Master Dan Dao - Chapter 6849

Chapter 6849

Chapter 6849 The weight of the bait is not enough

Dukang Eric was silent for a long time, and finally shook his head helplessly.

"You have brought this matter out, so what else can I stop me?"

"I hope you can show a higher level than me in this war, otherwise, I will advise in front of Lord Zeus, you know the rules of the whole event."

Hearing Du Kang Eric's words, Qin Yichen slowly shook his head.

"I know."

After the achievement, Qin Yichen still needs to wait about half a day for all the witnesses to participate in a discussion to determine whether to grant grace.

Now that Dukang Eric has expressed his thoughts in Qin Yichen, he already has the qualifications to evaluate Qin Yichen.

Dukang Eric patted Qin Yichen's shoulder hard.

"Work hard and show your true strength and level."

Qin Yichen just nodded silently.

He is very clear that what he needs to do now is to get the approval of Zeus and get rid of this embarrassing identity.

Whether it is a wild **** or a suspicious person suspected by Zeus, these identities are not enough to make him feel at ease in Olympus.

It is even more impossible to completely wash away the suspicion from himself.

All peace is only temporary.

Doubt and non-doubt are just passing thoughts.

Qin Yichen took a deep breath and let out a low growl.

"Everyone listens and prepares according to my previous words."

Dukang Eric on the side shook his head helplessly, and could only respond.

"According to the instructions of the Lord of Light, whoever disobeys will be exiled from the temple and exiled to the void."

Expulsion from the temple is already a huge punishment for these believers, and now they have to add a banishment to the void. This punishment is not too harsh.

What happened to make Dukan Eric make such a request?

Just when everyone was confused, Qin Yichen finally looked at them.

"This matter has something to do with me, please help."

After finishing speaking, Qin Yichen carried his hands on his back, left the crowd, and came to the open sky, overlooking the heaven and earth below.

After a while, his eyes turned to a certain place in the black smoke.

There, there is the magic circle left by Lin Bai.

Late burst.

This is another masterpiece of Qin Yichen. It delays the eruption of the magic circle indefinitely and buys enough time for himself. It can be said that this is the best way for Qin Yichen to make trouble, but he has an alibi.

A group of believers watched Qin Yichen stand in the air, with no intention of taking any action at all.

Looking down again, there is still a quiet black smoke, where is there any sign of dissipating?

Everyone didn't know what to say in their hearts, just watched silently.

As time passed, half a moment had passed.

The devotees couldn't help but whisper.

"What did the Lord of Light say before? Half an hour or half an hour, right?"

"That's right, in half a moment, everyone cheered up and prepared well. If you make a mistake, you will be expelled from the temple, and you will be embarrassed to see Izumi's parents."

"Yeah, we'll just wait and see if the black smoke will dissipate, although I'm skeptical."

All the discussions behind him fell into Qin Yichen's ears, but Qin Yichen was unmoved.

Still standing there, looking down.

Where his consciousness swept, the opponent's layout was fully revealed.

The black smoke, like the black fog in the cave of the God-killing Sect, seems to be specifically aimed at the power of belief, and has nothing to hinder the spiritual energy.

Qin Yichen took a deep breath, maintaining the serenity on the surface.

Because in the black smoke below, nearly 10,000 people have gathered, and they are waiting for an opportunity, waiting for a moment when the believers relax, giving them a chance to deal a fatal blow.

The two sides are still at a stalemate.

At this time, whoever reveals the flaws first will be completely defeated.

As Qin Yichen guessed, he can wait here patiently, but his opponent cannot endure for too long.

Because with the passage of time, Zeus can transfer more and more power from various places, and they have no chance of winning.

Maybe even the old nest will be taken away by Zeus.

They can only choose to attack quickly and capture Olympus with the potential of thunder.

Even just a moment is enough.

Seeing that these people were still trying to recruit Gilgamesh, Qin Yichen knew that they were not ready to take over Olympus.

This battle is just to break the myth of Olympus' invincibility.

Qin Yichen looked at the scene in front of him lightly, and countless thoughts emerged in his mind.

There are offensive and defensive ones, but in the end, he chose to remain silent.

These believers drawn from various temples are not united, and can even be said to be untrained soldiers with extremely low obedience.

After they had seen the power of the black mist, they were even more reluctant to follow him into the black smoke.

As for in situ defense, it was the best method Qin Yichen could find.

Qin Yichen didn't even dare to use the method of splitting and attacking the troops with poor discipline.

Without Dukang Eric's support, it's still a problem how many people he can command.

After all, he is just a wild god, and in the eyes of these orthodox believers, his status is a bit lower than them.

If you want to command them, you must at least be an orthodox god.

Wild God?

Just a joke.

Qin Yichen "looked" at the opponent below lightly, and his consciousness has been quietly connected to the delayed explosion array.

Whenever the opponent attacks, it is time for him to counterattack.

At the moment of the opponent's attack, disrupt their layout, let them fall into chaos, and then let the followers of the Temple of Zeus rush up to kill the Quartet.

This is the safest way at present.

Qin Yichen looked at everyone lightly, and his heart became a little more solemn.

These people are more patient than the followers of Zeus.

As Qin Yichen's eyes swept over, his heart became more and more solemn, because the ten thousand people in the black mist below were silent, and the half-moment passed, and there was no sign of relaxation at all.

Like a hunting beast, holding his breath, there is no flaw at all.

Qin Yichen looked at them lightly, and his heart became a little more dignified.

If it is delayed like this, I am afraid that the followers of Zeus will be the first to reveal flaws.

Qin Yichen knew that he couldn't wait any longer.

His ears were filled with the suspicions of these believers.

"It's been half an hour, how come there is still no news? When will the black fog dissipate?"

"Who knows, but don't talk nonsense, it's only half an hour away."

"I think it's the so-called Lord of Light who is just pretending to be a ghost. What can he do? There is nothing that Lord Dukang Eric can do. He really thinks that a gust of wind can blow it away."

"I reconsider, it is impossible for this thing to disperse voluntarily."

As the discussion got louder and louder, Qin Yichen looked back at the believers, who had become a little slack.

The people who were assigned to patrol under the embankment for sneak attack were just pretending to fly by, with no intention of observing at all.

Qin Yichen's mind changed, and then he coughed lightly, and the spiritual energy was silent, with Qin Yichen as the center, the sky was divided into two parts.

Since these lures are not enough, let me add a little more temptation to you!