My Runes Can Be Upgraded - Chapter 227

Chapter 227


[Your skill [Book of Collectors] skill upgrade condition is fulfilled!

Looking at the two golden finger tips in front of him, Wu Wei couldn't help but be taken aback.

"That's it? Is there nothing? What about the back?

Depend on! "

Wu Wei originally thought that he would be able to upgrade the skill [Book of Collectors] if he met 100%, but after a long time, he only met the first condition, and the skill was not upgraded.

"If you don't upgrade, you won't upgrade. Anyway, you can tell me what condition two is. This is just because condition one meets condition two and doesn't say it's bad behavior!

Alas, if I had known this was the case, I should not have spent the 120,000.

Not to mention, I've made myself so tired! "

At this time, Wu Wei painted the runes for two days and two nights in a row, although there was a Huishuozhu to return to the new state.

But the power of Huishuo was used in the Huishuo pill, and there was basically no Huishuo in Wu Wei's spiritual aspect, so Wu Wei was still very tired at this time.

Especially after continuously drawing 100 seventh-order legendary-quality runes, Wu Wei felt that his upper and lower eyelids were about to fight.

"No, no, no, I can't take it anymore, I have to sleep!"

Some Wu Wei, who couldn't bear it, wanted to sleep.

But at this moment, things happened!

A message came from the Book of Runes, and Huang and the others fell into a hard fight.

"Huang and the others are in a hard fight?"

Wu Wei, who got this information, frowned.

You must know that he left Ah Huang, Xiao Wu and Xiao Liu together in the shelter.

The three of them join forces, and the existence of the eighth-order perfect quality can be instantly killed.

"They are all in a hard fight, so it seems that they have met an opponent!"

In this state, Wu Wei didn't even bother to rest, and quickly entered the shelter from the passage of the fourth child's source space to check the situation!

As soon as he got up, Wu Wei noticed that the Giant Elephant Taoist Soldier had opened the [Three Talents Formation] under the command of Yu Jin at this time, and at the same time contracted the formation in a defensive posture.

This is obviously a state of being beaten.

And attacking them was a corrupted monster.

At this moment, outside the shelter, a corrupted monster with a height of two or three meters and a warhammer in both hands is frantically hammering the giant elephant soldiers.

Every drop of his can take away a giant elephant Taoist soldier!

Beside him, Wu Wei had already seen dozens of corpses of dilapidated giant elephant soldiers.

Seeing this scene, Wu Wei's face darkened.

These giant elephant Taoist soldiers were all cultivated by him with great effort, and it is no wonder that Wu Wei is happy now that he is being mowed down by others!

At the same time, it also made Ah Huang and the others fall into a hard fight.

At this time, Ah Huang was riding on Xiao Wu's body and flickering wildly beside the rotten monster, trying to find a suitable opportunity to break through, but he couldn't find a suitable opportunity at all.

Wu Wei looked around, there was no figure of Xiao Liu, she should have entered the body of this rotten monster, but she did not break out.

It's not that she doesn't want to explode, it's that she is unable to explode.

At this moment, Wu Wei had already seen the properties of that rotten monster.

Name: A rotten monster with a quarter of Pei Yuanqing's martial soul

Level: Level 82

Quality: Level 3 Corruption

Level 82, Level 3 Corruption.

Wu Wei is not very clear about the concept of the specific level 3 corruption, but Wu Wei probably knows that this guy's combat power is definitely the eighth-order legendary quality level, and may even be the eighth-order epic quality level.

Facing such an opponent, it is not incomprehensible that Ah Huang and the others are in a hard fight.

"The existence of the 82-level legendary quality? I'm worried that I have no opponent to test my strength. Since you sent it up, I will use you to test it!"

Wu Wei said and shot directly.

[You activated the [Collector's Book] skill, consumed 8 Collector's Mark, and gave the power to [Little Dragon Girl]!

[Little Dragon Girl received the blessing of strength, and the level of her skill [Blood Rune of Ice Giant Dragon] was temporarily upgraded to an epic level!

Two golden finger tips were refreshed in front of Wu Wei's eyes.

At the same time, he entered the body of this boss a long time ago, but was suppressed by the opponent. The power of the sixth man, who could not burst out of life or death, burst out instantly, and the surging power burst out in the body of this corrupt monster.

In an instant, the monster turned into an ice-blue existence.

Ah Huang and the fourth brother seized this opportunity, and with a flash of lightning, they came to the monster's side in an instant.

