Mighty Mikko - Part 44

Part 44

So the Bear lay stiff and quiet and the Farmer dragged him on to the sledge.

"Father," the voice said, "you better tie that log down to keep it from rolling off."

"Don't move," the Farmer whispered, "and I'll tie you down just as if you were a log."

So the Bear lay perfectly still while the Farmer lashed him securely to the sledge.

"Father, are you sure that log can't roll off?"

"Yes, son," the Farmer said, "I'm sure it can't roll off now."

"Then, father, drive your ax into the end of the log and off we'll go!"

At that the Farmer raised his ax and with one mighty blow buried it in the neck of the Bear.

So that was the end of poor old lumbering Osmo!

The Farmer was saved both his Horse and his Cow and Mikko, the rascal, feasted on Bear meat for a week.


[Ill.u.s.tration: _So that was THE END_]