Master Dan Dao - Chapter 7077

Chapter 7077

The original Wing Rider Wooster had already chosen to leave, and he believed that he had won this battle against "Wind".

Even if he didn't kill "Feng", he would kill so many of his followers, which must be a huge loss for "Feng".

The most subtle thing is that when he kills, he has no mercy, and he will never leave a moment longer if he can kill with one blow.

Under such circumstances, Wing Rider Wooster believed that no one could pass the information on.

But with the passage of time, the joy of winning and the pleasure of suppressing the enemy gradually dissipated, but Wing Rider Wooster faintly felt that something was wrong.

Because these people's reactions are too bland.

It's like a puppet with a script written by someone, and it performs perfectly on the script. For them, death is the end of the curtain.

Not to be feared, not to be afraid of.

There was no fear or fear in their eyes, not even a little bit of fear.

This made Wing Rider Wooster feel uneasy for a while.

What is most afraid of is not that the opponent is strong, but this kind of feeling that the opponent may engage in tricks, but he does not know where the opponent's purpose is.

There is a kind of helplessness to be played by others, but I don't know where they are being played.

In the end, Wing Rider Wooster still did not resist such thoughts, and he recalled it in his mind again and again, trying to find out what the difference was.

And finally, Wing Cavalry Woster suddenly woke up.

How could Feng allow so many believers to be buried in this place in vain?

Especially these are people who are willing to die for him. For a newly established three-year-old Temple of the Lord of Light, they should be very precious. How could they just put them in this place to die?

At the moment when this year appeared, Wing Rider Wooster returned directly to the Ares Star Field, and he had to be sure of his guess.

Until he returned to the star field, Wing Rider Wooster personally inspected the deep pits that he had smashed, and found those remaining breaths in it.

All from the same person.

Staring at the deep pit in front of him, Wing Rider Wooster was neither angry nor surprised. What he had in his heart was the caution he should have when facing the strong.

"I should have understood from the beginning that when these people died, they did not fall physically, but turned into dust and dispersed. From the first person, I should have understood."

"But I didn't understand it because... because once the Taoist soldiers detonated their backs, they would alert the two behemoths of the Temple of War and the Temple of Wisdom."

"So, I had to be careful, I had to figure out a way to avoid such a situation, that I ignored this detail."

Wing Rider Wooster kept summarizing every previous decision he had made, trying to find the root cause of his mistakes.

Summarizing is a good habit, and Wing Rider Wooster has such a habit.

"Is it because you caught my thoughts that you made this arrangement?"

Wing Rider Wooster frowned.

If all this is not an accident, then his opponent, the behind-the-scenes driving force who planned everything, is simply unimaginable.

Judging from the current performance of "Wind" in Olympus, the probability of this is an accident is very low.

as low as negligible.

As Wing Rider Wooster finally found his answer, when he stood up again, he was clearly written with solemnity.

He knew that what he needed to face was not an ordinary wild god, but a shrewd and sophisticated monster.

"Even if you win this time, next time, I won't fall in the same place again."

Wing Rider Wooster rose directly into the air. This time, he did not leave in a hurry, but hid in a void.

What he wants to confirm is, what is Feng's purpose this time, to find enough information from himself?

After all, this is Feng's common method, inquiring about intelligence, making targeted layouts, and then achieving a victory that cannot be achieved in the eyes of others.

Since "Wind" does this when dealing with other people, there is a high probability that it will also fall on him.

Although You Feng may be acting for himself, he may be acting for Feng who is acting, but Feng who is acting knows that he is acting, so it is possible that he is acting deliberately.

But this time, Wing Cavalry Wooster didn't think much, just stayed here and observed for a while according to his original thoughts.

As for whether there is any gain, it is not important, the important thing is to determine whether Feng has any plans to return to this star field.

This is about his whereabouts, and the time and plan of his next shot.

Waiting silently in the void for half a day, Wing Rider Wooster left the Valkyrie Starfield.

He left without waiting for the result, not because the winged rider Wooster gave up, but because Athena had just given him an order.

Let him make some preparations in the Temple of the Lord of Light. Tomorrow night, Athena will go to the Temple of the Lord of Light on the pretext of visiting a scholar, and what he needs to do is to prepare in advance in the Temple of Wisdom. Ready to meet.

"Could it be that even Lord Athena is in his calculations?"

Wing Rider Wooster no longer dared to think about such a thing, because the implication was too great, he dared not think about it, and dared not use his thoughts to speculate on Athena, one of the twelve main gods.

"Forget it, go back and have a look first."

After a long time after Wing Qi Wooster left, City Lord Liu stood up very carefully. The ground was full of mess, and it became a problem to clean up or not to clean up for a while.

Keep it, it is a humiliation for the people in the entire Martial God Starfield. After all, in their opinion, the Martial God is the only **** who is aloof, and there is no need for the things left by others to be placed in the city.

But if it is cleaned up, in case Tianyi Riding Wooster finds it again, and needs to confirm these traces again, then it will offend another person.

City Lord Liu couldn't make a choice, and suddenly there was a row of heads.

"Hey! Why did I forget him, hurry up and call Master Zhang Linchuan!"

City Lord Liu didn't know how to choose, but he knew that there was one person who definitely knew how to choose, and that was Zhang Linchuan, the next White Knight of the Battle Hall Temple.

This person who entered the Star Territory with the Lord of Light may be the key to solving the current problem.

Even if Zhang Linchuan's strength is not good, his identity is not good, his status is not good, but as long as he does things in the Temple of the Battle God, it means that he has an opinion beyond others, and he only needs one suggestion to make everyone feel at ease.

The best thing is that Zhang Linchuan represents the Temple of the Battle God. Zhang Linchuan said how to cook it, which is about how to cook the God of War Temple. At that time, as long as Athena is not to blame, there will be no problem.