Ah Huang, who came to the monster's side, did not attack, but grabbed the monster and threw it into the air!

The monster had just lifted off a few dozen meters into the air, and all of Wu Wei's [Tianlei Gangqi] and the [Miracle in Failure] of [Red Flame and Hundred Beast Gangqi] landed on the monster's head.


The two Astral Qi exploded at the same time as they hit the monster's body, and the monster's head bloomed like a flower.

[Your Magic Weapon Talisman [Miracle in Failure] successfully launched [Soul Plunder], successfully plundering the soul of [a corrupt monster with a quarter of Pei Yuanqing's martial soul]!

[[The Miracle in Failure] Level up, the current level is 73!

[You have successfully killed the [rotten monster with a quarter of Pei Yuanqing's martial soul], you will get 15,000 points and a special treasure box!

With a wave of cooperation, Wu Wei successfully killed the eighth-order legendary quality BOSS.

And not long after beheading this boss, a force spread from the shelter behind Wu Wei.

This is the shelter field of shelter.

Obviously, the third-level shelter has been upgraded.

[Your shelter has been successfully upgraded to level 3, the shelter field has also been upgraded to level 3, and the function of the shelter has been improved. For details, please check the shelter page!

In this golden finger reminder, Wu Wei started to open the shelter's page.

Name: Wu Wei Shelter

Level: Level 3

Buildings: Level 3 Shelter Center (1), Level 1 Shelter Residence (10), Level 1 Shelter Wall (40m)

Level 2 Shelter House (200), Level 2 Shelter Wall 2000 meters.

Current Population: 3 (Do not count the soldiers)

Shelter Shelter Range: 30 kilometers ([Level 3 Shelter Field] will be formed within this range!)

Your Permissions: Shelter Access

Level 3 Sanctuary Position: The range of action is 30 kilometers, the level 3 decaying aura in the force field will be dispelled, and all decaying monsters at level 3 and below will automatically retreat and avoid it.

Architecture: Shelter Center

Level: Level 3

Effect 1: Purify the air of corruption (purification efficiency: 100 people/day)

Building upgrade conditions: Level 4 Purification Wood 100, Level 4 Evolution Stone 10, and a Primary Purification Heart

While Wu Wei glanced at the attributes of the shelter, he also glanced at the remaining points in his account.

Originally there was 30,000 left, but when he drew 99 seventh-order legendary quality [Same Qi Lianzhi Talisman], he increased it to 100,000, plus the 15,000 that killed the boss, there are still about 110,000.

Wu Wei took another look at the prices of Level 4 Purification Wood and Purification Stone, which were ridiculously expensive.

The wood of purification costs 1000 points, the stone of purification costs 10,000, and the primary purification heart costs 300,000 points. Wu Wei's points are obviously not enough.

But even if it is enough, Wu Wei will not start the upgrade of the level 4 shelter.

On the one hand, Wu Wei already felt that level 3 was the limit he could accept and upgrade.

He couldn't take it any longer.

On the other hand, even if he can handle it, he doesn't have that much time left.

Counting the time, it has been six or seven days since he entered the Secret Realm of the Tang Dynasty.

It takes 72 hours to upgrade a level 3 shelter, and it will take 72 hours to upgrade to level 4. He doesn't have that long.

Another is that there is not much need for it.

2320 giant elephant soldiers, no, now it should be 2222 giant elephant soldiers.

The boss killed nearly a hundred giant elephant soldiers just now, and Wu Wei felt distressed when he saw this number.

While distressed, Wu Wei also checked the status of the 2222 giant elephant soldiers.

After 4 days of high-intensity battles, their level has basically reached 100% of level 70.

Although it is still a little bit worse, it is not much worse. These Wu Wei can completely bring them back around the shelter.

In other words, Wu Wei can consider the advancement of these giant elephant soldiers.

Regarding the seventh-level advancement of the Giant Elephant Soldier, Wu Wei is preparing to link it with the transfer cavalry.

At present, the rune Wu Wei, one of the three conditions for the advancement of the [Brute Force Elephant], has been over-completed, and now the only difference is the energy core and materials.

"In terms of energy cores and materials, I am going to give them a perfect level of 70 in one step. The materials are best related to flying!"

Without the existence of the perfect quality [Same Qi Lianzhi Talisman] and [Giant Elephant Dao Soldier], Wu Wei might still worry about whether he can handle these brute force elephants like this.

And now, Wu Wei doesn't need to worry at all.

