Magical Academy: Rise Of The Supreme Magic Craftsman - 170 Strength

170 Strength

[ 1 minute after losing the connection to mainframe, Avalon Main immediately traced our last location. 

8 minutes: It completed the investigation about the strength of Cloud Hawk Manor. 

Results of Investigation:

Battle Mage: 30

Adept Mage: 10

Mana Pulse Barrier (Modified): 5

Heavy Auto Turrets: 20

Minigun Turrets: 25

Rocket Turrets: 10

Elemental Turrets: 10

10 minutes: Electronic and wireless communication coming in and out of the manor were fully controlled.

11 minutes: Five Elysiums bringing untested Positron Blaster Gun were prepared to sortie. 

13 minutes: Hacking of all Automated Turrets at 19% completion rate.

14 minutes: Reconnection to the mainframe was established. ]

''Only 14 minutes had pa.s.sed, huh... You're very efficient, Avalon." Wallace was satisfied about the quick action of the artificial intelligence. Luckily, after he went out of that room, Avalon immediately halted it's rescue operation. 

[ Avalon wasn't only made for information control and guide but can be used as battle adviser and life-support for its user. ] 

"Mhm.. I know that much. Thank you." 

Wallace smiled as he replied. Although Avalon doesn't have emotion and could only follow instructions, it is capable of holding conversation and he wanted to treat his A.I. as a friend. After all, it's one of the important thing he have that connects him to his previous life and the outer s.p.a.ce. 

After reaching this thought, he opened the box given by Clyne containing materials related to his apprentices.h.i.+p.

There, he found a stacked printed doc.u.ments and things. He picked up the papers and read the t.i.tle.

"Flyby s.p.a.ce Mission?" It was a new word for Wallace so he asked Avalon to explain it to him.

"Urgh... I thought that they've already advanced more than this. But thinking about it, this should be normal at this stage." 

As Avalon explained, s.p.a.ce mission had four different stages, it was called flyby at the first stage, orbiter at the second stage, rover, and human s.p.a.ce exploration for third and fourth stage. 

The doc.u.ments was as thick as four books so he used the A.I.'s scanner to have a softcopy instead and have Avalon review it for him. Of course, he was still planning to read it for himself. Anyway, he was also intructed by Clyne to destroy this copy once he finished reading it.

Wallace spend an hour to review the doc.u.ment and learned a lot. 

The s.p.a.ce mission was spearheaded indeed by Skywalker Alliance and spent a huge sum or money to successfully build a small s.p.a.cecraft. 

A flyby s.p.a.ce mission is where a s.p.a.cecraft was being sent to outer s.p.a.ce to gather information about the solar system. It by a celestial object but isn't held in orbit by it. As the s.p.a.cecraft by, it uses its instruments to observe its target and it sends the information it collects back to this planet. So, this is like a private eye zooming past a house to take a few pictures to scope out the place they're going to spy on later in more detail. But this s.p.a.cecraft doesn't stop, nor does it circle around; it just keeps going past the target.

They called the s.p.a.cecraft Pioneer 100 and Wallace read the doc.u.ment as he learned their struggle of getting out of stratosphere. They spent huge amount of power to breakthrough an invisible force that was covering the planet. It seems that there's a natural force prohibiting them to commence s.p.a.ce exploration.

This made Wallace confuse as there seems to be no problem in descending to this planet. At the very least, the problem that he encountered before was that no one was answering to the communication signals he was sending to this world. And it seems that this was also the problem of Pioneer 100. 

Wallace kept himself from going deeper into this topic for now as it would be managed by Avalon anyway. He just had to slowly build his foundation and he'll get there soon.  

After putting aside the doc.u.ment and burned by the floating metal ball after copying everything, he checked the other contents of the box. 

A silver emblem depicting a flying hawk above the clouds was included as a token of his ident.i.ty. There's also a single purple memory crystal in a gla.s.s bottle. It doesn't have any introduction whatsoever but Slaine already hinted him about it's content a while ago before he asked his two questions to him.

