Master Dan Dao - Chapter 8269

Chapter 8269

Chapter 8269 Comparing consciousness with me?

It was Void who broke into his residence, and was still barking his teeth and claws in front of him.

Rao Feng Tianxing had already prepared in his heart, and at this moment, there was also a subtle feeling in his heart.

That was a bit of a surprise.

This Void actually knew how to behead, and used his classic method of dealing with Void on himself.

Perhaps this is called treating others in the same way as others.

But also a little helpless.

This empty brain is kind of handy, but also, kind of stupid.

Without knowing the difference in strength between the two sides, he dared to come and fight him. Could it be that he hasn't seen the clues from the "dogs" he let go?

Void lit up its sharp claws, Feng Tianxing was not in a hurry, and when it was completely condensed out of its body, it nodded calmly.

"This looks somewhat similar to my Demon Race."

The void nodded.

"It is indeed very similar to the demons, but I feel that you seem to be dissatisfied with this body, if it is used to surrender."

Feng Tianxing raised his eyebrows slightly.

"You came here in the middle of the night to surrender? The army is almost riding on my face. Is this an attitude of surrender?"

The void pondered for a while before speaking.

"If you have to use the surrender etiquette of your demons to count, this is indeed not a surrender, but this is the easiest and most convenient opportunity for me to lurk under your hands."

"Imagine my army's beheading operation. The 'dog' released earlier has sent the news back to the void, that is to say, let me take refuge in you, without anyone noticing. Of course, if you If you don't have confidence in the blocking ability, just pretend I didn't say it.

This remark surprised Feng Tianxing slightly.

Void seeks surrender?

Isn't this a joke, the void can still be operated like this?

Seeing that Feng Tianxing still didn't believe in himself, the void was silent for a moment, and casually spit out a consciousness body from his mouth.

"This is the void consciousness that fought with you earlier. It has been seriously injured by my sneak attack. Now it is my sincerity to leave it to you."

Feng Tianxing glanced at it, and his consciousness swept away in an instant.

The soul-eating secret method was activated instantly, and all the memories in this void were wiped away.

From the memory of getting it, Feng Tianxing knew why this Void came to him to surrender.

Because the "dog" I put back brought the Void too much shock.

This was originally a collection of voids that were fused after several successful attacks on the nearby main city, and there were several consciousnesses in it.

After checking the "dog"'s injuries several times, they were even more sure that Feng Tianxing was powerful, and they didn't do anything to them now, just to frighten the other admirals.

Faced with an inevitable ending, there are naturally different choices.

And in this, the original conscious body decided to fight to the death, and asked for help from other nearby voids.

The conscious body that surrendered now decided to surrender, because he knew that it was meaningless to fight like this, and there was no point in dedicating himself to this round of attack.

There is still the next round of attack, and the next round of attack against these admirals. All they need to do is wait.

Now, in order to survive, he has to pretend to surrender and find out all the information about Feng Tianxing here. When the Void Army attacks in the future, he will be able to take it easily.

"Admiral Feng, I won't hide it from you. All I want now is to be able to work under your command to ensure that I can survive. Of course I know what it means to be against you."

Kong Kong didn't realize that Feng Tianxing had already understood his purpose, and he was still telling his loyalty there.

At this time, Feng Tianxing looked at the void again, and naturally discovered the means he had prepared long ago.

His consciousness is tightly wrapped, as long as he touches it a little, he will be able to deal with it immediately.

"It seems that you are very confident."

The corners of Feng Tianxing's mouth raised slightly.

Pretending to surrender, right? Thinking that your little bit of consciousness can compete with me, right?

Who gave you the guts.

Unexpectedly, this sentence was misunderstood by Void, he froze for a moment and rolled his eyes.

"It's not that I'm very confident, because I carry a lot of information about the void. I think these can be exchanged for a certain status with you. I don't think you should be the kind of existence that is still defined by race."

Feng Tianxing laughed, slapped his thigh, and then stood up.

"Yeah, I'm not limited by race."

Suddenly, Feng Tianxing's eyes became sharp.

"But I'm not an idiot."

The next moment, a turbulent consciousness like a wave swept in, enveloping the void consciousness.

The void at this moment is like an incomparably strong warship, and all his consciousness is dispatched in an instant to protect himself heavily.

"Feng Tianxing, what do you mean, I'm here to surrender, is that your sincerity?"

"It actually evolved consciousness into such a vast ocean, don't you know that the bigger the thing evolved from consciousness, the weaker the ability."

"Since you don't want to talk, then..."

Before the empty words were finished, the next moment, his consciousness trembled slightly.

The ocean that originally only carried his consciousness suddenly became like a solid rock. No matter how strong the warship of his consciousness is, it has no possibility of competing with the hard ground.

There were no more waves on the surface of the water, but it was extremely viscous, crushing the hard shell of the warship little by little.

At that moment, Void suddenly thought of a very terrifying possibility.

Perhaps, this endless sea of consciousness is Feng Tianxing's consciousness!

But now, Feng Tianxing found his own consciousness in the vast consciousness and started to deal with himself!

"Wait, wait a minute!"

At this moment, Void completely panicked.

The existence mode of the void is doomed to have an extremely large volume of consciousness.

When facing other creatures, it has a natural advantage.

But now, this advantage that they defaulted to most of the time has now become a huge disadvantage!

"Wait a minute, Feng Tianxing! Don't do this! We can discuss it again!"

Void roared hysterically, fearing that Feng Tianxing would continue such an attack, he used his consciousness to crush his defense bit by bit.

At this moment, countless cracks have faintly appeared in the battleship transformed into consciousness.

Void is really in a hurry.

They are too clear about the means of consciousness confrontation, what will happen next, they know better than anyone else.

It was precisely because of fear that he was so anxious to ask for help.

Feng Tianxing silently looked at the scene in front of him, thinking for a moment.

"It turns out that Void is also afraid of death. I have to remember this."

Although Feng Tianxing started talking, his footsteps crushing the void did not stop at all.