If the brute force elephant can't bear it, the giant elephant Taoist can bear it.

Therefore, Wu Wei immediately opened the points exchange page to check the price of the energy core of level 70 perfect quality.

This price is not expensive. A level 70 legendary quality [Soul Nurturing Pill] 1000 points, which is based on the fact that the soul-classified pills are relatively expensive.

Level 70 perfect quality energy cores range from dozens of points to one hundred points.

After all, it's just the materials and medicine pills, not runes. If there are runes, they are more expensive, and the same level is more than ten times more expensive, and there are not all runes, and there are limited purchases!

Of course, Wu Wei just glanced at the rune and passed it.

The focus is on what kind of energy core to buy for [Brutal Elephant].

Soon, Wu Wei selected a target.

[Non-attribute element life energy core] (level 70) (perfect) (120 points per piece)

This non-attribute energy core is most suitable for [Brute Force Elephant].

Don't worry about conflicting attributes, and it can perfectly pave the way for fusion materials.

Even after Wu Wei checked out what kind of energy core he needed, he had already found the material that he liked and felt more suitable for Brute Force Elephant.

[Associated Wings of the Winged Tiger] (Level 70) (Perfect Quality) (130 Points)

"These two things are a perfect match for [Brute Force Elephant] and the giant elephant Taoist soldiers. If they can be perfectly matched together, then I can create the flying elephant cavalry I want!"

Wu Wei said, imagining the flying elephant cavalry under his command falling from the sky, and he was really a little excited.

Just excited Wu Wei glanced at his points and the points he needed, and his heart was a little cold.

"Let me calculate, the energy core needs 2222 to start, this is 266640 points, this is still the minimum allocation, if you want to add one, you have to double it.

Then there are 130 pairs of wings, 2222 pairs is 288860 points.

I am currently only 115,000, and there is still a shortfall of 400,000! "

When Wu Wei made such a simple calculation, he immediately felt a lot of pressure!

"In less than four days, it seems a bit difficult to generate 400,000!"

Forty thousand points, killing 400,000 corrupted monsters with a grade 6 and 1 corruption of about high quality, and killing 30 to 40 bosses just now.

However, the points in the Secret Realm of the Tang Dynasty are not only obtained by killing corrupt monsters, but also through purification.

It costs 100 points to purify a Level 1 Corruption, and 500 to 1000 for a Level 2 Corruption existence.

If Wu Wei did not kill the monster just now, but chose to purify it, based on a hundred times the points, that one Wu Wei might get millions of points.

Of course, that's just thinking.

With Wu Wei's current strength, it would be easy to kill that monster. If he wanted to win it, it was basically impossible unless he used the Seal Talisman.

Another is that I don't know how long it will take to purify this existence, three or four days is definitely not enough.

"At present, Cheng Yaojin alone occupies 50 of the 100 purification places in the shelter. What is irritating is that there are many places occupied, but the purification time has not decreased. It will take about 20 days to complete the preliminary purification."

Infuriated, Wu Wei still couldn't move Cheng Yaojin's quota, Wu Wei could only fill the remaining 50 quotas.

This job, Wu Wei, was handed over to Xiao Wu and Xiao Liu.

They cooperated and quickly brought 50 Level 2 Corrupted to Wu Wei.

If they are successfully purified, they can bring 25,000 to 50,000 points to Wu Wei.

In four days, it is 100,000 to 200,000 points.

It's still good, greatly reducing Wu Wei's pressure.

The rest, let the giant elephant Taoist soldiers go out to brush for four days should be almost able to brush.

And Wu Wei himself didn't plan to be idle. UU reading

Originally, he thought that the 10 days would be spent in the process of making talismans. Now, there are three or four days. Wu Wei exchanged 56 gold contributions for [Refining the Devil Heart Pill]. Wu Wei plans to take advantage of these few days. Practice trumpet.

By the way, also brush the points.

After determining the course of action for the next four days, Wu Wei did not rest.

Rest is reserved for those who have time, and now Wu Wei has no time to rest!

"Go ahead, try to get 550,000 points within four days, of course, if you can get a million, it's better, in this way, you can reserve one more energy core of perfect quality.

After all, one more reserve, one more heritage! "

Wu Wei said, switched to the trumpet, started to swallow the [Refining Magic Heart Pill] that was exchanged for 56 gold contributions, took out the [Death Slaying Sabre] and rushed out of the shelter with a grin.

Well, ask for a monthly pass