Love At First Kiss - 417 So We Are Lost Here

417 So We Are Lost Here

While we were walking like that Sophia said "it's so nice here"

"True and remember its winter," I said

"Right I hope in Poland will not be freezing," she asks me

"It shouldn't but we will see the weather change there a lot," I said to her and then we come almost to the beach. While seeing it she said "so now we will walk on the right"

"Why not left," I ask while don't know why she said it and I could see that Meg and Mei start walking in that direction

"Oh it will end soon there so the short walk will be good," Meg said to me. While hearing her I nodded and we start walking there.

While we were doing it for some time I could feel that sand been going more and more to my shoes.

'how I hate you' I said to myself while wanting to stop walking there but then Sophia stop having my hand at hers and I could see that she started taking her shoes off. When she did this she said "this sand is annoying"

"Yep," I said while stopping and doing the same. When I did this we start walking there slowly and I could see that Meg and Mei been waiting for us. When we come closer to them we start walking like earlier and they been around a meter away from us.

As we been walking for some time Sophia ask "so what you planning doing at Poland"

"Oh I have something to do and later I don't know," I said to her

"Which are" she ask

"Oh going to my flat which now my friend is living it and taking some important things from there," I said to her while I needed to take what is in that safe to check directly what I hide there

"Oh I might come with you," she asks me

"oh there is nothing to look for only two rooms which one for me was to streaming and sleeping and second was for guests which I don't have a lot," I said to her most important things and before I could continue she said

"Oh and kitchen for sure"

"Yes and bathroom not as big as your small bath there was with was.h.i.+ng machine," I said

"Oh so no s.p.a.ce there you had" she ask

"I could live like that I don't need a lot. I haven't used an extra bedroom and living room which was only for some parties and most important balcony" I said while remembering my flat at which I had good and bad memories mostly good.

"Oh so where you been smoking" Sophia ask me

"Probably inside close to his PC," Mei said

"h.e.l.l no you should remember that he was taking long breaks for smoking," Meg said to her

"I was going in front of the block," I said to them

"Oh so that why you been missing for like thirty minutes," Meg said

"Oh then I was making some food while smoking or sitting on the throne," I said while smiling 'my longest break was around forty minutes I needed to do it all. First smoking later use the bathroom and at end cooking and once again going to smoke' I said to myself while remembering one of first my streams when I haven't care about anything.  

"Ok end of questioning now we should enjoy the view," Sophia said to me

"I want to know more" Mei said

"Me too," Meg said after her

"What you want to know," I ask them

"No stop now lets them think," Sophia said and then I could see that beach ended with big cliff and rocks which been stopping for walking more. While seeing them Sophia said "ok time to come back"

"It was a fast journey," Meg said

"True," Mei said. After they said it we start our walk back while we were doing it I could fell that waives been bigger and bigger. While feeling them I said "the sea isn't that cold like I thought"

"True but still I will not swim here," Meg said to me

"Not only you," Mei said

"Why," I ask them

"You don't have here someone to look at us," Meg said

"oh right," I said to them while coming more and while feeling that water touch my knees I said "ok short walk like that and I'm going out they start becoming too big"

"Ok" girls said to me and while we were walking like that for some time I stop after a short time while saying "f.u.c.k I'm going out"

"What happened" Sophia ask me while having fear in her voice

"Waves become too big and I don't want to lose some things," I said to her

"Oh ok," she said to me while coming closer and giving me a kiss. When she does this I take my cigarettes and I start smoking it. While I been doing it Mei ask me "why you doing it"

"Oh I start while smoking and it helps me clear my mind," I said to her

"True," Sophia said

"Oh and most important I need to go out from my room to smoke," I said to her

"Oh right another way you will not go out from your PC," she asks

"Yes I would play and only go out to make food if I need or use the bathroom," I said to her

"So why smoking now you always could do it without it," she said

"Right babe," Sophia said

"yea I could but still when I started one and it was university time so drinking parties etc so I been starting smoking and when it ended I left with it and it became a habit," I said to her

"Ok but I like that taste," Sophia said

"It's awful," Mei and Meg said at the same time

"Maybe for you but not for me," Sophia said while coming closer to me and we start kissing. As we were doing it for some time she said "hmm it was good but still I could taste some spices from your mouths"

"Oh, it might happen," I said to her while going around of them and I could see a little on my finger.

"I had but not anymore," I said to her

"Oh that's good," Sophia said to me. After she said it we have been walking slowly to our destination and after some time we were walking I ask "so what we will be doing next"

"Oh I have no idea," Megan said

"Not only you," Mei said

"Oh I have an idea but I need Greg to it," Sophia said to us

"h.e.l.l no you can't do this" Mei and Meg said at the same time

While hearing them Sophia starts laughing and she said "not what you thinking"

"So what" they ask her

"Secret," she said

"Ok now more important question where are we," I ask them while I could see our route to the villa

"Oh I don't know," Meg said

"Me too," Mei said

"So we are lost here," Sophia said

"wait I will check," Mei said while taking out her phone and then she said "we pa.s.s it while don't know when ok time to go back around half of the kilometer," she said and then we start coming back 'I hope now we will not miss it this time' I said to myself while looking at forest and looking for our rout back.