Master Dan Dao - Chapter 5404

Chapter 5404

The immortality and the prestige exist between the heaven and the earth. He is not against the powerhouse in the emperor realm, and his prestige and deeds are not as good as the opponent.

However, it does not mean that Tao itself will be defeated!

But this stream spring can even win the road! Wherever you go, everything is reduced to death!

It was as if the pottery pot of Wei Yuanshang had been turned into waste slag, if Qin Yichen was swallowed by the stream, it would also be completely turned into scrap!

"What the **** is this!?"

Wei Yuanshang was full of horror. This kind of swallowing Dao would swallow the fallen power. They had never seen it before, and in front of this stream, there was no resistance at all!

At this moment, Qin Yichen and Wei Yuanshang both caught up with the figures of the star picker, and saw that they were fighting fiercely with those fierce figures at this time.

However, there is still no end in sight on this continent, which makes Wei Yuanshang feel scalp tingling even more, because at the flying speed they just broke out with all their strength, if it were the route they came, it would have been long ago to fly out! At this moment, those figures are extremely fierce, and the star-picking king and other great powers burst out of extremely strong combat power because of fear, and they dare not hide themselves, but even so, they fought and fled, but they still watched. Should have appeared before long ago

The edge of the continent!

"Senior Suma, I am the Baize clan, the Baize clan!"

At this moment, in Feng Nianwu's sleeves, a white and blue head resembling a blue dragon but with horns was exposed, which was the deity of Bai Guanxing of the Baize clan.

Bai Guanxing stared at the fierce stubborn , only feeling in awe, but according to the record, even at the beginning of the Primordial Era, the first ancestor of the Baize Clan, and the true dragon are already friends!

However, without waiting for Bai Guanxing to say more, he was taken back from his sleeve by Feng Nianwu, let alone the Baize clan, their human race and the true dragon are brothers!

Even the human race doesn't recognize it. Obviously, this monstrous man can no longer be described by common sense!

At this moment, Wei Yuanshang and Qin Yichen arrived, which means that the stream that seemed like a life-threatening yellow spring is also approaching!

The sound of the stream flowing is still so sweet, but it makes all the powers only feel the creeps, like the most terrifying magic sound in the world!

At this moment, after Wei Yuanshang lost an emperor's treasure, he seemed to have reacted. This stream spring also poses a great threat to this thief knife!

Otherwise, he flees!

But Wei Yuanshang can still care about it with Qin Yichen now, the closer the stream is, the faster their lifespan will pass!

Not only Shouyuan, but when the sound of the stream reverberated in his ears, seeing the stars around the King of Star Picking a moment of depression made him extremely frightened.

"This spring... can even my Avenue of Stars be swallowed?!"

Although all the great powers were so scared, this could be said to be the most embarrassing day since they became famous, but the vision of the emperor's great power has not been lost.

From the change of oneself, one can vaguely feel that the power of this stream is so terrifying that it can directly swallow Dao!

The great powers couldn't tell whether they swallowed their Dao Might or the Dao itself! Although it would only be more terrifying if it were the latter, it seemed to them that there was no difference!


The Star Retriever King offered a star that was more majestic than the Fiery Sun, and slammed toward the Red Slaughter, but just this move made his breath sluggish and even looked a bit old.

You know, the King of Star Reaching is probably similar to Emperor Que, who looks like a middle-aged man, but at this moment, there is an extra wrinkle in the corner of his eyes.

"not good"

"Find a way, otherwise, we all have to die here!"

Even if the star-picking king is like this, how can all the powers be better?

The longevity yuan flowed extremely quickly, and the energizing power and magic power were all being swallowed! And don't forget, they are still fighting and fleeing at this moment, at least they can keep a little distance from this spring, but they can't afford it at all! Once caught up by Xiquan, it's not that Shouyuan can't hold it anymore. I'm afraid I'm going to step into the lion and scorpion clan on the spot.

Can follow in!

"Sacrifice treasures! Let this spring swallow the treasures! I can buy some time!"

As soon as the words came out, Wei Ling Tian's eyes lifted, and suddenly a pagoda was thrown out, but the pagoda was swallowed by the stream in an instant, and there was no shadow at all.

But Wei Yuanshang saw it in his eyes, but he was so angry that he smoked: "Use the emperor's Taobao! You have a fart for using that kind of garbage!"

The corners of Wei Lingtian's mouth twitched. What he threw just now was a treasure of the Taoist level. It was useless for anyone to think about it. This is not the time to distress at all!

Suddenly, Wei Lingtian offered seventy-two battle flags, and the battle flags fluttered horizontally and horizontally, swept through the sky and thundered, and there was a deity shadow accompanied by the battle flag to kill.

But the result seems to be doomed long ago. After only a few breaths, the battle flag is tattered, and in the end, it is still hard to escape the end of being swallowed up!

Wei Lingtian was in pain for a while, but that was the mighty battle flag he had cultivated for a long time! Real emperor soldiers!

However, compared to Wei Lingtian's pain, the King of Starcatch also noticed that the moment the stream swallowed the Dao soldiers, the engulfing of their vitality and power seemed to weaken a little, allowing them to burst out stronger. power.

However, an emperor and a soldier can only last a few breaths. This kind of price makes all the mighties regret all the time, why come to this ghost place!

The Star Reaching King even shouted in a deep voice: "Don't worry about all the Taoists and soldiers, there is no reason that I can only tell the heavens, or everyone will die here together!"

As soon as he said this, Feng Nianwu gritted his teeth angrily and suddenly offered a brocade box.

Wei Yuanshang saw in his eyes, heartbroken: "Old man's brocade box!"

Qin Yichen scolded while moving time and space, "Is that your thing?! That's mine!"

"Small offal..."

The brocade box could not last a few breaths, but fortunately, it was able to fight for a moment of breathing opportunity for the great powers. In the next moment, a Thousand Swordsmen sacrificed a magic coffin to buy time again!

At this moment, all the mightiest are terrified, this is simply taking the treasure to buy their lives! A treasure can only take a few breaths. This is so much darker than Wentianguan where a thief is sitting!

This way, Que Tianxuan is also a sacrifice to the treasure. The divine light flies out, but they can't stop the stream. The great powers want to cry without tears, and the treasure they spend all the way to escape is more than That half of the value of the star rain!

This time, I really came to die!

But at this moment, it is a blessing in misfortune to be able to escape!

In a few moments, there were more than a dozen pieces of precious treasures sacrificed, and the great powers couldn't care about their distress, because they were more concerned about why they couldn't see the end? !

You know, one piece of the emperor's treasure can last three to five breaths, and a dozen pieces are enough for a minute or two! Just relying on their current burst of full flight speed, enough to fly around the continent for several times!