Master Dan Dao - Chapter 6396

Chapter 6396

"This, this power!?"

Looking at the continual fusion and the interlocking plane of birth and death, Kasa's eyes are full of incredible, what a powerful law is this?

It doesn't matter if it is strong, Kasa can even feel the power of many laws from it. The power that turns countless ashes into flowers and plants and fills the plane with vitality again is the power of the laws of life...

The power that makes the barren and scorched earth rejuvenate again, that is the power of the goddess of the earth, that makes the time and space like a broken mirror heal like a patch. This, is this the law of time and space? !

This, how stalwart this is, what a miraculous power!

Between surprise and error, Kasa's eyes when looking at Qin Yichen suddenly changed, becoming full of awe, and even reverence. The reverence in his eyes was even hotter than when the tens of millions of troops at Wentianguan looked at their generals. crazy!

"Well, who is the ruler who went down to the earth and swept hell? It must be like this! Praise the gods! This is the brilliance of miracles!"

Kasa couldn't help exclaiming, even kneeling down in prayer, praising Qin Yichen's incomprehensible flattery. Although he didn't understand, it was still very useful.

"Dare, dare to ask your lord, which ruler are you? No, no! This, this is just your clone, isn't it? Clone possesses such great power, you, you must be the supreme god!"

Casa's eyes were frantic: "Please tell your servants, the people of the plane of Ys, you will definitely admire you, and sing your miracles forever!"

In Kasa's view, Qin Yichen must be the existence of the lower realm of divine power, that is the existence he needs to look up to and worship day and night!

Otherwise, it is impossible to have such a powerful force!

Moreover, in Kasa's view, Qin Yichen is just a clone of that existence, and the clone possesses such great power, it must be the supreme god! It must have blessed countless planes, standing proudly of the existence of the God Realm!

"Come on, flattering is good, how do you want to thank me? I will tie a few believers and burn them to death, or give the saint who believes in you, and let me be grace."

Qin Yichen couldn't stand it a little, and he was really in the eyes of the tens of millions of colleagues in Wentianguan. He was the **** of war who dared to fight the heavenly court. But in fact, Qin Yichen was their commander in chief, just the commander's prestige, reaching a state of unparalleled bravery.

But in Kasa's eyes, that really regarded Qin Yichen as a god! Look up as an existence above all beings.

This look made Qin Yichen very upset, even though he couldn't be sure, whether so many human races with blond hair and blue eyes and different appearances from him could be regarded as brothers and sisters of the same race in his cognition.

However, seeing one kind of creature kneeling to another kind of creature, so worshipping, made Qin Yichen feel inexplicably disgusted.

The point is that Qin Yichen has never been in contact with similar things either. Perhaps in the past universe, there were countless races that worshipped their gods and the universe that ruled and guarded that universe.

However, the human race does not have a **** to protect them, so there is no need to worship at all. When he was young, he respected the old mansion and the holy places, but it would not be a kowtow to sing. Of course, there is no absolute in everything. There are many gods and demons in the three thousand realms. In the star realm they dominate, they claim to be the masters of the human race, and they created everything with their gifts. This is very similar to this moment. Over time, Clansmen who don't know the truth,

I really believed it and regarded it as a god.

"My lord, the people of our race, it is their supreme glory to be able to contribute everything to you!"

When Qin Yichen was still bored and crooked, he saw Kasa look excited and even honored, as if he didn't feel that his joking words were too much, or even honored.

Qin Yichen frowned, the plane in front of him was constantly recovering, but his eyes were shining.

"Do you think it is an honor for other girls to dedicate your saint to me?"

Casale nodded again and again, and was extremely excited: "My Supreme God, isn't it? Saint, always ready to accept God's brilliance!"

"...Do you think there is a difference between me and the guy just now?"

The guy Qin Yichen was talking about was naturally Samuel. He relied on a twine of clones and mingled with the yin and yang of Elena's mother to have Elena, but what was the result?

In Samuel, Qin Yichen couldn't see the slightest paternal love, and some just regarded Ilena as a pawn.

If this is true for a daughter, there is no feeling between the husband and wife.

Qin Yichen wanted to break it, but, after all, it was a family affair. If Ilena spoke, he would definitely stop him, but he couldn't force the latter to choose like this.

But who would have thought that after Mousal left, Casa, who was not in harmony with him, turned out to be an extremely honoured face!

Facing Qin Yichen's shining divine eyes, Kasa shuddered, and hurriedly swore: That's not the same as my Supreme God! That, that's the devil of hell! He came to defile the world! How can he be with you? Compare?"

Kasa is indeed incompatible with hell, and Qin Yichen does not doubt his attitude, but...

"In other words, just because you believe in the God of Light, you think it is evil for the demons of **** to act like this. Then, if the God of Light and even the gods under his command act like this, you feel honored, right?"

So it seems that believers in **** also think they are right to do so!

Casa was speechless. He fell into silence and the panic of being interrogated by Qin Yichen, but he still couldn't help muttering in the bottom of his heart. Isn't it the case?

But Qin Yichen's words caused him to think, but after thinking about it, he was deeply confused!

Yes, just lost!

Because Casa found that it seems that no **** would ever ask like this! Could it be that God blessed them with all this, and they felt honored and grateful in return. Is it wrong?

Qin Yichen looked directly at Kasa. The confusion in the latter's eyes made him equally confused. Why does this kind of problem still need to be considered?

"Well, I will continue to ask you, in your precepts, um, in your perception, if a man deceives a woman's feelings and uses it, will such a person be spurned? "

"This is the **** of the seven deadly sins! This kind of guy will definitely go to hell!"

Casa was filled with righteous indignation, and it was obvious that he was extremely shameless of such behavior! Is really contemptuous.

But Qin Yichen laughed, and he asked leisurely: "Then why, if God does this kind of thing, he will be considered an honor by his followers?"


Casa was speechless. After organizing his speech for a long time, he suffocated one sentence: "Because God blessed us and gave us everything in return..."

"Stop it!"

Qin Yichen raised his hand and said: "The same thing God does is an honor, and you do it, it is the seven deadly sins... Anyway, **** sounds right." "I ask you, why?"