There's also a blue apprentice robe for him and lastly, a silver card.

He checked the card and written on it was his name and string of numbers embedded with magic. It is connected to a bank.

He wasn't sure if it was empty or if there's an amount inside so he just left it for now. 

There's nothing else that he can do tonight as he would normally busy himself in his workshop during this time. But because he was out of his workshop, he was feeling a bit restless.

He can only try to practice the Lightning Break before he fall asleep in exhaustion.


As the morning came, he confirmed that he was truly free to do whatever he wanted as long as he will continue to learn the Lightning Break so he can take out his Iron Knight and follow his Master's principles.

Although there's no time limit, it would be best to put a good use at the Iron Knight so he was planning to learn the 2nd level of AOTL as soon as possible. 

For now, he found the head butler and chatted with him a bit.

"Clyne, where is Master Slaine?"

"He already left to prepare for his expedition."

"Mhm... So, you'll manage this manor? Does he have family?" 

"For the meantime, yes. But Ma'am Lacus would visit here to help the Manor on it's operation. For his family, I haven't heard of them."

"I see. By the way, how come only senior Lacus had her name around the crafting industry. I mean, I haven't found records of L, Farah, and Clark registering their Mana Artifacts after they studied under Sir Slaine?"

Wallace had already consumed the purple memory crystal so he was aware just how helpful it is to ones ability in crafting. He actually believed that anyone would benefit ad improve themselves after consuming that crystal. 

"Mhm... I may not be correct but as I've understood, they were trying to perfect the AOTL first before putting their creations in public and getting their names famous. They have tons of money at the moment so they may not think it was necessarily to have their creations be sold off to people."

"I see. If ever they will create a mana artifact, they wanted to make sure they'll create the best, huh. Right, Sir Clyne, I recalled that a qualification required for accepting an apprentice was having a knowledge in Holm's Version of Artifact Forging Device. But there's a new forging method, right? Why was it required?"

"That? Well, it's still important to learn how to use those kinds of devices. You can't always depend in your Spirit Forging Magic to create some things, you'll understand it soon if you repeatedly use that forging magic..." 

"I understand... Thank you for your time, sir Clyne."

"Mhm.. You can just call me Clyne, Sir Wallace. Oh right, you will be a third year student this coming semester, correct?"

"Yes, Clyne. Will there be a problem?"

"No, not really. If you want, we can make arrangements to transfer you in an academy here in the capital. Are you interested?"

Wallace shook his head as he explained about his businesses to earn money. 


A couple of days had quickly pa.s.sed as Wallace came to the New Era's Magic Shop at the southern part of Dolu City wearing normal clothes to join the auction. It doesn't look like he'll attend the auction at all.

He was currently outside the large building and waiting for Tristan to pick him up. 

There's huge crowd outside the building as luxurious vehicles parked around the venue.

It didn't take long after he notified Tristan that he was waiting outside before he met with his group.

Tristan was accompanied by two Battle Mage bodyguards wearing black suits together with his beautiful sister in a sleeveless red dress.

"Vanessa White..." Wallace mumured. Its been a while since he met the lady and she was as beautiful as always with her long black hair that had grown a bit longer after a few months of not tr.i.m.m.i.n.g it.

The ident.i.ty of the two siblings were not a secret to the public so the huge crowd outside waiting to get inside the building had easily  noticed their presence.

"Isn't she the sole daughter of the Head of the White Clan?"

"That girl is truly beautiful..." 

"She looks like an angel, I hope I could have a daughter like her." 

"Intelligent and successful in her carreer even though she just graduated at the academy."

"Who is that guy?"

"Guh... Although he looks pretty, his clothes were pathetic." 

"Look at his face, he's definitely thinking something inappropriate... Tsk!" 

Murmurs or buzzing noises can be heard as their group approached Wallace.

"We meet again. I heard you were now Sir Slaine's fifth apprentice. Congratulations." Vanessa's words wasn't loud but it was heard by almost everyone outside the building.