Magical Academy: Rise Of The Supreme Magic Craftsman - 79 Wallace

79 Wallace

Chase resolutely said to Wallace. The speed of their car couldn't be compared to the mech frame or even the marauder gears, its only a matter of time before they were caught.

"W-what are you saying? How can I bring them to the city?" Wallace replied in question. He was confused by his father who is driving as fast as he can. They all felt that the mech frame is about to reach them but he couldn't tell how his father plan to send them in the city.

Elaine looked from the back of their car and saw a humanoid mech frame catching up. She doesn't have an idea where they come from but she knows that once they were caught by these unknown species, they would be at their mercy.

As she heard Chase say those words to his son, she immediately understood what he meant. She couldn't just say nothing and immediately joined the plan.

"You can't last that long. It would be better if we do it together to guarantee their safety. What do you think?" Elaine said with a trace of smile on her face. She isn't looking worried as she resolutely accepted on what is about to happen. In return, his father only sighed and smiled back to his wife.

Wallace couldn't understand until he remembered what happened when their Zymeth s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p was also cornered by the Meredith Empire's force. His father, Captain Heather, his uncle s.h.i.+n and all other crews in the s.h.i.+p was left as he escaped using the luxury s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p. 

"NO! We have to escape together!" Wallace instinctively say those words aloud. He just couldn't allow his parents to leave him like this again. He clenched his fist as he was clearly out of options as well. The pathfinder isn't responding and he doesn't have effective means to fight against the Mech Frame. If it's only the marauder gears, he was confident that they will have enough time to reach the nearest city. 

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Wallace looked at his little sister who has fallen asleep due his mother's magic spell. How could he explain to his little sister if both their parents perished here? How could they even survive anyway? It was all his fault. Maybe if he didn't landed his s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p here, the Meredith Empire wouldn't be able to trace him up to this planet. Maybe if he continued searching for a known planet and didn't take his chances here, he wouldn't be in this situation now. Maybe the 'Wallace' here would have lived happily together with his parents and would create a peaceful family with his wife and children when he grows up. But all of these didn't happen because he descended here and made a mess. 

He regretted his decision during that day. He blamed himself for this situation they're in and couldn't help but feel very emotional. He's just about to lose his parents again.

"There should be something else!" 

Wallace raised his voice but he couldn't stop his parents, even he himself couldn't think of other options aside from whatever his parent's plan is.

Chase only shook his head telling that it's alright.

"It will be fine. Just be safe and take care of your sister, you have to promise me." Elaine said softly to his son.

He was still thinking of refusing it but upon seeing his mother's pleading and resolute face, he could only agree to her request.

"I promise." Wallace solemnly said.

Chase put the car in automatic mode as he moved himself to let Wallace sit in the driver's seat. 

Wallace could no longer control the situation as both his parents seated at the back of the car letting Wallace seat in front to drive the car together with the sleeping Claire beside him.

The couple checked their daughter and made sure that she was fastened comfortably and gave one final look to Wallace before opening the door of the car and jumping out to face the Mech Frame.

Wallace saw his parent's holding hands to face the large Mech Frame. Their body is so small that the humanoid machine can grasp the two in a single palm. 

He then saw his parent's gold rings in their fingers lit up so brightly that affected even the whole town and it's surroundings. Some people who were running for their lives as they were being pursued by other Mech Frames and marauder gears were also blinded by the blinding light. But it didn't last long for the empire's forces as they have sufficient preparation for this kind of attacks. Their machine's function kicked in and filtered the bright light coming from the couple and it didn't even took a second to accomplish all of this. 

They saw the two natives who was the source of the light. The couple have closed their eyes and holding each other's hand. The Empire's forces didn't detect any danger and only saw this light as an attempt to buy some time, but even if that was the case, the nearest Mech Frame tried to be careful just to make sure.

The Mech Frame did not approach the two and in his distance, he aimed and fired a bullet to the couple in an attempt to probe their response.

Unfortunately, the fired shot didn't provide them their desired outcome. The couple didn't dodge or send an attack but just stood there as the bullet pa.s.sed them like they were a ghost. The Mech Frame pilot seems to be surprised as it forgot to take further actions.

The couple opened their eyes and they slowly disintegrated as thousands of light particles formed in return. After this has been formed, these particles turned towards the Mech Frame. The pilot may have felt some danger as it tried to dodge but the light was so fast. The particles phased through over the Mech Frame.

Everything happened so fast as Wallace could only clench his fist in anger, despair, and sadness. He didn't saw what happened inside the frame but once the particles of light phased outside, the Mech Frame seems to be frozen as it slowly dropped to the ground. The Mech Frame's engine is still functioning but it looks like the pilot lost his control on the machine.

The light particles then moved towards the other marauder gears and Mech Frame as it stopped them their movements for some unknown reason. The citizens and other remaining magicians was surprised upon seeing what has occurred. They didn't know where the light came from but they felt that they were now safe as every enemy it pa.s.sed through would stop their machines and would drop them to the ground.

"Great! Destroy them all!"

"We're saved!"

"Is it the reinforcements from the Cove City?"

"Luckily, they made it here."

They celebrated as they had a glimpse of hope in surviving their predicament.

Unfortunately, it didn't last long enough. The light particles only defeated 50 marauder gears and 4 Mech Frames. There are still tons of enemies. Not to mention that there's still one battles.h.i.+p nearby that didn't released all of their forces. 

As Wallace's parents sacrificed themselves for them to escape, he made quite some distance away from the town. He saw that after the particles of lights disappeared, the enemies didn't get cautious at all and instead gone even more crazy as the battles.h.i.+p released their 300 Abyssal Destroyers in anger.

Wallace knew that these destroyers mostly have explosives in their a.r.s.enal unlike the marauder gears. After that, the hopeful people just a while ago was bombarded by bombs and other explosives killing all the people and destroying the whole town leaving nothing in the previous lively Red Star Town.

Wallace could no longer contain his anger as his eyes turned bloodshot. He can only think of vengeance. He will make them regret this. He will annihilate these empire's forces in the planet. As long as he survives today, he will--

His thoughts was interrupted as a Mech Frame blocked their car's path. He stomp the brake pedal as hard as he can to stop it from hitting the Mech Frame. 

He saw his little sister groan as she seems to be waking up due to the abrupt halt they made. He successfully avoided collision but what will happen next is another problem.

Wallace didn't have time to think of the reason how the Mech Frame appeared here as he only saw the humanoid machine lifting it's hand and aimed his gun on their car as it fired a shot.


He doesn't know what to do and could only hug his little sister as they were covered by a warm light. 

"Wake up! Uncle is here to celebrate the new year with us!" 

His little sister forcefully removed his brother's blanket. Their uncle's family arrived today to celebrate the new year with them and as they heard Wallace's achievements, they wanted to see him.

Wallace woke up and opened his teary eyes as he stared at his little sister.