su's grip was so tight that Yuerui couldn't escape .

Su went towards the crowd and stood right in front of the crowd after so much trouble .

Yuerui didn't know that her friend would actually put her in front of the jerk . She was a little unprepared . She almost tripped on her shoe when she came across the crowd but she managed herself and stood still while crossing her hands on the back .

Xianw.a.n.g nsaw her carelessness and chuckled in his mind .

'Careless little girl . '

On the other hands Yuerui was at loss . She didn't know how to handle this situation . Earlier she thought she would be able to resist all the schemes of Xianw.a.n.g but now she is so nervous that she just wanna flee from there .