Morna : Goddess Of Death - 107 End Of Ares

107 End Of Ares

Ares ran into the room his eyes blood shot. He roared and half of the palace collapsed when he saw her running towards the right side he threw his sword which she escaped by an inch. Finally she was at the end of a long corridor she was touching the wall as if trying to find escape route . He laughed " now dear daughter be obedient and let me drag you by hair and present you to great lord Indra".

He was coming towards her slowly dragging his sword behind him. When he went to the center of the room his foot was stuck at his place. He tried to move but with no result. When Medusa turned and looked at him in the eyes. He started to turn to stone. This would have been an easy problem for powerful immortal G.o.d to turn back to normal in few second and Ares was grinning at the thought when Medusa started chanting words from the scripture she held in her hand. Ares found his power getting weak and slowly leaving his body, he tried to move but couldn't as his weakened power was paralysing him.

Morna came behind him chuckling " how does it feel dad getting killed by your own daughter. Ares glared at her he tried to mumble but he was stuck in stone form. Medusa touched his lips making them free when he spoke "I feel nothing because you are not our daughter". Morna stopped and glared " you are lying, I have been with you for millions of years how could I not be your daughter". Ares glared " you better kill me because I have blood oath and can't speak about it".

Morna nodded " as you wish Lord Ares G.o.d of war". Her whipped tied around his neck with h.e.l.l fire burning through it and it separated his head easily from his body. That was the end of Ares as Morna killed him his power transferred into her making it easy for her next step.