Magical Academy: Rise Of The Supreme Magic Craftsman - 38 Arrival

38 Arrival

They rode here from a bus owned by their academy and arrived in the city before 3 in the afternoon. They headed first to a pre-arranged hotel that would facilitate their stay in the city. It would actually be near to Zairus IV Arena where the compet.i.tion would be held.

There will be a week long compet.i.tion and the first day would actually be a feast with all the partic.i.p.ating academy and of course, it includes the organiser of the event, the Ministry of Magic Education.

"Vera and Eric lead your group and rest in your rooms for the meantime. You guys will be attending tonight's evening meal with other academy students."

It was Instructor Eve who advised the group leaders. Both Vera and Eric are 3rd year students and outstanding in their Cla.s.s so being selected as a leader is normal.

"Yes, Instructor." The two answered at the same time.

Instructor Eve continued on her words.

"Alright, we will be meeting the organisers so behave yourself. Be sure to be present at the reception hall for the event. That's before 8 in the evening. Okay?"

"Yes, Instructor Eve~"


Everyone answered this time or nodded their heads in agreement to her words. The group of 5 instructors left as they headed to meet the representatives of Ministry of Magic Education.

Eric then led his group of mana technician students to the 8th floor where they were a.s.signed to stay.

The group of 3rd years were Eric, Mei and Talia. The 2nd years were Tracy, Wallace and Ross. The last group which is the 1st years were Escanor, Alice and Samantha.

"Mei, bring the girls with you. Wallace, Ross and Escanor, follow me."

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Escanor's stature was actually bigger than Eric's, he's unlike a normal 1st year student with his build. His brown hair and eyes, matured and tanned body full of muscles made him look like a senior instead.

At the first look, he doesn't seem to be suitable as a mana technician and would be more qualified as a combatant. But the truth is that he's actually the best mana technicians in the first year followed by Alice and Samantha.

He always wore a smile whenever you talk to him that his complete white teeth could always be seen and has a very approachable att.i.tude.

"Tracy, Alice, Sam.. let's settle our things and let's all take a bath together. We need to look beautiful later on the dinner!"

It was Mei who excitedly invited the other 3 girls.

"Haha. Do we really have to look beautiful? With senior Mei attending, you'll definitely be attracting all the attention anyway."

It was Alice who bantered at Mei. She has black hair and eyes and long, flowing hair. She had two hair bands at her two sides of her front hair. She was also quite renowned for her beauty as she was one of the candidates to be placed in the 'Princess and Princes of Leonhearts Academy'.

"We definitely have to. After all, those cool guys in Eternal Fey Academy will be attending the event today."

Mei insisted in taking a bath together.

"Hahaha.. As if you'd really want to hook with them, senior."

It was Samantha who finally said. She had gotten closer to this easy going senior of her.

Samantha has a blonde hair that is tied up to make twin-tails. She wears a pair of blue-colored hairpins to prevent her hair from covering her face.

As everyone went upstairs to settle their things in their designated room, the group of combat cla.s.s magicians met with a another group of students who were also partic.i.p.ating in the TMAC.

"What do we have here? Students from Leonhearts?"

It was a group of 4 students and leading them was a short female who wore and has black hair. She seemed to know Vera, the leader of their group, as she approached the latter.

Their group wore their student uniform, a coat with white and blue color in the edges. A logo of a flying swan surrounded by orbs representing mana is also on their left chest.

They were clearly from Skywalker Academy.

"So, it's just you Vanessa. Nice meeting you again. We will be meeting later on, so we'll head on our room for now."

Vera gestured at the baggage they have as she tried to politely extract theirselves from here. She clearly doesn't want to have any longer time talking to her.

"Hmph. Vera, we'll definitely defeat your team again in this year's compet.i.tion."

It was the words Vanessa left before leaving as they headed downstairs. She clearly has some kind of grudge with Vera herself or her team.

Vera weren't even able to answer before the 4 continued their walk as they left them. Some first year students may not be aware of Vanessa's ident.i.ty, but the higher years were clearly aware of the whole situation. They did not bother to explain it to them and decided to just head up in their rooms.

"Let's go, after settling in your room, you guys can go outside but make sure you be here before 8 in the evening. Also, make sure to have someone accompany you when heading out. It's best to be in a group as we are in unfamiliar grounds."

"Understood, senior Vera~"


Everyone agreed at Vera's words. Some of them actually felt excited meeting with other academy students but with this first interaction, their excitement died down.

"Oh well, I hope not all other academy student's were like that. Is it?"

"Haha. It shouldn't be, we have friendly fellow students like those from the all-male Stoneheimer Academy and those in Eternal Fey as well."

A first year student walking in front of Hilda asked and answered by Ray, a 2nd year student.

"How about the others?"

The first year continued to ask.

"Well, we don't really have much interaction with them but I can a.s.sure you that Mystic Gate Academy is always our rival. Whenever we battled with them, it would always be like a life or death situation--"

"Wait there. They might believe you..."

It was s.h.i.+rley, another 2nd year student who interrupted Ray. She actually removed her coat and now just wearing a white blouse uniform from their academy. She's holding the coat on her left hand as she walked and her short black hair actually bounces smoothly as she stepped.

"What Ray meant is that there has been a lot of compet.i.tion between Mystic Gate and our's in the past years. Yes, not only in this TMAC but also in some other competing event. You'll learn more about this soon."