My Werewolf System - Chapter 566.1: How to fight, as a Dark Wolf (Part 1)

Chapter 566.1: How to fight, as a Dark Wolf (Part 1)

[145/300 HP]

[793/1000 Energy]

Garys Health was now below half, and while looking at Midwak, although he had delivered a few wounds on him, there were no signs of him slowing down, or weakening at all. He had used a bit of Energy, healing his vital wounds, as well as staying in his full Werewolf form, but still had plenty left.

Whats the point of having all of this Energy, if there is no use for it?! Gary angrily thought. I thought I had chosen the best class for the current situation, but maybe the Paladin was the better choice after all.

The one thing that the Dark Warrior class stated was that it didnt focus on defence at all, and it was one that mainly focused on attack skills. With the Paladin class he felt like the only thing he could have done was last longer, but maybe that would have given him the chance to figure things out.

What can I do with all this energy?! Gary thought.

Midwak charged with his slight silver long claws, and thrust them forward. Gary knew he wasnt fast enough to dodge this attack, not with his side injured, but there was a way for him to force his movement.

[Skill activated Lethal Pounce Lv. 2]

[-50 Energy]

[743/1000 Energy]

His body suddenly leapt to the side, avoiding the blow. With his skill temporarily raised to the next level, Lethal Pounce consisted of two jumps, one that would move in a random direction and the next one which would actually strike. However, it meant he would have to strike no matter what. As soon as Garys feet touched the floor, the muscles in his body reacted and leapt toward Midwak. He crashed into his side, and could see his claws ready.

If I'm going to hit him anyway, I might as well get some of my Health back!

[Skill activated Claw Drain Lv. 2]

[-30 Energy]

Garys claws dug into the side of Midwak. Thanks to the speed boost, his claws managed to pierce the thick hide, yet the strike paled in comparison to the Omegas previous one.

[+12 HP]

Nice dodging there, but youre now within my attack range Midwak shouted, as he grabbed both of Garys forearms, and then lifted the Alpha Werewolfs body over his shoulder slamming him right into the ground.

[-20 HP]

This is what I was worried about. I avoided one hit, to just get hit with an even bigger hit. The amount I heal isnt enough to make up the difference, so Ill just lose in a direct clash!

Midwak pointed his sharp nails at Garys throat, attempting to pierce. His attack was stopped, but the Alpha needed both his hands, leaving one of his opponents hand free. Midwak naturally made good use of it, going for Garys face, but once again he failed. Something stopped his wrist from moving. Olivias whip was actually pulling his hand back.

With him slightly distracted Gary lifted his legs and kicked him in the chest, freeing himself from his situation.

That's the second time Olivias saved me. Theres no saying there will be a third. I need some way to deal with him. Gary thought, as he charged in, and with a knee he dug in hard right into the side of Midwaks ribs. With both hands, he held on to the back of the black furred Werewolf. He pulled his head down, while delivering another large knee right into his stomach this time.

ARGHH! Midwak let out a pained howl and pulled on the hand that was tied up. Without Austin to help her, Olivia wasnt able to overpower the Werewolf. Left with no other choice, she let go of the whip, but the momentum caused her face hit the floor.

You want to lug this out, it will just end in your painful death! Midwak claimed, as he made a fist, and punched the ribs of Gary in one side, adn soon after swung his body, and hit Gary in his other side.

I can feel it... my ribs, even in my Werewolf form, theyre breaking. If I were a human, he made have smashed all my bones by now. Shit, I dont know what to do , but I need to hold on! Gary thought, as he pulled down and kneed Midwak in the stomach once more.

Gary was delivering a large blow as well, but Midwak threw out his fist still, this time a hit into Garys side, and again in quick succession, blow after blow and this time a loud crack was heard as they were certainly broken.

LET GO! Midwak shouted.

[43/300 HP]

It hurt, it seriously hurt Gary, but he needed to continue, to continue doing as much damage as he could to. The teenager gritted his sharp teeth. He had even pierced part of his bottom lip, but still pulled Midway's head down and kneed him in the stomach.

Midwak felt his legs give a little, but ultimately still stood strong.

Fine, if thats what you want, Ill give you a warriors death!

Unlike Gary, Midwaks claws were long, and stabbed deep into Gary aside, pulling his hand out, he stabbed him again in the same side.

[14/300 HP]

Due to the way Gary was holding onto his neck, with his head held down, Midwak was unable to finish him, by crushing Garys neck or head, but it didnt matter, because there were other ways to take down the Werewolf in front of him.

Shoving both of his hands forward, with clawed hands were ready to pierce Gary, and he could tell by the Alphas eyes that there wasnt much more life in him. This would be it, one final hit that should finish him off.

Those watching by the side were already running forward, they had stayed out of the fight so far on Garys orders, but watching him so desperately fight, they had to do something.

You're too late! Midwak smiled as both of his hands landed deep in Garys stomach.

Midwak could feel with each strike that Garys grip around his head was weakening, and assuring him that the brown furred Werewolf had to be running on fumes. When Midwak went to move his head though, he could feel there was still a tight grip around it.

What... how is he still alive? Midwak thought.

Suddenly his head was pulled down more, and once again a large knee was delivered right into his stomach, just as strong as it did before, and this time Gary let go of him, allowing him to tumble down on one knee.

The others stopped seeing this, as for some reason Gary was the one standing and Midwak was the one on the ground.

I figured out the best way to use my new powers. Gary smiled.

[Skill activated Last Stand Lv. 2]

[1/300 HP]