Master Dan Dao - Chapter 7950

Chapter 7950

Feng Tianxing found the exit of the mountain spring in a dense forest, and it was just a trickle.

Although there is still a rotten smell inside, but after a careful search, Feng Tianxing discovered the root of the rotten smell.

The corpse of a rotting animal hangs from the outlet of the spring by branches.

Feng Tianxing stared at the animal's corpse, frowning in thought.

Now with Feng Tianxing's physical development, the power of the ancient twelve bloodlines began to exert its power gradually.

The sense of smell, hearing, etc. have become sharp, just like now, Feng Tianxing is separated by a long distance, and he can smell a little bit of rotten smell in the air, and find the source of this smell.

It's just that this ability has little effect on the entire battle situation. After all, he is just a person. As long as a person's strength does not form an absolute crushing situation, there is no possibility of a huge effect.

The corpse in front of him also made Feng Tianxing give up.

Originally, what he wanted most in his guess was to unearth the source of this mountain spring. Since there are rotting corpses, he can try to dig open water.

Water can be much faster than fire, but now the idea is completely lost.

Sighing, Feng Tianxing turned and left.

Now that the time is very tight, Feng Tianxing still has to think about ways to break the game, so he shouldn't watch these demons resolve his attack, right?

With the number of demons under Feng Tianxing, it is not enough to compete with the demons rushing out from below. Strength is one aspect, and the number of people is another issue.

These kinds of problems require thinking and solving.

Just after Feng Tianxing left Baibu, he suddenly stopped, turned his head to look at the exit of the mountain spring, and frowned.


Returning to the spring water outlet in an instant, Feng Tianxing picked up the rotting corpse from the spring water outlet and checked it carefully.

According to the degree of decay, Feng Tianxing can be sure that the body of this animal has been hanging here for a long time.

And behind this incident, it means that the demons ignore the water source.

After thinking about it, Feng Tianxing probably guessed the reason why the Mozu chose this way.

Because of the strength of the demons themselves, they hindered their attention to water sources.

If it is a human race, if there is a problem with the water quality, diarrhea is the least consequence, but for the demon race, the mud can be drunk without any problems.

It is this physical gap that makes the Demon Race completely indifferent to things like water sources.

The corpse of this animal is the best evidence, and no demons have come to check it after hanging here for a long time.

After carefully sniffing the air around here, I could only smell a faint demonic scent, and the two scents were very similar.

In other words, these demons are not active in patrolling water sources.

That can be poisoned.

Feng Tianxing stood up and looked at the converging stream, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

Poisoning is indeed a very insidious method, and it is immoral.

Poisoning at the source basically means that the water in the entire river cannot be used. Only when they are diluted to a point where it is safe enough for the demons will it not affect the downstream demons.

But will Feng Tianxing consider the life and death of those demons?

Feng Tianxing was one of the victims in the battle of the demons attacking the human race.

Relatives, friends, teachers, all were spared.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a blood feud.

It's just that after being reborn again and again in the land of Sumeru, under the baptism of the long years, hatred is no longer a word to describe.

It is impossible for him to watch the demons have a peaceful birthday with peace of mind.

Since it is to be poisoned, it is of course to take a powerful medicine.

Feng Tianxing raised his hand, and as his mind gradually became a jasper palm, the corner of his mouth raised slightly.

"The means of the demons, the body of the demons, used to deal with the demons is really exciting."

Attacking with poison first, the demons stationed below were poisoned and weakened, and then set on fire. A group of demons who couldn't flap their wings and couldn't fly to the sky were nothing but meat roasted in the fire.

After filling the last part of the plan, Feng Tianxing's overall plan has also been changed. Since it is to give these demons a fatal blow, it is still a means of poisoning.

Naturally, the more demons gathered here, the better.

Feng Tianxing turned his head and asked Shedu to send someone a letter to Shera, briefly explaining the changes in the entire plan, but he didn't mention how to plan.

Feng Tianxing's men touched Shuangfeng Mountain in the past few days and stationed quietly on the cliff.

At the foot of Shuangfeng Mountain, more and more demon soldiers have gathered. Almost every day, demons come from afar. From the thousands of people stationed here at the beginning, the number has grown rapidly to nearly 20,000.

Looking at the fire between the twin peaks under the night sky, Feng Tianxing looked at the scene in front of him lightly.

Feng Tianxing calculated the number of people again, and then said to the extravagant beside him.

"What do you see?"

The extravagant look on his face was tense. Every time Feng Tianxing wanted to ask him a question, it always made him feel a little uncomfortable, because no matter how he thought, there would be some omissions, and these things were completely unobstructed in front of Feng Tianxing, it seemed that everything he

All can be expected in general.

But the more obvious point is that Feng Tianxing is teaching him patiently. Although he is uncomfortable, he is still trying to answer and think.

"Master Feng, the speed of the gathering of the demons is very fast, they are going to be real."

"Last time you said that the demons under these city masters, like us, are no longer fighting individually. The number of them arriving here every day is relatively fixed, depending on the distance of the city. It should be the elite part."

"Besides, their patrols at night were a bit negligent. We can still take advantage of this. It's just that the brothers have all gone up the mountain. There are not many places for us to take advantage of this."

"I feel that the patrols of the demons have become more frequent recently. In the past, the patrols would not be close to the cliffs. Now that they are under the cliffs, it will not take much time for the patrols up the mountain. We must start as soon as possible."

"That's all for now."

Feng Tianxing nodded, raised his finger and pointed behind him.

"Then how do you feel about them now?"

Shedu was stunned for a moment. He has been observing the movements of the demons below for the past few days. As for the demons who followed, he didn't pay much attention to them.

Instead, Dan knew better.

"I don't know, I'll ask Dan now."

Feng Tianxing held his shoulder.

"No, I'll tell you."

"We have been on the top of the mountain for more than two days. With the increasing number of demons below, we are on this dead end again. Once found, there is almost no means to retreat." "Their battle these days. The will is much lower, no matter when the patrol from below comes to us, we can only attack tomorrow."